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Everything posted by integral

  1. There is recently an Arnold Schwarzenegger documentary that came out on Netflix. I highly recommend watching it, he has very interesting philosophy that I think everyone should learn. Arnold Schwarzenegger philosophy was the key to his success. He's not at the highest stage of development but that's not important.
  2. I don't fully agree with this. Action is Curative. Awareness is the spark, but action is the cure.
  3. Can you go to a gym, immediately? Like literally walk out your door go to the nearest gym sign up for a subscription and do a workout. Within the next 15 minutes.
  4. @NewKidOnTheBlock if the US absorbed Canada and Mexico the only thing it would accomplish is that the US will take the whole continent down with the ship.
  5. An example when the roles are reversed. Woman is screaming like a lunatic at her boyfriend in the middle of an airport. People around are laughing at the show. At the end she screams "Your a LOSER". And of course it's pure abuse but there's a small Point here that he can't get away from this woman's abuse. It's very unlikely this is not the first time this has happened he's probably enjured this abuse for years like many men do who are in this reversed position. These kind of relationships normally start off with the abuser love bombing the guy. To the point where he gets attached and after that point she plays the hot and cold game.
  6. @Justin my mind that’s a judgement you have to make for yourself. If you have never taken a benzodiazepine to help you relax in public then I would say no.
  7. Silence: delusion of nothing Nothing and something are the same thing I experienced nothing when I believe in nothing. Is always possible to recognize nothing as something. something is nothing when you experience it as nothing Nothing is something when you experienced it as something
  8. You have to just start something and force yourself to do it for more than 15 minutes and then you’ll be in a flow state. I also recommend going to the gym, it’s fun and will reset your system. The gym is gamification of health. The same principle can apply to anything. But some are a lot easier to make fun than others.
  9. Telling a good story that influences people is about first how you feel and your vibe in the moment. If you don’t feel good, it’s not gonna come out good. Personally, I would take a substance I have experienced with to help me relax and enter into a flow state. It might help to do a bit of preparation like a bullet point list of the things you want to talk about. Stress and overthinking this will just limit your potential. Focus on being in the best vibe you can.
  10. @LoseYourvelf spirituality is an umbrella term that encapsulates many domains. The domain you chose to critique is mysticism. But that’s not spirituality. It’s again just one domain. Anything can be used and has been used by bad actors. The critique you’re making applies generally to people and not to any one practice or ideology. The spirituality can be used for growth and development or to scam people. Not all Black people are criminals.
  11. imagination and reality are the same thing… imagity Forget the word “reality” entirely delete it from memory. The word is a loaded definition. if you try to explain things without that word, it becomes a lot easier, look around and call it imagination. but OK you could also look around and call it Real, but it’s literally the same word as imagination.
  12. Loool women raccoon because you asked her a future question and the answer depends on how she feels in the moment. How they feel changes every moment. And at the moment you ask her the question she might feel one way, but when the food is placed in front of her she will feel another. This is why women continuously say “I don’t know”, “maybe” and live in a state of general uncertainty about everything except when they’re stressed, when they’re stressed they’re certain about everything… until they calm down, and suddenly they questioned all of their decisions because those decisions were made with different feelings. this is why women are attracted to men who are rocks and describe their men as “my rock”. Your job is to be stable for them. When you ask her a question, they’re simply is no answer to the question. The answer is it depends. When I feel. The above is generally true for women that are mostly stuck at a stage three level of development. But because of the unstable nature of a woman’s feelings, she tends to be at many stages of development all at the same time. So she can easily regress to the lower self and bounce back to the higher self many times during the day.
  13. The real way to understand religion is to discover/construct spirituality and religion from the ground up. Pointing out flaws is easy, construction is hard.
  14. The real mindfuck is when you try to disprove religion without science. Completely delete everything you ever learn of science from your mind. Then construct a perspective that is higher than religion without science as a crutch.
  15. Be careful what you wish for. With Ai. Let's have a test, name your three wishes.
  16. @mmKay @Michael569 that's good point, the thing is what I ended up doing was buying a $3,000 HEPA and carbon filter, the most expensive one I could find. And unfortunately what I discovered was it cannot remove perfume or bleach or harsh chemicals from the air. It's good with particles and certain smells but after a certain point it can't just remove molecules from the air. Chemicals are at the molecular level not at the particle level so hepa filters aren't useful and the carbon filters also have limitations cuz they don't just absorb every molecule. Mold is at the particle level so it works really well. So you would need a Chemical scrubbers with sodium thiosulfate are most effective - they chemically neutralize bleach molecules. Activated carbon with caustic impregnants like potassium hydroxide can also capture bleach molecules. And a lot of this stuff is super expensive or doesn't exist outside Laboratories. I'm sure I could get away with a really good Hazard mask, and just wear that all day. 😷
  17. His plan is to conquer Canada. He uses the propaganda of immigration and illegal drug trafficking as justification for his actions. He sees Canada like a bully sees weak nerds in high school. That’s why he selected Canada. I am expecting military troops to invade Canada at some point in the future. The rich want you to believe that immigrants are the cause of growing inequality. Because they don’t wanna focus on the real solution of taxing the rich more. Blaming immigrants and crime rates for justification of war is the oldest trick in the book, it’s a good thing mainstream media has no concept of the lessons of history. They will crash the economy, and then buy the dip. Only increasing inequality further..
  18. Poland has recently passed a law, allowing immigrants attempting to cross illegally to be shot on the spot. They claim that Poland has the lowest crime rates because of their strict immigration policy.
  19. One of the biggest mistakes I made in relationships and even a mistake I recently made was to allow red flags to continue because they don’t really affect me. There are a lot of things in relationships that because I’m so relaxed and don’t really take anything personally that I allow it to slide. This is healthy overall, but if your partner is continuously taking more and more ground to dump their emotions onto you and use you as a target, then they will slowly overtime continue to escalate until they essentially criticizing you over every little detail. People will continue to take more ground if you let them.. Even if you’re unaffected by many things thats occurring in a relationship, you always have to set boundaries so that things don’t escalate. It’s healthy for everyone. A boundary is one where when they cross that boundary, you have to enforce it. example: you did the laundry and then the buzzer goes off and now you need to move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, and in less than 10 minutes, your partner is criticizing you for being lazy for not immediately getting up from whatever you were doing to handle the laundry. They then repeat this type of criticism for every detail. Continuously accusing you of irresponsibility whenever they see the chance. Throughout the day, they find anything in your behaviour to criticize and tear you down. Every day. This is a very common pattern but it doesn’t happen overnight. It normally escalate slowly as your partner continues to take more ground. I don’t know the best way to enforce a boundary, but you should know what your boundaries are and when they’re crossed and not to take it lightly. Because it will escalate and ruin the relationship if you let it. Once things escalate it is very hard to go back. if you guys have suggestions on how to enforce a boundary a healthy way, please give suggestion! 😅
  20. Morning music is played the moment you wake up in the morning and as you get ready to start your day it’s purpose is to remind you of the adventure, mystery and a profound thing called a life.
  21. The psychology behind voters, how to build a strong following, the mechanics behind winning a elections… i’m tired of seeing liberals completely fail influencing people because they don’t wanna play the charisma game.