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Everything posted by integral

  1. God does not exist. Triple full circle. Anything that brings the next full circle will probably require some mind fucks.
  2. @Raptorsin7 Still taking that pharma gaba? lol
  3. In the video Sri Avinash heals/cures a womans back pain spiritually. What exactly is happening here? Is he healing her or is she healing herself? How does this work?
  4. @Codrina If it says pharma gaba on the label it might be ok, but the ingredients usually say "PharmaGaba". @ardacigin Fully Agree with the points made that is the path everyone should be on but this might not cover the full story/use cases. The majority of the population are not producing enough gaba, chronic stimulated/stressed state for various reasons (not all psychological). Taking small dosages to bring gaba levels to "normal" or "meditative" could be safe long term, seeing as the body is already starved of gaba and its not exceeding the bodys natural limits, body has no reason to adapt and reduce gaba production. Just an possibility.
  5. @Aeris The brand i take is called natural factors, can find it online and at local health food stores. @Neorez Pharma Gaba is bio identical to the gaba the body produces, Regular gaba is synthetic and not bioidentical, the effects in the body are very different, causes issues like flushing and gasping for air... not worth taking, but dont take my word for anything, experiment with both .
  6. @cetus56 very possible, from what ive read about restless leg, gaba binding drugs are often recommended like benzodiazepines and gabapentin. Pharma gaba might be a safer alternative. Experimentation... only way to go. Restless leg is very possibly curable, that should probably be the main path to follow, but supplements can provide relief.
  7. @JonasVE12 @Bridge to Infinity Try the strict carnivore diet for 2 weeks, where you eat nothing but meat, water with maybe some sauerkraut. This is an experiment, elimination diet to test if its something your eating. The game for adhd is to increase gaba levels and lower glutamate levels in the brain. Do basic research on this stuff, like google "gaba adhd", adhd in part can be caused by lower gaba levels These drugs are not a solution, it will exacerbate the problem long term. Try pharma gaba supplementation in combination with 24 hour meditation practices. Where your metacognition all day viewing every moment as training.
  8. @Raptorsin7 Sold everywhere, online shops, they recently started selling it at a local health food store. Check locally they might have it. Make sure the ingredients say "PharmaGaba", do not buy anything else. @LfcCharlie4 Google . Have done various experiments at different times for different reasons. In general 100 mg is enough for a calm, 200 mg gives a deeper calm, 300 mg even deeper, at around 400 mg start to experience slight issues breathing, the relaxation is overly deep. But this relaxation does not feel "sleepy, or tired" just calm/neutral. At the 400 mg level there was so little brain activity i had the experience that i did not exist. A deeper level of calm where the subconscious is also still. Im assuming this is what hardcore zen meditators of 30+ years achieve/experience. This suggests it is crossing the blood brain barrier... i do not know. - Been taking it for 5 months, have not experienced any side effects or withdraws when stopped. - 200 mg in the morning seems to dampen the cortisol spike, starting the day feeling great. - 200 mg pre-workout significantly improves rate of recovery during exercise and rest inbetween sets. - taking 100 mg every 4-5 hours, produces a full day of calm, steady peace. - 100-300 mg before bed, improves sleep duration and quality, sleep feels more peaceful lol. - I have not tried more the 400 mg in one go, on the todo list. - There is also a simple nootropic stack of caffeine + pharmagaba, very effective. - Experimented with family/friends, similar effects, they just became/expressed a better version of themselves. More conscious, more receptive. Does who experienced the least benefits where the healthiest ones, 20s in there prime, physically fit, felt calm. To be expected... They probably produce natural gaba easily. Note good idea to do general research on well known gaba binding drugs that cross the blood brain barrier like phetamut, benzodiazepines, picamilon. ghb, get an idea of how this stuff effects the brain. Experimented with phetamut, it is an entirely different beast. Fantastic experience, maybe worth taking 1-2 times a year or once a month. Of course doe this is a very addictive drug, where you run the risk of shutting down gaba receptor sites in the brain, potential permanent damage. Again pharmagaba does not cross blood brain barrier mostly, it likely does abit, but no where near the dangerous addictive range. Also worth researching is the effects of cbd and thc on the gaba/glutamate balance. - Possibly: Could be taken in combination with psychedelics to put/keep the body/mind in the right state. Minimizing risks of bad trips. Helping in getting the right trip. Seeing as pharma gaba is bio identical to the bodys natural gaba. Should not interfere with any drugs/medications.
