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Everything posted by SunnyNewDay

  1. I think a lot of this discussion boils down to terminology. It doesn't seem like anyone can even agree upon what "enlightenment" is or "awakening", "salvation" "nirvana" etc. Is it possible to even clearly define it? Some are under the impression it's a complete paradigm shift or level of awareness. Others say it has to do with all release of emotional attachment. Could you explain what "grace controlled" reality means?
  2. I've always failed at forcing abstentions. 30 days free of this. 30 days free of that. I think it's a very primitive way to grow yourself and can have a huge demoralizing backlash. Maybe limit your time or try to find something else to fill what would otherwise be YouTube time?
  3. Yes Psychadelics are just a modality just like all other modalities with their own strengths and weaknesses
  4. Maybe start with a one week one before and do it in a group and with a facilitator. 30 day retreats and even longer are good but I think it's a little more advanced if you've never done any kind of conciousness retreat before. It's kind of like being guided through a meditation or learning how to do it before you do it on your own. You need a bit of a framework for yourself to work properly and also your own safety.
  5. good post but I disagree with NoFap. don't do that unless you have some real mental issues.
  6. I'm thinking of making this my daily method and doing it every evening for 30 minutes. I'm not sure if I should do wim hof or this though. They both are similar but the one difference being wim is a but more structured. I think the downtime and going with the flow feminine modality alters the techniques. Wim is mrie masculine and sort if has a routine to it which you can release on but it's about feeling the breath and going up to numbers. I'll experiment but I think I'm gonna maybe sort of mix them. So a few rounds of wim to push myself further beyond the gross sensations and then be a little more relaxed and meditative like holotropic breathing after that. They are both very similar techniques. Has anyone seen results after daily practice over a long period of time?
  7. how do you know this is true though if you haven't had the experience of a zen master practicing for 40 years? I'm not saying you're wrong or even right but consider the qualities someone might have developed if they have been practicing intelligently and disciplined for 40 years. There may be a piece of the puzzle one has there that allows them to see things in a different way than others wont due to lack of experience and discipline.
  8. I don't think you're entirely possessed but we all have a lot of pain stored in our bodies and subconscious. It has to go so let it go!
  9. So when I try sitting cross legged it brings up a ton of blockage which absolutely agitates me and makes me feel totally gross and uncomfortable and beyond describing how bad it is... should I go about lying down and avoiding the position that makes me feel this way? I think it's too intense and not productive if I get overwhelmed by sitting with crossed legs.
  10. agreed, relationships aren't easy for a lot of people and require a lot of work. For some they may have the qualities to make it work naturally and others it may require to work on aspects before being ready. Sometimes I wonder if I'll be ready for this experience because there are just other things taking up my time and that I'm working on. I'm fine with dating and casual sex and relationships but a super deep intimate and healthy relationship seems further away right now than a million dollars.
  11. "Exorcism" has a really dirty connotation to it and I think breathes more life into the darker aspects of what you're talking about and the way this very vulnerable situation can be botched. I think releasing inner blockages, trauma and pain is a better label for it.
  12. try and see if it works for you but be careful and listen. I have started doing the wim hof method which is very similar to shamanic breathing and it feels a deep depression is coming out of me. I'm going to try and continue doing this method every day and see where it takes me. I think not pushing too much is good. You can overdo it and send yourself in the opposite direction. Thank of it like exercise. You can overwork yourself.
  13. I've done the first 6 lessons in the book but I can't sit in half lotus for the life of me. Gonna try doing it on a couch. Thing is I've fallen off and haven't done it in a couple months. Should I just start up again and maybe just not sit in half lotus?
  14. I'm thinking of doing this daily again. I have a ton of resistance and tension in my body, lots of blocks. Sometimes it's hard to do the breathing so I think I need to just release, let go and breath into the resistance to let it go.
  15. I think the time you sit can have varying impacts. It's dependent and connected to a lot of other things. We spend a ton of time with our eyes open going around about our days so I think this time is when the rubber meets the road and we have to be aware of how we feel and the choices we are making.
  16. praying is fine it is a form of surrender doesn't matter how you do it (although at the same time it kind of does) Just let go and get in touch with the spirit higher. it can elevate you and take you higher and higher. things will change as the need be.
  17. Look into getting online coaching for strength training. You can make some progress on 5x5 strong lifts or 531 but you will plateau and it's hard to make progress for many people Barbell Medicine: Barbell Logic: Starting Strength:
  18. You absolutely need people. You can't just cut them out or try to cheat at the hierarchy of needs. Living some sort of semi renunciation lifestyle is going to end in failure for the majority of people that do it. It is all about integration. It's like thinking you can avoid food or water. Your body and mind need certain environments in order for certain things to occur.
  19. stop discussing who is enlightened and who isn't
  20. I don't know the answers to any questions. All I know is that I feel a special kind of good when I give back from the heart and take some time to give back and help others. It has a way of calming the mind and can help in purging negative feelings and karma.
  21. I don't think pegging people at what stage they are at is very productive. We have to just sift through the theory and info and try for ourselves what works. how developed a person is on the inside isn't really apparent.
  22. it's literally impossible for me to stay present sometimes. I'll feel super tense all over in my body and kind of angry. I can only sit or breathe for a couple minutes. it's super agitating and very uncomfortable.
  23. do not do it. you are cheating yourself if you do and it will affect your experience, even just one message. do it away from people if you must but you are just cheating yourself.
  24. I would say that true concentration meditation comes through being in the moment and living a life with few distractions and allows you to do the inquiring and deep level work properly for whichever technique you're doing. this includes diet, your job, how you spend your free time, if you do selfless actions regularly and give back to the community, etc. All this allows for a more calm mind to do the work properly. Concentration practices are usually helpful if one isn't fully there yet and has to deal with lot of distractions. During the ten day retreats by dhamma they start you off on three days of concentration and this is because society and regular life is so loud and most of the people going it's their first time really meditating. You need to practice and try it out and see if you need it or not. I'd say if you have problems even sitting or a couple minutes meditating than the concentration is helpful and it is never a step back. It is one of many tools in the tool box.
  25. POD is stage green Anyone who hates on early 2000s nu metal is just lying to themselves how good it is lol