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Everything posted by Fishy

  1. You did not get any brain damage from weed. lol
  2. @Sultan @mystic @How to be wise You guys haven't done any psychedelics have u?
  3. Well first of all let them think whatever they want. Second you don't need to talk about other people about all this stuff, most dont understand and some don't want to, if they are interested go ahead if not there is no use.
  4. Sun: 07°38' Aquarius Moon: 10°20' Libra Ascendant: 28°29' Cancer MC: 17°45' Pisces
  5. Love being an introvert. Gives me great space and time to focus on things i think is important to me, not chasing some social BS.
  6. A week? haha man get some patience, a week is nothing at all. Its really a good technique
  7. Damn right this really works Also trying to take it in and feel it fully any time a painful situation happens, and send love and understanding to your pain makes it even more effective.
  8. More complicated self-inquiry like what? You dont need to put in more "stuff". Doesn't more complex just bring u further from truth which is simple?
  9. What if u stop overanalyzing and try feel with the heart instead of trying to digest it with the intellect. Drop the concepts, what are you left with?
  10. Feels so good, Even while purging thru discomfort and pain just smile at it. Try smiling while you meditate.
  11. I would try to just drop all these thoughts about being happy and just do what feels natural and be aware what happens. You really complicate it
  12. Sounds like great experience, why would you wanna go back?
  13. @abrakamowse Yea thats what i said no self
  14. Yes I know what you mean
  15. There is no self, but there is a perceiver which is consciousness itself. What is being perceived is a false self that believes to be the perceiver but is being perceived.
  16. Good stuff. Sounds like you had some insight. It is bullshit for what? For you? For itself? Can it be that whatever is just is and since it is it has to be until its not anymore? One day it will be some other bullshit tho.