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Everything posted by krockerman

  1. Can anyone help me find more of this stuff? I want to look into more mathematical theories that can prove the nature of absolute infinity?
  2. Can you explain How The model of non duality and exitance do not Confrom to logic?
  3. If so Why is there no total blue? Or a zeus that rules over all of infinty? Or Why can’t infinty escape itself etc? Or a buttom that removes everyone named Leo from exitance?
  4. Yes because Existence must exclude all illogical stuff like total blue etc this makes all of exitance fully logical and because of that absolute infinty is the only logical thing in exitance because there is nothing beyond it
  5. Yes in a limited reality. Logic protects the limitless of reality. Otherwise a supernova would have destroyed all of absolute infinity. There is no total blue within absolute infinty. A color that could fill up a whole absolute infinty. If total blue was included there would only be blue in all of exitance. Look around you. This is proof that reality is logic itself. Absolute infinty cannot create 2 absolute infinites. There is only one. You see How all this conform to logic. If the supernova existed Why is absolute infinty not destroyed by now? notice How you say ”it’s all within it” this asumes that there is only one. Not 2 or 3 or 4. Only one. this again conforms to logic even when you say ”it cannot escape itself” notice how you put a logical limit on absolute infinity. If it could defy logic it could escape itself
  6. I am not talking about relative human logic. I am talking about absolute Logic.
  7. @Javfly33 Reality cannot include anything that goes against logic. If infinity is illogical can it make itself 2 abolute infinities rather than one? or 4? or 5? or 6?
  8. Well that is true however this is possible in reality. Reality has the quality of anythingness. Everything has to be included. However I don't think you are looking for enligtment
  9. Non-existence is impossible. Absolute infinity is logic itself and cannot include anything that is impossible. It must exclude it. Absolute infinity is all there could ever be. Non-existence does not exist so it’s impossible to imagine.
  10. Reality does no include nothingness. It includes voids. Voids are still something even if still feel something Close to nothing
  11. Nothing lasts absolutly forever but there are realtive infinite realms like @Synchronicity pointed out in a previous post. Do you concider those realtive infinite/eternal realms to still be finite @Leo Gura?
  12. There are things "better" than enlightenment. PM me if you want to know more
  13. I forgot to say if the purpose is selfish.
  14. Absolute evil is simply forceing a being to experince something they do not want to experince
  15. Let’s say every being infinty were given the total power to experince What they wanted to experince Based on that egos desiers. No being would Ever need to expeirnce unwanted suffering again. You could have the power to limit yourself, experience everything in infinty. All the suffering and joy. Now i have to Ask @Leo Gura would this be a selfish thing or the most unselfish thing? To let every being experince What they wanted even a permanent one. Now everyone would be free to experince What they wanted to experince without judgement. Impermance would end for some beings. If you had the power leo would you Give every being that power. Or not and let all beings experince all of reality?
  16. There is a way to get all the joy without the pain, But i won't talk about it here. Pm me if you want to know more
  17. Your state is a gift to guide people :).
  18. I don’t agree with Leo that you are doing all of these things to have that moment of peace afterward. When I watched hacksaw ridge I loved every second of it. The moment of peace was at best a bonus. Feeling happy comes at bursts. Like when you experice chrismas with family, riding a roller coaster, expeirce a romantic moment etc. all of these moments you are feeling happy. But that does not mean you are happy. Being happy is What Leo talked about, being at peace when nothing is happening. Being present. I think the problem is people think black or white. They either go full being happy and just sit and meditate. Nothing wrong with that But i don’t think that is too far. The other is chasing the feeling of being happy. This Will make your life hell when you are not experice feeling happy. I think the way you should take to get the best of both is when you are not feeling anything and when nothing special is happeing is just being at peace and present. But when Good enjoyment comes along (Good as Things that are meaningful to your life narrative like being with you family friends and a romantic partner on Christmas, and not Things like heroin or winning the jackpot) Embrace all the joy 100% (and not think of them as egoic distractions) you should go for What you want. But at the same time be present and at peace. Wanting and looking forward to things can be a great experience i also get that being happy is something you must be to enjoy the feelings of happiness 100%
  19. if you treat romantic infatuation as a bonus and not the goal. And your goal is a real realtionship. Is it wrong to feel romantic infatuation?
  20. Yes 100%. I also find joy in saddnes sometimes
  21. @Leo Gura well it's still hedonism. But I don't think you should reject that just because it's hedonism. If it translates to a real relationship after it. If it does then it's I think the honeymoon is a great bonus. For a true relationship, it has to end. But it's a fun first part
  22. What I meant was many people treat it like the goal. But if I treat it like a bonus and something I know is gonna end. Should I see it as something bad?
  23. yes, sadness can be beautiful. I loved hacksaw ridge even if it made me cry When i talking about felling happiness I am talking about eudaimonism. Not hedonism
  24. If you just wanted nothing and you realized you don’t Want wating nothing?