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Everything posted by integral

  1. @Michael569 cant say i fully agree, everyone is selling supplements, i fully see all the red flags that comes with him and everyone else, but the foods work, when the body is in the weakest possible state it becomes autoimmune to everything, because it cant tolerate the slightest of inflammation from the foods eaten and the plant paradox diets main focus is low damaging foods. Also in most cases the person has insulin resistance and requires time off from high carbs foods, like beans, lentils, fruits and whole grains, foods that have a major impact on blood sugar are very stressful for the body. For CFS, this is with out question a name given to people who cant find the root cause of the problem, a general term. There are exact reasons why the fatigue is happening, this general label of CFS is keeping people in a box, ignorant. Stage orange western medicine corrupt by capitalism only understands medication, stage green alternative medicine also FULLY corrupt by capitalism believes every miracle herb/super food/apple cider trend on the internet, i know because i did it all, its ALL bullshit, 99% of supplements, things like ashwaganda should never enter into the human body, just one of many things pushed into the light by a marketing team. We need stage yellow integral health that can properly navigate the soft science of health. Of course finding establishments in this category dont exist and the closest ive found are functional medical practitioners/chiropractors. I would say there are less then 100 people on earth that have a real understanding of health. Dont think these details matter to much doe, for right now for CFS issues i think we can agree on most things. Follow a plan that covers all the bases. - tackle nutrition, do an elimination diet to see if the fatigue is caused by something your eat and at the same time incorporate healthy eating into the life style. - reduce stress in all activity, this usually requires people to relearn how to do everything. - exercise to build the body up - regular sleep - strongly advice avoiding all herbs and medicine, but there are some supplements that will help, magnesium and vitamin d3 - Experiment with everything and see what works and what doesn't - Fibrillation is on inflammatory condition, need to remove all inflammation sources, food is of course the #1 place to start. @Merkabah Find a functional medical practitioner nearby and work with them to figure things out. Do not waist time with doctors or alternative health.
  2. Understanding seems to be the only option. In every situation push yourself to see things with as much clarity as possible, the bigger picture, all the circumstances involved. Forget judgement, find peace in insights and understanding. Push to understand deeper and see more of the whole. Take every opportunity as a challenge/game to learn or improve. The more you see the less it will effect you, real accurate sight. - This also plays into the stage green hippy blind peace and love movement, this is a gaping of turquoise, where greens love is based on their own personal ideals while turquoise love is based on deep understanding. The moment green is faced with "nasty" people all that love disappears and is replaced with judgment, they fluctuate back and forward. Turquoise loves because it sees/understands. The more you see the more you love. - Not saying loving unhealthy red is a good option lol, trying to say understanding the full picture in real time while its happening in the moment will make the moment void of stress.
  3. @Merkabah @Michael569 Nutrition is complicated need to follow the autoimmune protocol diet, things like fruits and whole grains, most beans and lentils are NOT healthy. Highly recommend reading the plant paradox and following its teachings/nutrition guide. Also do NOT take b complex, biggest mistake people make, everyone who takes it is overdosing, it acts like a stimulant so people thing its working, its not, its actually causing major issues. This has cured 8 years of debilitating issues within a few months. Good luck
  4. Dont know much about prana but procrastination is usually a result of no motivation or drive to do the task. Are you the INTP personality type? because your needs will be different depending on the person. Might want to look into INTP procrastination, why this happens and how to go about it. The pattern is usually high inspiration and motivation to do something for 2 weeks then a complete loss of interest. up down... Need motivation to do things. Leo the INTP master has transcended all this. From my experience with a INTP friend, super intelligence, capable of anything, but incapable of actually doing anything, 0, but when put in a group activity, in a community, he gets highly motivated and its sustained for the duration of the project. Needs to be a situation where he likes what hes doing and people are depending on him. Team work. In general doe, need to set up environment for success, create a routine, "going to work on x for 1 hour at this time everyday" and organize todos. Doing things when you feel like it will never happen, unless its all transcended, where willpower and discipline no longer exist. There is also a book called "Getting things done" useful, here is a summary and the author talking about things... that happens to be also related to the coolest concept alive
  5. - An alternative is listening, there is this chrome extension that ive been using for years called SpeakIt that reads anything selected - Increase words per minute to 800 - Pick a good voice Now you can read anything at insane speeds without even looking lol I read everything in this thread in under 10-20 seconds, 100% comprehension.
