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Everything posted by Breathe

  1. It is indeed multi-faceted! Know thyself? Not bad.
  2. What does self-actualization mean to you guys? I'll start. Personal responsibility Self-acceptance / self-love Getting in touch with authentic desires and acting on them Emotional intelligence
  3. Exactly, it has nothing to do morality and everything to do with the emotional body.
  4. I agree. You have to take the whole system into account. The cost of education, ability, the time it takes to learn new skills, familial obligations. The responsible and capable will find a way, but there are plenty that will get left in the dust.
  5. I've had the fear too. You'll have to work through that existential anxiety. It's totally normal but it gets easier. Take care of yourself and your life to establish a solid sense of self-esteem. You'll see later that self-esteem is necessary to have the deeper insights.
  6. The mind will always have judgements and projections. The goal is to see them as not truth. When you cease to believe your thoughts, you're open to opposing views and can see things from different angles. In other-words, you enter a state of not-knowing. There's a famous Zen quote: “Do not seek the truth; only cease to cherish opinions.”