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Everything posted by integral

  1. Studied this subject extensively. This is the result. Mechanics of weight gain/loss that our ancestors understood for 100 million years because it was key to there survival: 1) High Protein, Low Fat, Low Carb: Rapid weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage (Diet seen by pro bodybuilders to loss weight, eat nothing but lean protein, fatal long term.) 2) Low Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage. (Diets: The starch solution, Raw vegan diets) 3) High Protein, High Fat, Low Carb: Sustains weight, no change. (Diets: Carnivore, Keto) 4) Low Protein, High Fat, High Carb: Rapid weight gain, body is given everything it needs to store fat. (Ideal for bulking for winter) 5) High Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage. (Very difficult to achieve diet, not seen often) 6) Low Protien, High Fat, Low Carb: Results vary depending on how fast the body adapts, usually results in weight loss (Diets: extreme keto) --- Both 1 and 2 starve the body of fat in different ways, the critical difference is number 2 is extremely taxing on the body high stress. Number 1 is actually fatal long term body fat percentage reaches 0 resulting in death, this is known as rabbit starvation. Short term number 2 can have amazing results especially if coming from the standard "what ever i see i eat" diet. But long term the results are clear, premature aging. Just look at Dr Barnard patients and subordinates that have been on the journey for 10 years... they look terrible. Aged poorly. The problem is on the diet they cant eat fat because number 4 happens and they rapidly gain weight... We haven't began covering how number 2 (The starch solution diet) is Low omega 3 fats/high sugar that hamers the brain. Watching Dr Barnard talks hes not wrong about everything there is plenty of truth to his teaching, like everything else which serves to sugar coat the false message. The interesting part: Number 2 and Number 3 both cure everything. Practitioners in both camps have great success with there patients. But there is a critical difference, number 2 is not sustainable long term. This is the catch no one sees that endorse The starch solution diet. This is unhealthy veganism. When looking deeper, number 3 Keto/Carnivore have the highest cancer cure rates. Look into doctors/practitioners that employ this diet for cancer treatment, compare with other diet plans... look at the results and you will find the truth. Side note: Chemotherapy, the only reason this works is because the patients receiving the poison are so sick they stop eating, start fasting and because they stopped eating the things that caused the cancer there body heals itself. Chemo does not cure cancer its the fasting and diet changes that gives there body time to heal. The only thing the chemo ensures is that someone is going to make a profit off of the patient and the patient is going to spend the next 20 years devastated as they watch their body rapidly deteriorate from the delayed effects of the highly toxic chemo "treatment".
  2. Where is the plan? the strategy? how are we going to move forward with this. Everyone here is just talking about how more consciousness = better, so lets spread the word? All flowers and roses... Sound like pretty naive stage green thinking. What is the plan to pry the government away from the ownership of companies and give the power back to the people? - Might want to think about creating our own country, likely decentralized digital block chain based. A country that can exist and operate distributed all over the world.
  3. @Merkabah Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory issue, need to remove all foods that cause inflammation in the body. This includes removing all sugar, so no fruits, no dairy (VITAL),no soy, no lectins foods like legumes and bread/pasta... Autoimmune protocol diet Also check out the plant paradox diet, they are closely aligned and can give you ideas of what to eat. After nutrition need to exercise, will drastically improve symptoms. Critical to get sun, vitamin d3 is necessary for recovery might want to supplement. For sleep try magnesium glycinate supplement before bed. Avoid coffee and all stimulants.
  4. The majority of the wealth the government collects from taxes are inefficiently spent do to corruption or general uninsightful low level thinking, mostly tage blue/orange thinking (if lucky) . If the taxes where spent intelligently only for the greater good, all transparent then 40%-50% taxes is useful and necessary to maintain/grow society. But this isnt the case, right now its as good as robbery for a large portion of the tax maybe 20% of that 37%. - The next big leap in government will come with a liquid democracy. Where people can vote on individual issues on there phone and delegate there vote to people they trust. Merging technology with government, giving the people back there power. Abolishing politicians, presidents, lobeing and parties. Pretty exiting stuff...
  5. Going to try to give a alternative view point... hope i dont die (hope i die?) lol. All of this seems to be coming from a stage turquoise perspective. The conclusions made after the dmt trip where people see miya or the illusion come from turquoise. Turquoise level conclusions. Its possible turquoise is coming back to magical thinking like in purple but with just far deeper understanding. Deep understanding mixed with exaggerations... Where people are confusing the turquoise perspective with awakening/enlightenment. Don becks interpretation of spiral dynamics is very different and there are clear higher memes like coral and teal that can be reached, that are still completely practical and complete attainable by us stupid humans. Leo has stated that turquoise is the 99% of all development, its incredibly vast, this could be true or its confusing spiral dynamics with enlightenment and mixing/equating turquoise to awakening. Its possible turquoise is just another average meme overblown by stage green thinking.