  6. The education system is very useful for people at stage blue and orange levels of development. Blue needs to be told exactly what to learn and orange is fixated on hierarchies/credentials/titles/validations that schools provide. If you have a growth mindset, addicted to and capable of self teaching. School is a waist of your time. Of course this means things like the traditional loyer or doctor is now out of reach, but its ok you dont want does jobs. Also most fields of study are deeply corrupt my capitalism, the education a doctor received for example is fully fraudulent.
  7. Also found Holacracy Very interesting, doe i dont know if this is yellow or high green, but it could all also be teal... and im sure non of that matters
  8. "This wiki is based on the book Reinventing Organizations, by Frederic Laloux." also has a reinventing organizations youtube channel.
  9. @Shin pretty good, if everything is done right could loss up to 0.3 to 0.5 pounds a day
  10. @electroBeam is this sarcasm? lol
  11. 1) When i set a goal and start working on it, i start by setting up my environment for success.In this case i would set it up so it would be impossible to access porn on any computer in the house. This would involve install ad blocks and throwing away the key pertinently, while blocking the extension page so you cant disable it. Deleting all other browsers on the computer and blocking all sites where you can download other browsers. Block reddit... Make it hard to stop watching porn. 2) Next Find a hobby to replace your interests, a big mistake people make with spirituality in general is they try to "stop" doing something, this is impossible, instead focus on something else. Identify a habit and replace it with a better one, do this incrementally, never try to stop. In this case it appears that you have nothing else to do or work on, So find something your interested in and do that. This could involve martial arts, chess, programming, skateboarding, video games, anything. 3) Also baby steps... try masturbating with out porn and limiting that to 1 a day. 4) Also in general follow the path of self improvement, work to become the best version of your self everyday. Develop a growth mindset and things like this become effortless to overcome.
  12. @sidaz10 Integral health. Learn and optimize sleep, nutrition and exercise, follow the path of self development in all aspect of health, mind and body. Doctors studied sickness and disease not health, if your looking for health find a functional medical practitioner, these are the people everyone should go to when they have any issues. Doctors are good if the problem requires a hammer and nail to fix other then that they can ruin your life with drugs. Also avoid some alternative medicine paths that involve herbs and supplements, another rabbit whole corrupt by capitalism, just like doctors. Look into hair analysis and stool analysis tests. These will provide real insights into the body.
  13. @dimitri wow looking into Coq, similar to dependent types in functional programming, With the option of writing code proofs. But Haskell has dependently typed extensions. so... gg haskell is cLeArLYyyy stage Coral++. To clarify i was labeling Haskell as stage yellow as its a tool that solves root issues in software development as a whole. Issues a stage yellow thinker will be able to properly identify and fix. From team work to re-usability, maintainability, architecture... A language designed around removing human error from the equation.
  14. The only way to figure this out is with research, proper experimentation and repeat. Find people who have solved the issue and learn from them, find more then one, avoid snake oil sails-man. From my experience with other healh problems the root of all issues is nutrition, looks into the plant paradox, start experimenting there.
  15. @Natasha I can vouch for the plant paradox. I had debilitating health problems, autoimmune, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, all solved with this diet. People with autoimmune issues are lucky in the sense that there body is telling them violently what foods are garbage and should not be consumed. For the average person eating foods the body was not designed to consume yields no obvious immediate symptoms. Unfortunately that does not mean there are no side effects. In this case the effects of poor eating is accelerated aging. This includes sudo healthy foods life fruits, Its just sugar. Only people who come from the bottom, who had to work there way back up understand anything about nutrition, the rest are to healthy to figure it out. There bodies are to resilient, harder to hear it complain. On a side note the way we view aging is flawed, our hair is not supposed to fall out, our skin is not supposed to wrinkle... just because its common does not make it "normal". Sleep, eat, think and exercise the way the body was designed to and aging stops. This is integral health.