  9. "sleep enhancer", "vivid dreams" a direct contradiction. Vivid dreams is not restful quality sleep. A miss interpretation/understanding of your own experiences. Ashwagandha negatively impacts sleep, as this experience has shown. No, this is a world that will be revealed with enough work.
  10. This diet is extremely unhealthy. This attracts does who fully bought into the veganism bubble. Nearly all the foods recommended are highly inflammatory.
  11. This is confirmation bias, searching and finding the answers you want to hear. There is no science here, there is no science anywhere, there never was, to believe we understand the human body is a mistake. All conclusions derived from studies are skewed by the bias/perspective of the concluder. A different set of eyes will produce different answers. The data is viewed intuitively, the "obvious" answer is extracted from it, when in reality the data gathered by studies is deeply counter-intuitive. This applies to all soft-sciences which rely heavily on inductive reasoning.
  12. The alternative health care world is as corrupt by capitalism as any other. The minimalism/environmentalism/veganism life style is being directly targeted and marketed to. Stage greens idealistic nature doesn't stand a chance, they drown in confirmation bias guided by their idealistic values. I have direct experience with ashwagandha, experiences that allowed me to understand what it really is. There is no science in this industry. A transition to yellow involves going full circle. orange: meat -> green: vegan -> yellow: meat. It takes specific life conditions to unfold for people to transition out of veganism. This usually involves major health problems. On average this doesn't happen and instead the vegan goes a life time of premature aging, brain fog (with out knowing it), constant hunger before every meal (believing its normal), ex... Everything justified and fits there models/values/life style. So they never question there beliefs, cant escape them. This is the meaning of being trapped in a paradigm. Confirmation bias is brutal.
  13. @DrewNows Fruits are nearly all sugar, replacing cornflakes with fruits changes nothing. This is a paradigm vegans get trapped in, loss sight of the nutrients of food and see only the stories they tell themselves about them. Fruits are not healthy, think for yourself... and no the fiber/vitamins don't do anything special. Fruits where selectively bread to maximize sugar content. The original apple was a very small bitter fruit with little sugar. Now its a beast... - A better breakfast is one that provides slow burning fuel for the body all day. Something with protein, fat and abit of carbs. A balanced real meal. Get out of the "breakfast" mind set. Eat real proper meals. There is no such thing as "breakfast" foods.... Eat meat in the morning with vegetables. Try see how it makes you feel.
  14. Ashwagandha prevents the body from entering deeper stages of sleep. It significantly impairs sleep quality. Healthy people can go months with out noticing the effects. Like everything in the alternative health care world ashwagandha has been marketed non-stop as the miracle to all... and repeated blindly by bloggers to the point where its impossible to find an opposing perspective with out industrial grade googling.
  15. Studied this subject extensively. This is the result. Mechanics of weight gain/loss that our ancestors understood for 100 million years because it was key to there survival: 1) High Protein, Low Fat, Low Carb: Rapid weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage (Diet seen by pro bodybuilders to loss weight, eat nothing but lean protein, fatal long term.) 2) Low Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage. (Diets: The starch solution, Raw vegan diets) 3) High Protein, High Fat, Low Carb: Sustains weight, no change. (Diets: Carnivore, Keto) 4) Low Protein, High Fat, High Carb: Rapid weight gain, body is given everything it needs to store fat. (Ideal for bulking for winter) 5) High Protein, Low Fat, High Carb: Weight loss, body is starved of fat, so it pulls from fat storage. (Very difficult to achieve diet, not seen often) 6) Low Protien, High Fat, Low Carb: Results vary depending on how fast the body adapts, usually results in weight loss (Diets: extreme keto) --- Both 1 and 2 starve the body of fat in different ways, the critical difference is number 2 is extremely taxing on the body high stress. Number 1 is actually fatal long term body fat percentage reaches 0 resulting in death, this is known as rabbit starvation. Short term number 2 can have amazing results especially if coming from the standard "what ever i see i eat" diet. But long term the results are clear, premature aging. Just look at Dr Barnard patients and subordinates that have been on the journey for 10 years... they look terrible. Aged poorly. The problem is on the diet they cant eat fat because number 4 happens and they rapidly gain weight... We haven't began covering how number 2 (The starch solution diet) is Low omega 3 fats/high sugar that hamers the brain. Watching Dr Barnard talks hes not wrong about everything there is plenty of truth to his teaching, like everything else which serves to sugar coat the false message. The interesting part: Number 2 and Number 3 both cure everything. Practitioners in both camps have great success with there patients. But there is a critical difference, number 2 is not sustainable long term. This is the catch no one sees that endorse The starch solution diet. This is unhealthy veganism. When looking deeper, number 3 Keto/Carnivore have the highest cancer cure rates. Look into doctors/practitioners that employ this diet for cancer treatment, compare with other diet plans... look at the results and you will find the truth. Side note: Chemotherapy, the only reason this works is because the patients receiving the poison are so sick they stop eating, start fasting and because they stopped eating the things that caused the cancer there body heals itself. Chemo does not cure cancer its the fasting and diet changes that gives there body time to heal. The only thing the chemo ensures is that someone is going to make a profit off of the patient and the patient is going to spend the next 20 years devastated as they watch their body rapidly deteriorate from the delayed effects of the highly toxic chemo "treatment".