  6. @PretentiousHuman There are simply foods your body cant process. Figure out what they are and stop eating them, its that simple. Google autoimmune protocol diet and the crohns diet. Everyone is over complicating things with fasting and juicing, the moment you start eating "regular" food again everything will come back. There is likely other issues involved, bad gut bacteria, parasites, nutritional deficiencies or toxin buildup. I recommend getting a hair analysis,, fungal infection test, stool analysis test and parasite test. Not with a doctor, they are not trained for this. The people you are looking for are called Functional medicine practitioners. Find one near you. @PretentiousHuman Its been a few years since this thread was posted, can you give us an update on your health?
  7. From Integral theory, as ken wilber has found vai experimentation with hundreds of people is to practice/train multiple aspects at the same time. Look into Integral Practice... In his research people who activated the body with some kind of resistance exercises did better then does that didnt. This is the closest we have to spiritual studies.
  8. @electroBeam Fully agree , with AI coming, it seems its going to take over development before the industry figures out these lessons. But cant complain, a hybrid language merged with AI sounds great.
  9. @Shiva Agree again with everything said. I can see how these patterns can be flawed, not because there coming from false source, but because patterns are a guide. Just by asking simple what if questions i can see possible ways to break them. The diversity could be legitimate, with other factors like genetics, gut bacteria and parasites playing a role in why some people thrive on different diets. Lets leave it at: try things out and see what works best for you. Listen to your body.
  10. Im not going into the details of human biology this is a general pattern found in highly successful practitioners. Just explained on top before the grand list that this is one stream of data out of thousands of possible methods to pear into this subject. This is a list of patterns found in one stream. These are patterns... im not saying it can only be this way, im saying its predominantly this way in practice. People on different diets dont do as well on average and even worse long term. People eat mc donalds everyday, there still alive. Highly weakened as in on your death bed with hypertension and seizures. Most just die.
  11. Try them both and see what happends. Do exercising in the morning reduces cortisol, can produce a higher quality day.
  12. @Shiva I mostly agree this is true if the goal is a scientific understanding, breaking down the complex system to understanding its parts. If that is not the goal then there are many more strategy to navigate the chaos, more then one effective learning style, that can yield results. In this case and for most soft sciences a mix of "informal" model building methods should be used. Im wrestling with myself trying pick the most relevant method, talking about each one will take to long. Narrowed it down to this for now. There are doctors/practitioners who have lived a career of learning and have experimented with clients, slowing refining there models. Aggregating from all of them we can see patterns. - What is clear we can rule out nearly all medication, least value. - A mix of good life style habits where a critical factor for curing all issues. Nutrition, sleep, exercise. - Nutrition styles that produced the best results where low crab, ones aligned with the auto immune protocol diet. Specifically for autoimmune and diabetic patients whos bodys have no tolerance to inflammation. It seems the autoimmune patient is one of the best resources to see what foods causes inflammation/damage/stress in the body and what dont. - When the body is in a weakened state the only thing that can be eaten universally is some fish and non-poultry meats. - Sleep quality is at its best when a high protein meal is eaten as the last meal of the day. High carb negatively impacts sleep. - Exercise, everything points to body building for longevity and sleep, when people experience burn out, there bodys cant tolerate high cardio exercises. Causes crashes and interfere with recovery. - high fat foods vary depending on liver function and other factors, can struggle to digest, constipation. There are more and.. alot more can be gatherer from other methods, these are just some pattern found from one of hundreds of possible streams.
  13. @Shiva Why did you not clarify what you believe at any point? There are no supported claims in the health world, any conclusions formed by statistical correlations are meaningless when the subject (human biology) is deeply counter intuitive. Its to complex to play the battle of proofs. People pitting intuition against intuition, disguised as science. From observing people who have followed specific diets, it seems people who do high carb vegan long term have dried out skin, look prematurely aged in general. Fruterians look like the walking dead. Mediterranean blue zone live the longest...
  14. What is the reason? How am i supposed to verify your doctors abilities. You made claims that im putting words in your mouth and your doctor. Im trying to verify.
  15. This comment, is what ive been going on. What is you and your doctors view on cholesterol? Who is your doctor send me there credentials/website.
  16. There are many doctors that are advising/endorsing the exact opposite beliefs as your doctor. Who is to say who is right? The doctors who have real success helping there patients. The doctors that cure the root cause of the patients issues not mask symptoms with medications. These doctors are in the vast minority, less then 1% and they had a career full of learning.
