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Everything posted by integral

  1. @wavydude Growing up and waking up are not the same. Spirituality is more then enlightenment, it umbrellas many subjects.
  2. Look how immoral he is.
  3. @wavydude If you where to go up to a physicist and ask them to explain there equations, it would be impossible. It takes years of study of math and physics to get a foundation in the subject, need to go from first grade all the way up to university, at least. Then after hard work he would be able to explain it. This is what leos spiritual teaching are, but people dont recognize that there not ready to hear it. And the the physicist sees everyones ignorance. Yes we are speaking relatively, some people are more advanced then others depending on the subject.
  4. Pick a random 5 year old child, how confident are you that you see more then they do? That you surpassed them in every way intellectually? This is what its like for leo dealing with average people or when reading spiritual books from advanced teachers. Its clear as day to him.
  5. @MsNobody This is spirituality Conspiracy theory ^^^^^^ Spirit-spiracy
  6. @FortisFortunaAdiuvat We could create a atomic food processer, that can separate any element from food. For example we feed it fish and it removes the mercury at the atomic level. With this logic... we feed it a human it removes the mercury... Nano technology can be trained to search and bind to heavy metals in the body. Intelligent DMSA/ALA.
  7. lmfaooo enjoyed this one. The person speaking is irrelevant, do you need to appeal to this logical fallacy to prove a point? If the caveman is saying it and its not credible, lets bring in someone else thats not a caveman? Im shifting the focus away from me... Its not an appeal to authority. hahah true, am i the "i am obviously right" guy? so impressive Im even right about this ^^^^ right? wow super impressive.
  8. @datamonster Everything is counter-intuitive, all of science gets flipped on its head at yellow. Orange views yellow as unscientific nut jobs, until there forced to accept the new paradigm. This is Einstein's journey. I had to learn this to survive, using my body as a test subject. Survival forces the truth to reveal itself. This is the ex-vegan journey.
  9. This is the dark ages of health. A conspiracy theory from the perspective of lower stages.
  10. @datamonster There is no science happening in our orange culture, its fuelled by profits not sense making. a bastardization of science. This is the dark ages of health.
  11. Green uses its intellect to come up with answers to questions that suit it. This is green science. We need to move to yellow science. Green divides the world into positive and negative things, It blocks the negative ones and keeps the positive. There for it sees only half of reality. The half that prove its beliefs to be true.
  12. @Tarzan The description given is reason not to eat animals for people stuck at orange, its a very different matter at the yellow and turquoise level. This is not a moral debate. We all love animals past green, but yellow recognize that we are carnivores and understands the circle of life, beyond yellow accepts its self, green is very much in denial of human biology.
  13. Can you reword this? Give examples? What category or subject is this in? so i can research it. Would be a great help! Perfect.
  14. @datamonster Where would you place this perspective on Spiral Dynamics?
  15. @Scholar What do i need to do/learn to bridge the gap?
  16. Nothing right or wrong, just pointing to things. Pointing to and with duality. Why is this the will of god? Isnt this the will of collective consciousness? The parts giving rise to the will of the whole.
  17. isnt this a bias towards evolution of consciousness? Favouring the universe moving towards more conscious.