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Everything posted by integral

  1. @AtheisticNonduality +1
  2. Potentially violent purple doe to over population.
  3. @AtheisticNonduality @Rilles If Trump can be red... so can chimps. Case closed
  4. Integral theory covers this, the difference between waking up (states) and growing up (stages).
  5. @outlandish Ask him fun philosophical questions and explore possible answers with him. He will then develop some intuition for it.
  6. We amuse, but spiral dynamics is about values, possibly low intellect red? We can say they are in there own developmental model for chimp culture.
  7. Im reading to much into this one, but its possible doe to over population the chimps moved from purple to red.
  8. @Leo Gura - Have you tried NoFap? Its likely in your weakened state the body is in a similar condition of adrenal burnout. Stop things that stimulate the adrenals to heal. - Have you tried eating nothing but salmon? - Have you tried eating fermented foods with every meal? (Sauerkraut) or predigested foods...
  9. The berserk universe... its truly brutal...
  10. Just replace the last word in the url with anything and receive quotes. This is open AIs latest creation. Some random quotes that where genrated. - “In true nonduality, there is no me or you. It's all One.” - “Once you can conceive of duality, I'm sure you can conceive of nonduality.” It can do alot more then this... Its AGI... Imagine a multi perspectival search engine that can categorize article by perspective and order them by level of consciousness. So a search result would return multiple answers from every perspective. We can even categorize content by its spiral dynamic stage... and search vai does criteria...
  11. @AtheisticNonduality Can you give examples? This will help me understand. Show me a video of green beating people in the streets.
  12. @AtheisticNonduality Green cant predict red... they will regress on the job to survive.
  13. @dyslexicCnut Stage blue/orange police officers are trained and operate mostly out of fear. If you do anything they dont understand they shoot, if you dont listen they shoot. Leo is talking about what is, not what should be. The police officer is not responsible for what happend to floyd, he is just a trained pawn in a larger system and is operating exactly as he should given the conditions of his job/culture. It makes no difference if Chauvins actions where secretly corrupt or racially motivated. These events are inevitable. Chauvin deserves as much sympathy as anyone else, just take the time to TRULY understand him. The only thing stage green will be doing in a stage red altercation is get themselves killed. When the altitude grows so will the police officers, it cant be done the other way around. Police are at the altitude they should be.
  14. @Zak If it helps, does that succeed from your advice see you in high regard.
  15. @supremeyingyang Fully agree, i basically scolded him, counter productive.
  16. @Zak Millions of years of human evolution is responsible for your intellect. All the knowledge man has accumulated up to today was build by the minds before us. Your standing on the hard works of billions of people and coveting it all for yourself. Your intellect was forged by various systems and people before us, you are not responsible for any of it . If measured on a full scale, you did nothing at all. Born and fell down a specific hole by chance and now your hear, claiming it all for yourself, jealous of does that also discover "your" treasures.
  17. @Consciousone35 Seems there is no way to get away from the topic of campaigning... brain storm more possibilities, see how creative you can be, can come up with some great ideas im sure of it!
  18. We are all trying to help you succeed by pointing to the best possible path forward. It might of come off as if we are attacking you, this is not the case, We truly want to see you succeed. Fighting sexual assault with more punishment and fear is a blue path. Depending on the cultures your going to be working with, this method will not work. Orange cultures need orange solutions, green cultures need green solution.... A yellow solution solves the root cause of the problem. In this case to solve the problem means educating and improving the quality of lives of children, this will lower the number of abusers vai nurture. To do this we need to improve society as a whole. Everything else is a waist of time.
  19. Watch this and apply all of it to this situation. The only path forward is to do the hard work.
  20. Repeating the same thing over and over again instead of making progress.
  21. ... there is probably an audio book...