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Everything posted by integral

  1. anecdotes: a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. Turn a teaching or an idea into an anecdote. Make it about something that really happened or pretend it really happened. They need to get the impression that its real and tangible. Sensors give importance tangibly. Tailor to her learning style, its something that takes alot of patients and love to do.
  2. I feel this is especially true for many women who end up in the same kind of unhealthy relationships over and over again and struggle to identify a good quality man. They must've grown up in a family without integrity and so struggle to see it in others or at least it takes them a great deal of time. Often they need to be hurt by that person to realize that person lacks integrity. while healthy people can identify a lack on integrity easily within minutes. Why is it immediately obvious to some and not two others?
  3. We should just boil it down to a morality math formula. is there a field of morality mathematics? The morality of the abortion depends on the circumstances and is relative. we can give each situation a unique score. all pro life perspectives hold human life as the absolute most important factor and the only important factor. So by definition it only takes One factor into consideration and is therefore not inclusive and less true then more inclusive perspectives, like pro choice. The more inclusive something is the more true it is, magic!
  4. @Jowblob I think the idea here is a lack of integrity. check out Leo's video on integrity If you haven't already
  5. Product idea: glasses that change what you see and hear to only pleasant things. if someone says something nasty it blocks it out or replace it with something pleasant, call now. Don't wait! Call now, Bliss is an interpretation away.
  6. if we had a system that fully supported developing children then I think abortion should be illegal. Because those children will have equal opportunity and great resources. With out this system if the child is going to be born into a family who is poor or unfit or not ready for a child then it might be best if the child was never born. Also if the birth of the child overburdens the parents and ruins their lives I see no reason why that's any different than ending a babies life.
  7. There are pros and cons, you never know what the future brings, there might be a time where you need them and you need their support due to health problems and if that happens you'll be thankful you have a family. One of families main purpose throughout all of human history is that it would be very difficult to survive alone without one. it's a survival team work and support system. Deep rooted into them is still a responsibility towards you and only you. Maybe that's worth keeping.
  8. Low quality women go to clubs, a detail Leo has left out.
  9. Trust is a paradigm, there is no need to trust anyone. Instead of worrying whether this person will do what you want instead focus on what the probability is that she will respect your boundaries. This changes the mindset to focus on who she is instead of what you want from her. Who she is is the bottom line, and what you want from her is your fantasy that you're projecting causing all your suffering.
  10. Move the mindset away from "we are in a relationship" to being a true friend. This will change your interactions with her and your connection will grow deeper. The "we are in a relationship" perspective is toxic and holds baggage. Change the frame of mind about what this is and you'll get what you truly want. The friend component of the relationships isn't there.
  11. sounds like a possible mistake for ISTJs
  12. HAHAHA good one We could test the Ph levels of the solution and if necessary adjust it so its just right? Girl Friends Idea... i really wish i could take credit doe But maybe Leo will endorse this female exclusive method, who knows, hopes are high!
  13. Play this in the background, sets the mood.
  14. Right the idea is to take a detoxer to release metals into the blood like ALA and have a blood cleaner similar to a dialysis machine but smarter clean it out. Normally it can take years to slowly detox someone and its dangerous, with this it could be done in a weeks, with little damage to the system. Imagine eating food like salmon and have all the toxins cleaned out by a smart organ! Of course we can go all science fiction and come up with a bunch of impossible things but a smart organ i feel is something that we can build today with the available technology.
  15. Your already an investor in the fiat currency of your country and receiving an annual return of -2% to -7% from the benefits of inflation.
  16. Ear plugs might not be suitable for people with tinnitus. Can cause mental health problem.
  17. A guy can enter into a cocky state when there feeling themselves and enjoying the moment. When mature men do it, its hot. The word cockyness is like i said not the right word, playful-confidence is more like it. 0:47 Cockyness done wrong. They hold them selves as the best, its assumptions, its accusatory, they throw you under the bus to prove there point and to show how much better they are then you.
  18. Ridiculous that the scientific community is ignoring this. Lets get Richard dawkins a session, id love to see that.
  19. @Carl-Richard Genius like usual. Looks like creativity is going to focus on ones interests. If you decided to go down the route of starting a business in the future then the focus might change to other types of insights, practical things.
  20. Smart Spending Technology - Whitelist purchases debit card - Learn from Other Smart Spenders for people who can't stop spending money on useless things set the things or categories that are necessary to spend money on and prevent any transaction to go through that is not on the list white list: groceries, gas, investments... blacklist restaurant food or specific unhealthy restaurants, cigarettes... allow for emergencies keep yourself accountable compete with friends on who is the most intelligent with their money World leader board of The smartest spenders, learn and take insight from their spending habits copy the financial choices of Intelligent allocators of wealth
  21. please don't hesitate to join the fun
  22. Smart Organ - Blood Cleaner and Analysis - Consumer product connected into a bloodstream and filters out A specific molecule or compound Useful for detoxing especially heavy metals remove 100% of the compound as it passes through that points in the bloodstream Each filter needs its own innovation to get it to work properly unless there's a general way to identify a specific molecule and remove it Innovation and technology to be able to observe the molecules and remove them is likely still 10 years away at the least Eat food and have everything unwanted removed from the blood get live feed analysis on app of All the make up of the blood Select things to be removed on the interface Could potentially filter out stress hormone or tailor the blood to put the body in the state of mindfulness hormonally Could potentially add missing nutrients that are bio identical to what would be normally found in the blood stream all while providing invaluable data to the user and the medical community Insight into the blood at this level the complete make up of the blood in real time is a powerful tool for research purposes, It's as useful as the invention of the microscope can identify diseases years before it becomes an issue or at inception