  17. @Shiva Hmm well it seems everything i said was ignored and the focus was on the claims i made about doctors and the family. Based on the response and other comments the world view your currently in does not incorporate a few factors. - Following intuition in a deeply counter intuitive world is unwise. The only dogma here is following intuition instead of learning, questioning beliefs and experimenting. Intuition is based entirely on cultural teaching. Its the direct gateway to dogma. Of course as all of this is uncovered vai hard work, the quality of intuition improves. - I didn't say to ignore his advice or to call him ignorant, i called him ignorant, i said to put real hard work into your beliefs. The reason is the education doctors receive has been deeply corrupt by pharmaceutical companies. All of this becomes clear vai the pursuit of deeper understanding. This is also the case wthl all or most of our social systems. The foundation of our society is capitalism not human needs. - This healthy cholesterol "range" is a fabrication. Based on "science" that we established above is all corrupt or misled by intuitive correlations. The human body is an incredibly inteligente complex system. The main reason this field of study is in the soft sciences. - Who i am is irrelevant, the person is irrelevant, to go about learning by finding people who you trust because they have credentials is a logical fallacy. This method made sense when we were in hunter gatherer tribes. But now with the internet and the agenda of greedy businessmen, to trust anyone but yourself is a mistake. Learn from as many sources as possible. Rule nothing out. Then narrow down. - The very different diets likely have overlapping patterns/similarities. To say if they ate like your GF and they still have high cholesterol is a mistake. On this note the "new" science on the block is cholesterol is good for you and if cholesterol is high its because it NEEDS to be high. The body is a adaptive machine, it ONLY adapts to things. if blood pressure or cholesterol is high its because the body determined it needs to be high to keep you alive. Low cholesterol on the other hand is usually comes with a high carb diet. All talked about in this video. - It seems learning from videos is not your thing. Going to take a leap and say your probably not learning from any source besides doctors. A questionable learning method.
  18. There are b vitamins in all foods, grains is not the only source or a necessary source for b vitamins. Or did you mean you eliminated more then just grains?
  19. - The biggest mistakes spiritual teachers make is they ignore the body. Activating the body drastically speeds up a students progression to enlightenment. - For example the person should be conscious of the entire body simultaneously in every situation. With enough training the body will continue to expand outwards until it incorporates other living and non-living things around it. - Example when standing all muscle should be at the edge of relaxation, any more relaxed and you would just fall over. But while maintaining solid healthy posture... Keep this kind of thinking with all tasks. - Like when typing, my fingers are fully relaxed, im also aware of my feet and seat and the bodies of my coworkers. I feel there bodies as if it was my own, of course there is no magic here if they do something i cant see or hear then i loss the connection. - When holding a piece of paper for example the paper will be held in my hands gently. Im conscious of the entire chain of muscle structure that is keeping that paper in my hands simultaneously. All movement is a full body movement. All muscles in full coordination and in awareness. - Muscles not in use should be fully relaxed, muscles in use should be at the edge of relaxation, this is how all athletes use there body during exercise. This maximizes endurance, the body is both at rest and at work at the same time. - This also has the added benefit of consuming far less energy, lowing cortisol and putting the brain closer to a defuse state. - Ignoring the body is a critical mistake. - Become strategic about using the body.
  20. - Leo is also a culprit at promoting raw veganism, when in reality something closer to the carnivore diet where we eat the whole animal is what the body was designed to eat. - The only way to navigate this kind of domain where everyone has an opposing point of view all backed by "science" and "studies" is to experiment. - @Shiva Try carnivore diet for 3 months and see what happens... Try raw veganism for 3 months... and please ignore the ignorant doctors, the lab tests doctors do are useless. It is NOT genetic, thats not how anything works, everyone in your family likely eats the same and has similarly poor lifestyle habits. - Stop putting your health into the hands of someone else (doctors) take control and responsibility for your health, learn, research and experiment.
  21. This seems like a red flag, ignoring logic and cherry picking scientific studies to support a claim. In this case it seems you both into veganism and found lots of "evidence" to support your beliefs at every corner. An agenda. Also legumes cause major issues for autoimmune patients, this means it causes issues for everyone they just dont notice, usually just gets worst with age as the body losses its resilience. To tell a diabetic to eat figs and bananas is irresponsible. Get out there, try things and put real hard work into these beliefs. Stage green is as delusional about everything as stage orange, just a different agenda. These "clear links" do not exist. This science does not exist. Trapped in a paradigm.
  22. @Michael569 Also what do wild apes eat? Also if we take a human trow them in the jungle naked what will there diet look like? How will they survive? Fruits and vegetables of the kind we eat dont grow there...
  23. Everyone has conflicting points of view, there is no science here, if you dont experiment fully and see for your self what works and what doesnt its impossible to navigate all this. I agree but ive experimented, might help people get some temporary relief but its definitely not a cure, finding and fixing the root causes is top priority, the rest is distraction. hmmm pretty sure they where skeeming selling miracle cures 6000 years ago.