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About Joker_Theory

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  1. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura I agree but i have had some realisations and some weird experience by meditating, contemplating, having sone knowledge about spirtitual knowledge and just hearing something that clicks causing some experiences. Also, was doing some light work with an spiritual guru(i can feel his energy very strongly) but till i can find Psychedelics it's all i can do, for now... Thanks Leo!!
  2. @Leo Gura Which of your videos will wake a person up the easiest for us ego conscious people. I have a very open mind and i do contemplate what i watch or read so please share a video that you think is the best to wake me up other than what is God part 1 and 2 cause i have watched them 3 times if not more bad i got a lot from it like it did make me realize somewhat who/what God is but what other video's will help?? I get it 75% intellectual, i think but i am open minded and i could just need the other 25% or less to at least have some sort of awakening. I don't have the connections to psychedelics where i live so i need the next best thing. I do meditate and do self inquiry so what is the next best thing or a video in your experience that will awaken me? Also, Have a good koan that might help me off your head cause i know here are a few on your site. Thank you Leo!!!
  3. Hey, Doing ok, Whats up with you? I remember you too and thank you/ Trying my best to look after her(being human) andf then also trying being a spiritual being by just being the real me, the i am or pure consciousness of i exist. Thanks for reaching out and caring and that show's me your God like qualities so thank you and i will be more active to become more spiritually advanced...
  4. He says that if God displeases you he won't look at you anymore and don't want to know you but if God is Love or even unconditional love, how can God be displeased by you or anything that you do?? How can God cut you off if you can't be separated from God and we all are one? If God is all Good and All Loving why will he do that and be upset/displeased at you?? Also, according to him then you still exist and what you are(evil)or how your mind thinks you will create a world/demontion or realm that is evil and that is what hell is full of what your mind is full of aka who you are. Could someone please help me understand?
  5. @Javfly33 Not quite but a God Forum i think so
  6. That's true but maybe one can find out if that is true and also getting opinions of others what they think. If you have a site like this you might get someone with an experiences or 2 that can help you relax that fear and also motivate you to get the answer for yourself but i get what you saying. thanks. I would just like maybe someone to send me on the right track how not to go to hell or purgatory or videos to watch that might help me with that.
  7. Thanks man. I believe God exist with my whole heart and believe God is all the things Leo's said in his What is God part 1 and 2 episodes but i don't know if God know's me and i only know God, the real God not the one Christianity teaches us by what Leo said and what i have read before that from others that corresponds to that and BELIEVE THAT WITH MY WHOLE HEART but is it enough.. I so badly want to go full in on learning what God, Truth and Love is and know they are one and the same but i have a job that takes all my time and work overtime till late. Then i am too tired to meditate cause i fall asleep sleep. I need this job and can't afford to loose it cause i have to look after my mom. I suffer from severe social anxiety and phobia that i can't even talk to people for longer than 10 min but i can work with them not speaking to them so they just tolerate me. I am a 45 year old man that has nothing other than his mom and hobbies. I know i sound like i am playing the victim and maybe i am a little but i am not looking for sympathy but i can't look for another job cause it took long to get this one. I am broke so i need this job and my biggest wish i just want to meditate and do all the things to heal myself and not be in this survival state and ratrace and do the real work i know i can do if i just have time to do it which i feel like i am stuck in this matrix if you will. Time feels like my worse enemy atm. I just don't want to go to hell and know that so it's one less fear i have to worry about. I decided to try harder this/next year to start to meditate in the mornings 20 min again(use to meditate 45 min twice a day when i didn't have a job and got covid for 5 months and stopped) and try to be conscious of being conscious while working to becoming self liberated. Easier said than done but at least going to try and study and listen to more of Leo's stuff and contemplate it till i integrate it but lets hope work doesn't get into the way. Also, going to try to know thy self and see where that takes me. Thanks for listening to my rant if you read so far.
  8. Is there any Truth to what he is saying? Can someone with an 200 IQ be on a higher consciousness as others?? I know i still have fears about hell and i know if you believe it to be true you can manifest it or is this just New age bs? Do you have to have Gods attention or God know you to move on to higher demontion's or aka Heaven? Thanks
  9. @Schizophonia got it. Thanks
  10. @Schizophonia How do i join? I am new to discord
  11. I am watching everything about it on youtube. The thing is i can't find any psychedelics where i live and too scared to order them online so need something other than meditation to go deeper and maybe one day or one lifetime become enlightened.
  12. @CARDOZZO That's the one. Looking for experiences and can one maybe become enlightened and if so could in speed up the process.
  13. @Schizophonia May i join? Could you send me a link?
  14. What do you guy's think of these experiences? Sounds like some trip reports of psychedelic trips and even the one he talks about you expand to infinity, he does not use that word but that is what it sounds like. Has anyone tried this? What is your fav and what did you experience?
  15. What is your addicted or in my case dependant on substances just to feel normal and i never even feel normal. How do i tell my story to even feel normal? Guess to tell yourself you can beat this dependancy one day. I know i will but it will take time.