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About Breathe

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  1. I agree with enchanted. I used to consider myself left of center but now I live in an extremely progressive city. I spend a lot of time around trans people and my thoughts about them has changed drastically. Now I just think that all people deserve love and respect so I try to be kind to everyone. Even if that means using pronouns that I don't understand. After moving here I did become more aware of the patriarchal nature of society, racism, and bigotry in general. It's a sad state of affairs. I guess I'm woke as fuck now. That said, I would encourage people to refrain from using the term woke as an insult. Free speech is great, but issues like wokeism is a distraction from the real problems at hand. The world is facing an economic and civil rights crisis. Spiritual maturity requires focusing on things that actually matter.
  2. I felt that way initially but then i got started on a prepping project and kind of got into it. I also realize that it's easy to say "I don't care to prolong my life" now when there is no immediate threat. But the day your life is in danger you're going to want to do something about it. We live in a surveillance state now and the US is in decline. I'm middle class and feel like I'm being squeezed financially. I can only imagine what it's like to be poor now. I predict a surge of homelessness and poverty as jobs grow more and more scarce. Crime rates will go up and there will be no safety nets for those with lower socioeconomic status. I think that all they'll want to do is throw the poor in prison. I suspect all they really doing is trying to wipe out the poor. They aren't complete idiots, they know that climate change is real. It's much easier to get rid of the lower class and reduce the population size than to actually deal with the problem at hand. At this point they don't give two shits about us. We're all enemies of the state.
  3. Oh yeah, and holy shit, I was horny as fuck like half of the time.
  4. Ok, I tried it. I don't know how much I actually took because the powder was so fine and I was doubting how accurate it would be using a scoop. The instructions that came with the scoops said that the one I used was 5-10mg. Well, that's a big fucking difference! I started with half the scoop just to be safe. I could feel something but wasn't sure, I thought it might be placebo. I waited like 5 minutes then snorted the rest. I did not expect anything to happen. I started to feel a buzz. It was simultaneously pleasant and annoying. I prefer the feeling of LSD to be honest. Anyways, I had to poop. That's when I realized, oh shit, I'm tripping! The intensity slowly climbed and I felt quite a bit of fear. I kept thinking, "This is insane!" This shit is powerful. I've experienced states like this in meditation but it threw me for a loop because it was effortless. The body dissolved just like in deep meditation. I could clearly see the illusory nature of thought and body. My heart was pounding. It was fear of the unknown mainly. Unsure of how deep this was going to go. I wasn't sure if I had peaked. I sat in my chair with my heart pounding for like 15 mins thinking the trip was going to end at any moment. But no. I moved to the recliner and just did my best to relax into it. Eventually the fear subsided and I just kind of watched the sensations and the breath arising. The body load is kind of unpleasant, it feels dirty. Like chemicals. I did like the meditative effects but the mind was super busy and it didn't want to settle. I'm not sure if this was because of the unpleasant body load or if it was because of all the crazy shit going on right now. My mind is usually quieter in my daily meditation practice. My mind was really distracted with thoughts about work and fears about what's happening in American politics. I kept thinking that we've entered into some seriously dark times and I don't think we're going to be able to dig ourselves out of this mess. Final thoughts: This is an insanely powerful molecule. I did not expect to go so deep on so little an amount. I'm still not sure how much I did, perhaps up to 15mg. It's just hard to measure powdered sugar accurately. I still have a hard time believing that 10mg can do this to you. I'm not crazy about the body load but I am going to keep experimenting with it until I get a break through. I appreciate that the come up is gentle but I'd prefer that it didn't last so long. Holy shit, this stuff is insane though! I would like to try 5-MEO-DMT if I can find a way to get my hands on it. Anyways, thanks @Leo Gura for introducing me to this shit. This is seriously a gift.
  5. I have a question about measuring. I have some MALT HCI but it is very, very fine powder. Kind of like powdered sugar. First, is that normal? Second, is measuring with a scoop going to be the same with a substance that fine?
  7. This is an excerpt from Sarah's book called Hiding in Plain Sight:
  8. This is good article with suggestions about how to prepare and also offers a crap ton of reading suggestions. Gaslit nation was founded by Sarah Kendzior:
  9. Has anyone else been doing any prepping? The US is in deep doo doo and me and my friends have been preparing for the worst. Stocking up on food, keeping small bills on hand, having a store of crypto, getting passports ready, reaching out to others to form communities and alliances, registering for accounts with NordVPN, Signal, and Proton mail. At this point the American people have been abandoned and I'm afraid we've reached the point of no return.
  10. Has anyone else here read any of her books? I've been wanting to connect with other people who have the same affinity. Other that I've been digging into are Timothy Snyder and Heather Cox Richardson. Sarah's space on substack is excellent. I'd recommend this post before checking out her other articles: Sarah is a journalist that specializes in authoritarianism and basically predicted the attempted coup in 2020. She's continued to make accurate predictions since then and I've been gobbling up all the she has to write. Her articles are no longer behind a paywall because we are in a time of crisis. Timothy Snyder wrote On Tyranny which basically explains what is happening and what is going to happen. I'd highly recommend his book trying to make sense of things right now. You can read it in less than two hours, you are doing yourself a disservice by not reading it. Here's one of Heather's articles which is also another excellent journalist to keep an eye on: Curious to hear any thoughts.
  11. Yes, I'm very concerned. Let's just say that I live in a part of the country where we would be a target I think the government is just waiting for an excuse to launch a physical attack on American citizens. Once we start seeing protests, looting, and riots is when we'll see a militarized state in action. They're just waiting for the right excuse to execute the next stage in their plan. The "radical left" will be declared enemies of the state, and we all know that means anyone to the left of MAGA. This is what has been done in other countries where dictators came to power including Nazii Germany. To summarize, so far we have shipped immigrants to guantanamo, shackled Indians, and have been offered to house American citizens in El Salvador's prisons.
  12. What do you guys think about AI and blockchain analysis to crack down on crime? I wonder how much of this is already in place and how far it will go. I know there are ways that one can cover their tracks such as chain hopping, but I also know that this isn’t fool proof and doing so can raise flags. Asking for a friend.
  13. He has some valid points. But do you think the government is actually going to regulate companies and industries that lobby the government? Cigarettes? Sugar? McDonald’s? They’re not going to do shit inless it pleases the shareholders. This is an oligarchy. it’s all for show
  14. I read most of this thread and I still don't know what dose I should start with. What do you guys recommend?
  15. They are well on their way. All it will take is a declaration that the "far left", Antifa, or any other contrarian group is an emery of the state. They just waiting for an excuse like a violent protest. Trump admires Kin Jong and Putin. You see similar patterns there. The writing is on the wall.