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Everything posted by dibrah

  1. I attract and create all I focus my feelings on. Contrast shows me the frequency of my vibrational attraction. I align with the perspective of my inner being to create what is on the other end of the stick from the feeling of contrast to what is desirable. All is attraction. I don’t want this, this is all I get. I do want that, the underlying feeling is lack and need therefore the wanting feelings. Law of attraction attracts what I truly feel. When I set my feelings to happy, appreciative and satisfaction regardless of reality, law of attraction shifts reality by manifesting more that’ll create the vibrational frequency of happiness. I love
  2. To burn fat, our body need to be trained to do so. Barring medical issues, keto diet trains the body to burn fat. Americans typically burn sugar. Eating carbs and sugar can create insulin resistance to the cells which tell our brains we are still hungry. We continue eating but never seem to get full. Healthy Keto diet includes a lot of vegetables, 50%, 30-40% protein, 10% carbs. Use xylitol or eurythrital, munk fruit, for sugar substitute.