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Everything posted by integral

  1. Ahhhh so some people as children as they grow up they develop a worldview deeply tied to everything being meaningful, then when it breaks they’re devastated. But some people inherently don’t build their worldview based on meaning and so they never experience this break. Most thinking types by the time they’re 14 or 15 they view things from the lens that everything is meaningless from Scientific materialism. That you were just some brain firing neurons love is a chemical reaction this kind of thing. So for someone like that to then transition to a different worldview that the brain is imaginary for example they don’t need to go through the process of realizing everything is meaningless they already understood this from their previous paradigm. What I would love to know is what was the previous paradigm that you had were you didn’t realize everything was meaningless? How did you previously think the world was?
  2. Ops didn’t mean to be lmao 😇
  3. If you build muscle you won’t lose it and it will give you a larger appetite. so for the next two years you want to eat a lot more and exercise heavy bodybuilding every day. you should’ve been doing this since you were 16 it’s the foundation for your brain development and A self development foundation.
  4. Come on guys this is basic circadian rhythm lower cortisol in the evening night time hormones are different from morning High cortisol hormons. research night owls
  5. @Jannes could be additional mental health issues on top of it, i used to know someone who was delusional, not saying that offensively but they are by any definition are imagining that other people are thinking negatively about them like it’s 100% fact and can’t see there projecting because there emotional. They also can’t be reasoned with, so they are diagnosed with schizophrenia
  6. @Ben2204 Body dysmorphia
  7. I tried Brian Johnson’s lunch recipe which is a Black lentil-based meal. Whenever I eat it I crash and have no energy at all. Any idea what’s going on here?
  8. @Chadders A human won’t be a human in the future.
  9. @Schizophonia I can digest most food with good energy and not feel like I’m experiencing a stroke. like if I eat a can of tomatoes and some carrots I’ll get hungry in the future very quickly because there’s not enough calories but I won’t crash.
  10. Learning a language is not about adopting a belief system. Learning something new doesn’t mean you suddenly believe it blindly there’s still some discernment between your models of the world around you. While learning the language you’re going to learn about the culture and you’ll be able to compare different cultures to each other with more detail than you did before. that being said language does affect the thinking process and you could go deeper into that to explore how it shapes Our worldview. but if you’re really worried don’t worry you’re already fully brainwashed at multiple levels in every direction and every dimension lol
  11. @Princess Arabia 🤣🤣🤣 your hilarious, of course I gave birth to myself!
  12. AI Will make it so that in 10 years you have no job nothing to do no way to make money because you are not better than an AI. but that’s a mass problem that will extend to the entire planet
  13. That’s interesting I have the exact opposite problem I’m energized when I go to bed I’m energized while I sleep and I’m energized when I wake up
  14. @LastThursday we will likely become a multi planetary species in the short term if a AI Reaches its full potential. Maybe instead of reducing population growth we should expand our territory.
  15. 😂 The first thing that came to mind when reading this was if he was doing real science that aligns with the healthcare industry he would probably already be dead. Lmao because healthcare is about managing disease but we should probably develop a life care industry where the goal is to maximize health.
  16. This is wild 😂. Follistatin injections Will likely become very popular in the bodybuilding industry because of what Bryan is doing. All bodybuilders at some point learn about Myostatin even when I was a kid I wanted to buy myostatin blockers. Now because of this increase in popularity it’s going to become the norm. As a kid I probably would’ve taken The injection with a friend if Bryan was selling it.
  17. @Butters orange shadow possibly? The women are stuck at hypergamy orange dating strategies, basically the things that give birth to the incel lol
  18. @bambi I can see now why you were getting a little frustrated with the people commenting on Bryan! i’m surprised you don’t have a YouTube channel of your own at this point.
  19. Every time I have a lucid dream I manifest a woman and try to have sex with her, it’s something I did since I was a child and it’s a strange automatic addiction that I can’t stop. When i was younger Like 10 years old and a virgin Of course a woman was the number one most important thing, so of course I would want to spawn one into existence for sex. 🤣 The problem is sex hormones interfere with a lucid dream and you’re going to wake yourself up. i’ve experienced this at least 50 times. The hormones kick in it’s very hard to maintain the dream State. Maybe with some sedatives and supplements for lucid dreaming it could be solved. It’s easier if the dream is not lucid and you’re just having a regular sex dream, does seem to last a bit longer. You can visualize and masturbate to your imagination sober or high but it’s really not gonna be the same thing.
  20. Brilliant, The more you love something The more you want to merge with it and become one, The connection grows stronger until it becomes infinite, awakening and death is going back to oneness which is total love. ?
  21. 😂😂 most of the time it’s not about pride it’s the men just think they’re logically right and they think their logic refutes your perspective. Maybe men at a lower stage of development like stage blue might feel prideful because they think women should be below men but in a modern society that’s rare.
  22. You have to do all your own research on this there’s no doctor that is better than your own effort and hard work. Basic solution wear glove on right hand.
  23. Like you said as a country ego development goes up population naturally drops because the more conscious you become to less like you are to have children. So people who are at a lower stage of development have more babies and the less conscious countries take over, it’s a cycle. japan’s population is in complete collapse. We need to make it easier for people to have children not the other way around. This way the more conscious people with better genetics reproduce more and we can have a new balance. The way it is now having children is financial slavery unless you’re rich. You need to be stupid to have children when you’re poor so that’s why the stupid reproduce more than everyone else. Or your values need to be at a lower level like stage blue.