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Found this after Leo mentioned that men can have female orgasms. What did he mean exactly by that? What is the technique? "Based on existing research Arcwave knew that the Pacinian pleasure receptors found in the penis are very similar to those found in the clitoris. To be exact these receptors are found in the frenulum – the patch of skin attaching the foreskin to the head of the penis. But why aren’t these cells stimulated during regular masturbation? " -Source It looks like just avoiding stroking and instead stimulate the frenulum long enough is the trick.
Can you elaborate more on this or point to a resource? It seems tantric related.
Canadian/Italian. Ok good luck, im sure we will get a update in the future. Everyone's looking forward to it
INTPs don't romance.
@Preety_India High synergy with what your looking for. Loyalty/Committed Hard Working Emotional Connection, Intuitive Feeler Encourages partner to grow https://www.quora.com/What-would-a-romantic-relationship-between-a-female-INFP-and-a-male-ENFJ-be-like Feeler types should date other feeler types. its just works out.
Date a ENFJ. At this point just give him a MBTI test. 1-2 months into the relationship. Do you feel that it is not genuine or "wrong" to pick a man based on a method like this?
I would of blocked them by now, they are not providing value.
At 11 someone stole my Pokémon cards, truly devastating. After 2 weeks of suffering, i realized my attachment to these physical things was causing suffering, i appeared crazy to myself and minimalism was unlocked. That led to questioning the meaning of all attachments and self-development was unlocked. I still think about does Pokémon cards to this day... Have you seen the price of that Charizard? lmao, the growth dividends keep coming. What a blessing.
^^^^^^^ i left this comment 8n the other thread about shit testing, please try to understand it ^^^^^^^^^ Exactly what i said not to do is happening: by focusing on how he makes you feel that then sent you into a fantasy world. You don't even know who he is and fell madly in love. Your strongly projecting what you want to see. Please recognize this. He is not unique or incredible or the ONE, in fact you have absolutely no idea who he is. Take a step back and only evaluate the facts rationally with out your feelings or stories you've invented. I thought the strategy was to date many people at the same time to find a good match. Its very unlikely that the first guy you date is the best match.
The clearest distinction of INFP vs INTP comes from their journals. Its unmistakable what the INFP is focusing on and what the INTP is focusing on. INTPs NEVER write about their feelings. While the INFP that's about all they write about. INTPs NEVER write about their romance fantasies, their is no dating struggle to find the perfect match, no identity struggle, will never write about how someone made them feel or make a list of all the things they like and don't like. NEVER lol
Yes but aren't you beyond all that now?
All attractive people get similar treatment, its not just women when walking down the streets. Of course its not going to be as bad, but women are thinking the same thing, there just not conditioned to express it. DAIIIm these older women. They go get what they want. lmfao Older women have done something similar to me and i just went for it, because why not lol
Why not just go get what you want?
Interesting i wonder if the dynamic changes for online dating? I have never messaged a women on a online dating app. I've only dated women that messaged me first. What is the psychology of a woman that rejects all the offers she receives and instead decides to messages a guy directly?
I laughed for a good minute after reading this. Yolo Epistemology my man.
Had an issue with my Reverse Osmosis and temporarily switch to Natural Spring Water. I felt a sense of calm immediately after that sustained for weeks. Any idea what could of caused this? Muscles are naturally more relaxed. I'm guessing it was doe to missing micro nutrients? If so, any recommendations for micro nutrient supplements?
The hardest part will be separating your fantasies about who you want them to be and who they actually are. Remain skeptical of everything said, don't indulge in how what he said or what he does makes you feel, that's the main trigger that will send you into your own world of idealism. Look for someone who is at your level of development. If he has no sense for spirituality then hes not the right match. Don't waist time with the average guy who has not lifted a finger in growth in development. This should be easy for you to identify, because of your background.
Have a friend that has athletes feet, pretty bad, he asked me for help solving it. What is the holistic or root systemic issue causing this? Maybe it could be as simple as a food sensitivity? If anyone has experience with this please share! Thank you.
This has been one of the most useful things i have embodied recently. Its just so easy. Or Satisfy Desires Consciously, this will exhaust it
Just let it go. Nothing to figure out. No justifications needed. Its not a problem to be solved. Let it go when it arises. It will be quickly down regulated.
I am everything These are all tools in a tool belt. Skills that are naturally developed vai self-actualization.
I've had this tab open for a few days now, didn't respond because i have nothing to add. Was waiting for contemplation insights or for some back up from other members. Even my boomer mother read it, she said "That's exactly right. Your only limitation is your own thoughts" There are likely prerequisites that need to be unlocked before i can understand this. I had written a list of thoughts and questions, they where deleted after realizing getting answers to does questions would not take me any closer to understanding "Self is Infinity and Infinity must be itself!".
Are you running on your heels or your toes? Next, just start body building. Work different body parts on the days that the legs need to rest.