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Everything posted by integral

  1. Im living the same pattern. Many games ive had to stop playing and delete. I can only play games with low intensity like Viewfinder or Portal, where you can take your time. When a game involves keeping the main character alive, that creates stress and pressure to avoid failure. There is a desire not to die and that resistance causes stress response in the body. Accept failure and there is no stress, but the issue is performance drops with lower reaction time and worse results. Basicly your trying to relax in bed and at the same time survive while fighting for your life in the wild (game) lol. Its not possible.
  2. Suffering and Love is to a human like Water and Sunlight is to a tree. Suffering is the negative interpretation of pain. Pain is experience, suffering is a choice or one interpretation of that experience. Ask the masochists. I think most of the time its not realistic in the moment to change it other then basic self help like changing the room your in like going for a walk. In practice overwhelming suffering has to be experienced, then integrated over and over again until it doesn't bother you as much. Not sure i understand this, but i think suffering is intense mostly because its being resisted, when you stop resisting it then intensity calms down.
  3. I have, it happened 3-4 times in dreams across my life. Im looking at something mundane then i realize with 100% clarity that what im looking at is not what i thought it was, it and everything i know gets re-contextualized to something I cant understand and have no reference or ground to understand it, I loss all ability to understand or recognize anything. There is a huge panic and i run to the nearest person for help hoping they can save me (like a child running to there mother for help, OMG MAMA!). Then I wake up in bed. Ive also experience insane vibration states on LSD as you describe. Non of these things do i understand lol. --- The title is misleading, you are getting valuable insights about the nature of reality with these experiences. Maybe contemplate and integrate them.
  4. Focus on the yellow stuff, models, self-development, recontextualization, survival, making distinctions, how learning works, new perspectives how to think outside the box. Never speak of the god stuff. I met a spiritual girl who was stuck at green looking for deeper answers, so i sent her leos 9 stages of ego development. I met a random guy at the park who liked talking about politics so i sent him leo conscious politics video. Make it relevant to there interests and close to there level of development.
  5. Sounds like religion.
  6. Got to focus on gamifying biology. Its not going to happen with mental work and thinking about it until something happens. The mind is a combination of many factors. Sleep quality, daily exercise, nutrition, gut microbiome, gut health (parasites, leaky gut), air quality, genetics, life experiences (child hood, adult hood), habits (breathing), daily activity (intensive video games, quality socializing) ... +++ Its a multi faceted problem, so you need to approach this from every direction all at the same time.
  7. @KatiesKarma Have you tried daily consistent intensive exercise?
  8. Maybe you grew up and dont understand it? Crying genuinely is to be completely convinced you are the character. Full self-deception. It can also be that your to self-aware, so your watching and analyzing yourself cry, its a over thinking issue, instead of feeling it and playing in the arising sensations. When a feeling comes up, feel into it deeply with out destroying it with thought.
  9. Im not sure what your situation is, this might be true if you suffered major bodily injury like your a quadriplegic in a wheel chair and eating from a straw. Ok id say you really messed up. But what it seems is you lost a job, a gf and some physical stuff? All stuff you can get back with any effort...
  10. A boob becomes private if and only if a woman feel she and a select few have the right to see them. A boob achieve absolute privacy if even she doesnt not feel she has the right to see them.
  11. Ive only dried mushrooms and lsd for sex and its pretty good, but if you take to much again you dont want to have sex.
  12. Only works on gay dating sites lmao, A friend of mine took the worst looking pictures of me, looking like a insane dirty homeless man and posted them on tinder, we got hundreds of match's instantly from men, so when we asked them what did you like about these pictures they said "i see a man with a good sense of humor". One of the guys was a university professor lmfao.
  13. Women love traveling and want to date a man who will take them around the world, so your picks trigger there fantasies.
  14. Put one foot on the gas and the other on the breaks at the same time. Thats how most people live there life. lol
  15. Pain is pain and the ego wants to avoid it, it hurts but it doesn't bother you as much, rape is painful and we want to avoid it in the moment but lasting trauma is caused by strong resistance of what is arising. After non-resistance pain hurts in the moment but it will pass like everything else as the nature of this dream is constant change. Things dont stick to you anymore. Hurts then it stop hurting... Love then it stops loving... is all happening. Accept the changing nature of reality. People are scared of freedom, so they cage themselves.
  16. Its not a coping mechanism, you have to also accept not liking fat people, not liking things is happening and is part of reality, non-resistence accepts negative feelings. This will not change what the ego like and doesnt like. Accept feeling bad, embrace it, let it happen, let go of control. "Hurts More, Bothers You Less" -Ken wilber
  17. I think this is spiritual bypassing, as "that body is not me" is another type of cage trying to avoid accepting reality, Freedom is accepting everything as it is and to stop resisting reality. Non-resistance is to allow everything arising to flow through you.
  18. @Sugarcoat Very cool experience, out of curiosity have you ever done any serious physical exercises before? Like anything self-competitive?
  19. My dog is scared of thunder, but not the 6 foot Doberman next door. My dog is scared of abandonment, but cleverly escapes under the fence and gets lost by her own will.
  20. I dont think the strategy is to be more emotional, gurus are not emotionally unstable lol. The path of empathy is to bear the burden of the world with out breaking, effortlessly. In social situations think about it as "they want there feelings to be heard", reciprocate there needs and guide with wisdom if solicited.
  21. We need chat-gpt assisted augmented reality situationally relative conversation prompts.
  22. It also helps having a feed back system, like in chess when you make a bad move the opponent punishes it, the mistake cannot be self-deceptively avoided because you loss. So a bad move is a mistake in your thinking process, only by self-reflecting with meta-thinking = thinking about thinking can you refine the thinking process to improve at the game, and trial and error. This forum is a feed back system like that for all ideas.