  16. wow this is fun , started reading "Coders at work" as recommended by the post, seems these duck tape programmers really like functional programming lol... Tier 1: - Cowboy coders: red, get the job done at any cost, leaves the world in ruins when its done - Architecture Astronauts: blue, needs structure, follows what has worked in the past - Quiasi-engineers: orange, innovative within the box, scientific in its approach but cant see the systemic bigger picture, resulting in overly complex designing/tooling to make things work within the paradigm, incapable of addressing the root cause of the problem because they cant see it. Tier 2: - Duct tape programmers: green, low yellow, sees the bigger picture, developed intuition, constantly learning. effective, plants seeds that will continue to grow long after his job is done. Still stuck in a paradigm, distills the essence of the paradigm, what works and what doesn't, No bull shit, only what is useful and effective is kept, but no real innovation is achieved that effects the industry. The wheel keeps spinning. They are the 10x developers. - Integral developer: mid to high yellow, highly developed intuition, sees the root of the problem, striving to make the best possible move, can effectively strategically navigate the chaos, Innovates at all levels. Takes into consideration all quadrants in its approach. Fixes the problem at the root. Shows the world a better way of doing things that no one is ready for. Takes 30+ years before there ideas are rediscovered. An example: Can programming be liberated from the von neumann style referenced in the book "coders at work".
  17. @Commodent The ecosystem is underdeveloped do to lack of adoption, this will change in the future when people move away from software as a craft and begin real software engineering. Building software the way we build rockets. @electroBeam Maybe your perspective will change after years of working as a software lead and the pain that involves. Even then as explained to escape the bubble is not easy. I've applied integral thinking to software and the result are these insights. Seems unwise to dismiss my perspective so easily. If you have questions about the subject we can dive deeper. But its possible you have done the same and can see furter, in this case please show me what you see.
  18. There are key insights missing from this conclusion. 1) The person speaking is irrelevant, if hitler gave that talk i would learn equally from him or any source. 2) The category of knowledge that matters here is the merger of nutrition and human biology, insights derived from this merger are what matters not laws of physics. 3) The insight that matters: The body cannot access fat storage when insulin is high. Eating carbs prevents the body from accessing fat storage, as a result if someone lowers calories and continues eating high carb the body will enter into a starvation state NOT fat burning fasting state. This starvation state puts the body in high stress and is NOT the same as fasting, it is also why most people think losing weight is "hard" and gain it back instantly. Its actually extremely easy when done the way the body was designed to do it and easy to maintain when eating what the body was designed to eat. 3.5) Another note prolonged low caloric intake with high carbs causes the body to adapt by lowering metabolism. In our "modern" culture this translates to a thyroid disorder diagnosis by ignorant doctors (i think @Leo Guru is well aware of this one). That person is then put on thyroid medication devastating the body for various reasons, especially because the underlying cause was not addressed only the symptom. The body continues to adapt by lowering the metabolism furter and the doctors adapt by increasing the thyroid medication. A truly incompetent cycle. 4) Functional Chiropractors study health while the traditional doctor study disease and sickness. The education western doctors receive has been fully mutated by capitalism/ pharmaceutical companies. As a result the only thing they understand are treatments that make money. == drugs. Of Course they have no idea there education was fraudulent and go there entire career destroying the lives of there patients. A tragedy. 5) Another important point is carbs are still very important for the body specifically if the person is body building. Where carbs is an important factor for endurance when exercising. 6) The diet the body was designed to eat is something similar to the diet described by "the plant paradox". Not keto. Doe it is a low carb diet. All of this is coming from someone who has lost 100 pounds and cured severe autoimmune issues, this includes curing crohn's, adrenal fatigue and thyroid problems as well as a list of other issues. Real hard work and suffering was put into these insights. Summary to loss weight eat low carb/lower carb intake, follow the plant paradox meal plan permanently. Not as a on or off "diet" to loss weight but to be healthy and to maximize the body's genetic potential.
  19. I highly recommend starting off with haskell, a stage yellow programming language. Not going to go into details, haskell is the pinnacle of programming languages, the entire industry is simply regurgitating the same imperative OOP dogma. It takes real hard work to escape the OOP paradigm programmers are indoctrinated in by software culture. Only after someone truly suffers within there paradigm and works endlessly to improve does one escape the bubble. Sounds like the path to software enlightenment.
  20. The closest thing to yellow schooling that ive come across is AltSchool. Seems to be Elementary to Highschool level right now.
  21. Normally people can randomly experience peek visualizations right before bed or right after waking up. Its clear to reach this dream clarity level of visualization requires the mind to be in a deeply relaxed meditative state, on the edge of conscious. We can take this further, when people maximize performance at a task they are usually in a flow state that is at the edge of relaxation. its a balancing act, only the essentials are kept in awareness, everything else is forgotten, no longer exists.
  22. Isnt integral theory a meta theory? I thought spiral dynamics was incorporated into it?