Yoga Path

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  1. We all are awakened..just need to see that...
  2. Namaste! First of all thanks for the feedback. Let's discuss the next verse: Chapter 1 Verse 2: अष्टावक्र उवाच - मुक्तिमिच्छसि चेत्तात्, विषयान विषवत्त्यज। क्षमार्जवदयातोष, सत्यं पीयूषवद्भज॥१-२॥ Translation Sri Ashtavakra answers - If you wish to attain liberation, give up the passions (desires for sense objects) as poison. Practice forgiveness, simplicity, compassion, contentment and truth as nectar.॥2॥ Discussion Guru says: if you really want to get liberated and peaceful living, here is how you experience: Don't get yourself into the poison of desires. The more you desire, more suffering you create. Here is how: if you dont get what you desire, you get frustrated and you suffer. Even if you get what you desire, a new desire comes to your mind in seconds, and it will continue. If desires are in your nature, they will continue to spread like a poison. Remove this poison out from your body. It is important to understand that it is not suggested to stop doing work OR leaving the worldly connections. Do what you do with passion and perfection but without any desires. Desires create frustration, anger, dissatisfaction, guilt, feeling of something missing and hence suffering. Drink the nectar of forgiveness (forgive yourself for any prior guilt), simplicity (keep life super simple-not impacted/moved by pleasures and sorrows), compassion (feeling that everyone is same), contentment (satisfaction with what comes in life) and truth (knowing the true nature of life). Once you know the truth, other practices flow smoothly with it. Truth itself will make every moment of life as like drinking nectar. We will discuss about true nature of life in upcoming posts. As requested earlier, please continue to give your feedback and we will make this exploration easier for everyone. @zambize: Appreciate your comments. More details will follow as we get into more verses. @DocHoliday: Yes Gyan is different way of writing Gnan. Gyan is actually the correct pronunciation in Sanskrit or Hindi, but Gnan is more formal way in English to call "Gyan". Thanks for the call out. Gnan will be used going forward to avoid confusions.
  3. Namaste!! This thread is to discuss simplest and straight method to experience Yoga (feeling of oneness), Gyan Yoga (knowing the true self and the whole universe).There are many other different techniques like Bhakti/Dhyan/Karma (Devotion/meditation/passion) Yoga with the same objective; however Gyan Yoga is the most effective and easiest way, if understood correctly. Ashtavakra Geeta is the best text in that context, again if understood correctly. Let's discuss and debate on every verse of Ashtavakra Gita to know the truth, which will change the way you see the world. Chapter 1 Verse 1: जनक उवाच - कथं ज्ञानमवाप्नोति, कथं मुक्तिर्भविष्यति। वैराग्य च कथं प्राप्तमेतद ब्रूहि मम प्रभो॥१-१॥ Translation Old king Janak asks the young Ashtavakra - How knowledge is attained, how liberation is attained and how non-attachment is attained, please tell me all this.॥1॥ Discussion A king is asking a Guru 3 basic questions (no confusion/distraction, direct 3 straight questions) 1) how to get knowledge of life's purpose and who I am 2)how to get liberated and be peaceful in the state I am in 3)how to get rid of suffering due to different attachments in the world if we get satisfactory answer of the above 3 questions, I believe life will take a new turn that will change everything you do and experience. Will discuss the next verse in the upcoming post. Please feel free to share any feedback to make this post better and more effective. My whole intent is to help you explain the thrilling experience I had when i went through the entire text and of course want to know your perspective. It takes a village to know something big!