  16. Where is the plan? the strategy? how are we going to move forward with this. Everyone here is just talking about how more consciousness = better, so lets spread the word? All flowers and roses... Sound like pretty naive stage green thinking. What is the plan to pry the government away from the ownership of companies and give the power back to the people? - Might want to think about creating our own country, likely decentralized digital block chain based. A country that can exist and operate distributed all over the world.
  17. @Merkabah Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory issue, need to remove all foods that cause inflammation in the body. This includes removing all sugar, so no fruits, no dairy (VITAL),no soy, no lectins foods like legumes and bread/pasta... Autoimmune protocol diet Also check out the plant paradox diet, they are closely aligned and can give you ideas of what to eat. After nutrition need to exercise, will drastically improve symptoms. Critical to get sun, vitamin d3 is necessary for recovery might want to supplement. For sleep try magnesium glycinate supplement before bed. Avoid coffee and all stimulants.
  18. The majority of the wealth the government collects from taxes are inefficiently spent do to corruption or general uninsightful low level thinking, mostly tage blue/orange thinking (if lucky) . If the taxes where spent intelligently only for the greater good, all transparent then 40%-50% taxes is useful and necessary to maintain/grow society. But this isnt the case, right now its as good as robbery for a large portion of the tax maybe 20% of that 37%. - The next big leap in government will come with a liquid democracy. Where people can vote on individual issues on there phone and delegate there vote to people they trust. Merging technology with government, giving the people back there power. Abolishing politicians, presidents, lobeing and parties. Pretty exiting stuff...
  19. Going to try to give a alternative view point... hope i dont die (hope i die?) lol. All of this seems to be coming from a stage turquoise perspective. The conclusions made after the dmt trip where people see miya or the illusion come from turquoise. Turquoise level conclusions. Its possible turquoise is coming back to magical thinking like in purple but with just far deeper understanding. Deep understanding mixed with exaggerations... Where people are confusing the turquoise perspective with awakening/enlightenment. Don becks interpretation of spiral dynamics is very different and there are clear higher memes like coral and teal that can be reached, that are still completely practical and complete attainable by us stupid humans. Leo has stated that turquoise is the 99% of all development, its incredibly vast, this could be true or its confusing spiral dynamics with enlightenment and mixing/equating turquoise to awakening. Its possible turquoise is just another average meme overblown by stage green thinking.
  20. @PretentiousHuman There are simply foods your body cant process. Figure out what they are and stop eating them, its that simple. Google autoimmune protocol diet and the crohns diet. Everyone is over complicating things with fasting and juicing, the moment you start eating "regular" food again everything will come back. There is likely other issues involved, bad gut bacteria, parasites, nutritional deficiencies or toxin buildup. I recommend getting a hair analysis,, fungal infection test, stool analysis test and parasite test. Not with a doctor, they are not trained for this. The people you are looking for are called Functional medicine practitioners. Find one near you. @PretentiousHuman Its been a few years since this thread was posted, can you give us an update on your health?
  21. From Integral theory, as ken wilber has found vai experimentation with hundreds of people is to practice/train multiple aspects at the same time. Look into Integral Practice... In his research people who activated the body with some kind of resistance exercises did better then does that didnt. This is the closest we have to spiritual studies.