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Everything posted by integral

  1. Leo

    This is going to be a good one.
  2. ^^^^^ Soon we will all be labeled at birth with a windows activation key.
  3. The chess master sees more then the chess beginner. It is proven in practice. But with out a board to practice on the beginner overestimates there abilities, conviction that there beliefs are on par with the master.
  4. @Carl-Richard Im definitely a culprit of 24 hour meditation practices, walking meditation, talking meditation... every activity is done mindfully with training intensions. Based on your suggestion im going to incorporate "not meditating" or "not seeking" practices. lol hmm whats the word for this? being?
  5. @fridjonk thats great! It would be a general check up doe, its possible to find things even if there are no symptoms.
  6. @Fran11 Have any techniques on this topic?
  7. @Carl-Richard The avatar is observing the avatar?
  8. Super good.. another i like to do is ask questions like: - What will he do next? (Observing avatar) - What will he think next? or What will be his next thought? It can sort of freeze the avatar in place. Also these questions can help to enter flow states. Observing autopilot state. John malkoviched.
  9. @fridjonk Try a hair mineral analysis test, can get one done for around 100 usd, reveals deficiencies and heavy metal build up.
  10. @Parththakkar12 Thank you for this, very interesting perspective, going to look into this further.
  11. I like everyone else went strait to being a lawful citizen untill i realized i was a child eating monster, so i accepted my self and started cracking open the skulls of babys.
  12. @Village Its going to be a mindfuck when they realize the carnivores put hard work into this and are not pleasure seeking immoral devils.
  13. @neutralempty I thoroughly experimented not murdering children. Aka "Veganism". @datamonster @neutralempty There is more then morality involved in making sense of the world. Eating nothing but meat for a month, take notice of how the body feels/energy levels/cognitive function. Then your beliefs will have some foundation.
  14. @neutralempty I guess this means it didnt happen. There was no trial and error. No scientific method. A switch to veganism took place at the beginning of your health journey and nothing else was attempted?
  15. @datamonster @neutralempty When you guys did the experiment of eating nothing but meat and salt for a month, how did you feel?
  16. @Parththakkar12 this is what digestive problems looks like
  17. @datamonster @neutralempty @Parththakkar12 Page 1 of this thread are leos videos on "Understanding Survival", Stop waisting time masterbating to beliefs, watch the videos.