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Everything posted by integral

  1. @LastThursday Its written for orange mostly, i dont think he understands that people walked a path of some kind, From A to Z, they dont have magical abilities. Delusion from the absolute perspective? We can still improve relatively. Maybe i misunderstood the question. Why is it asking for trouble and delusion?
  2. Leos level development was forged from many years of practice and study, this is not born. Self actualization/development will translate to a "smarter" you. If the goal is excellence you will climb to match with the best. But dont think that road is easy or even possible, there are many lucky life conditions that need to fall into place starting from and even before birth.
  3. hmm everything i said was ignored. This is more justifying things. Topics: 1) Nothing is done because you want to help people, its about a addiction you commented about. 2) A Communication style that triggers peoples emotions comes naturally to you thats the real underling reason you do it. 3) 1 and 2 are being masked by elaborate stories (justifying them). Bias.
  4. Everything written after this was to justify this. Im claiming its bullshit, its incredibly ineffective strategy to purposefully try to trigger peoples emotions to help them. The reason your doing this has nothing to do with helping people, its about getting what you want. Contradiction with the first comment. If i had to guess its about correcting people mistakes. We all have that erge to correct an "error" we think we see in a comment. But the way your going about it is at least in communication style just your natural personalities argumentativeness. There is no strategy behind it, all talk about your strategy is a fabrication to justify doing what ever you want. Again saying the motivation has nothing to do with helping people and the communication style is argumentative because it comes naturally to you and your justifying it.
  5. As someone who speaks directly, expects everyone to be growth oriented and pisses people off, i know the directness comes from a place want. You want to communicate this way and are using mental gymnastics to justify it. Mental gymnastics. There are pros and cons to both methods and should be situationally used. But you favor one over the other, its coming from emotion not a strategy to help people grow. If you where really being unbiased and strategic about helping people grow, you would be flexible, because its a better strategy.
  6. @Leo Gura Maybe slow digestion caused by thyroid issues? If so there is a high chance the sibo will return seeing as the slow digestion is not resolved? What is the plan for this?
  7. @zeroISinfinity Paradigm shift is whats needed to resolve the "compromising" problem.
  8. Be careful it will dissolve tooth enamel. Be careful vivid or lucid dreams is a stressed sleeping pattern, not high quality sleep. My hunch is its agitating the liver inducing these sleeping pattern. My hunch is your sleep deprived, so things are dreamy. Curing headaches, thats interesting. Unlikely related to declassifying the pineal gland.
  9. hmmm got to calm down, its not personal, its about ideas.
  10. wow this is way off the mark. Most of what hes written has nothing to do with gender lol. Im not on his side or anyone side, just observing at a distance. From that position its very clear this is projection.
  11. Talks options at 15:33 option 1 Save the bond market, kill the dollar option 2 Strengthen the dollar, kill the bond market option 3 Move from a market economy to a command economy
  12. Reminds me of People have spent over $1M buying virtual cats on the Ethereum blockchain
  13. They dont think faster, they think smarter. This is gong to be counter-intuitive for you, forget what you think you know. A skill that needs to be practiced ^^^^^^^^^^^
  14. Yes, the brain is a instrument that needs to be practiced, "smarter people" have been practicing their entire lives. The issues is its easy to learn to ride a bike because we can observe someone doing it and copy them, but we cant observe the minds of others, if we could how to "ride the bike" or "use the brain" would become obvious. Dramatic Acting: OHHHHHH THATS how im supposed to think. Its so obvious once you see it... So we are stuck figuring out how to ride this bike on our own. Most people still haven't figured out simple things like how to use the peddles or ride with out falling off.
  15. Can anyone play a musical instrument with no practice?
  16. GRADES DONT MATTER, just relax and enjoy the college experience. Not saying to party all day, just go with the flow abit.
  17. Master the formula. A added note about unity, it has the largest community and so the most learning resources, its matured to the point where wtv you want to do there is a tutorial for it in detail, can get it up and running quickly.
  18. This is exactly how the collective consciousness mind is thinking. Its maximizing profits, but the individuals constructing it are unconscious to this bigger picture. A lot of vegans are part of this problem, until they power up and become super vegans.
  19. If there was something you could change, what would it be?
  20. @Preety_India Its possible, i think there is a aspect that is more primitive for base survival and another layer that is adaptive that can override it. Like suicide is fighting a very strong primitive wiring, why it makes it so hard. Theres got to be some aspects that are general fixed and the rest is adaptive. Celebrities vs Porn stars have some aspect that is general fixed attractiveness and the rest is preference.