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Everything posted by integral

  1. Free Solo, got to be a master not to die from this...
  2. Lang Lang, 4:20 and up, a very clear display of mastery, the playfulness...
  3. Anyone that plays drums will love this one... the punch line is around the 2 minute mark.
  4. A classic. Bill Gates vs Magnus Carlson (World Champion) Bullet Chess, every move played instantly.
  5. Black Panther movie, Purple (heros) vs Red (villain)
  6. @Nahm The way you write its like your finding the single sentence that answers every question, all in one stroke of the brush.
  7. "Well, you imagine all the rest. But you are imagining being one way which excludes other possibilities. To be a human you have to not imagine being a kangaroo. A finite object is exclusive. A dog is a dog because it is not a cat, not a tree, not a chair, etc. So a dog is a finite thing. A dog is part of God, but the dog is not the highest expression of God because it excludes all the other things God could be. A dog is a partial expression of God. The highest expression of God is Nothing, wherein all finite things cancel each other out." - Leo What if there are other things that are not finite things? This seems circular as in other things would also be a finite thing, but thats not what i mean. All finite things are in a category of things that are expressible by god. So are there other categories? Are there things that are outside of this category? All finite expressions are part of one category, like the waves are part of the ocean, are there things that are not made of water? I am god of expressions.
  8. @Mvrs This makes sense, the part that confused me was that i took all of that and labeled it as "universe of forms" or "totality of forms". not simply "totality". So then the issue became, why cant there be other types of totalities? Still trying to make sense of this. But a clear solution is all these thoughts/ideas are form, so there is no way to speculate about "outside" things. Its impossible to think outside the box! Can you explain this abit simpler? (confusing) i watch leos video on "why is there something rather then nothing?", is that what is being referring to?
  9. haha would never of interpreted it that way. Is it possible that youve outgrown language? is it getting harder with time to relate to it? (half joke)
  10. @Shunyata Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (2020) watch
  11. @datamonster The videos are just perspectives, the science consensus is another perspective. Im no taking sides. but the character (me) eventually after years of experimentation settled on one that is a Frankenstein of all of them. It seems turpentine can be used in micro doses to kill parasites. I know people who did this successfully. Again... its a perspective... It might have value, personally to kill parasites i would probably go with a different method. but no matter the method there all pretty stressful on the body.
  12. Would it make sense lock all non-productive diet related debates/threads? Only allowing does that are focused and constructive?
  13. @Fran11 They are talking science, explaining studies, from there interpretation off the studies. I cant post studies to "prove" things, i need to post perspectives.
  14. @Fran11 @datamonster Heres some random doctors who do carnivore, talking science. This is what you wanted... Overall nutrition science talk (its all interpretation) Cholesterol Controversy (its healthy from this perspective)
  15. @Fran11 Its possible to just entertain the ideas with out preconceptions to see where it goes. To see what you can learn from it.
  16. @Fran11 How is this possible? All of your content on that ive read is exceptional. Except for this??? Where you have unshakable faith in science and consense.
  17. They are worthless, you do not understand the ground we are standing on. You do not understand society.
  18. Never made this claim. Each community makes claims for them-self, they do not spend energy proving other diet are bad. They indirectly do. You looked at your own evidence?
  19. Its all the same evidence. Every community interprets the evidence from there perspective. The conclusions written at the end of studies are interpretations. Would you like doctors to explain the data from there perspective? They all have issues. The damaging effects of stress express themselves differently, most of which is unnoticed or deceptive like simply aging at a faster rate. Just because its unnoticed does not make it minor. People quickly adapt to a new "normal" baseline, especially as changes build slowly and they are told by culture everything that is happening to them is "normal" with age. Its not. For all we know, we are built for near immortality where the person remains in perfect youth until they reach the dividing limit of there cells. Your skin is not suppose to wrinkle, your hair is not supposed to fall out or turn white. These are the symptoms of people who sabotage there body for 60 years. but we are conditioned into believing this is normal because its common. A false pattern. The blood sugar roller coaster that a vegan diet comes with hammers the body. But that stress will be confused for other issues. It should be clear that there is no evidence. Its about understanding the ground we are walking on.
  20. @Carl-Richard Can you explain the insight abit? From my perspective if BIg 5 tracks behavior and 2 people with the same type behave nothing alike then thats a failure of the model?
  21. Leo has said that Absolute Truth is not a concept, it would mean there is bedrock or an anchor where all his beliefs can be built on.
  22. Thank you, i think im getting it, but im going to play devils advocate for deeper understanding. What if everything your saying is just an insightful way of making sense of existence? How do we differentiate between paradigms? Is it possible to be paradigm agnostic?