Derek White

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Everything posted by Derek White

  1. @Leo Gura We've talked about what kind of men women want. Now tell us what kind of women men want? (My guess is a completely submissive woman with nice bod, but I don't personally want that, or a harem full of such women, Genghis Khan style.)
  2. @Leo Gura Read your recent posts on dating. It seems, according to you, men have to be strong and independent providers to attract women. But why would you need a relationship if you are that independent, especially one in which you are like a parent? It seems you would only be in the relationship for her body. I guess that's the whole point, to not be needy and get in a relationship on your own terms. Does this advice apply to all cultures and all generations? How do you explain popularity of Kpop singers and other feminine men like Michael Jackson? Why does your advice sound like traditional conservative advice, it seems like Dennis Prager, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Crowder would agree with your advice to men? What are you basing this theory off of? Your limited personal experience, research papers, what?
  3. @Leo Gura Bruh... the reason homosexuality was suppressed was because the majority of people were naturally straight... it’s the same reason left handed people were considered bad... humans in the past valued conformity and hated anyone that differed even slightly.
  4. @Leo Gura You should go to Sadhguru and learn something Leo. He even has a center in USA now. He clearly knows more about some aspects of life than you do. And like you say, is suppose to be more than enlightenment. Perhaps he can help you raise your low baseline level of awareness. Don’t be cocky Leo, don’t let arrogance get in the way of learning.
  5. Somebody need to close this thread, it’s not going anywhere... Why do you people engage those who don’t want their minds changed?
  6. @John Iverson It depends what kind of pilot are you. Mediocrity is about what you do on the inside not what you do on the outside. You could be doctor or a pilot and still be mediocre in the inside. It's not about being different from others. It's about following your values and living a passionate life on the inside.
  7. Are you talking about when Leo said this in his latest video (advice for young people part 2)? It means not having ambitions and having low standards like everyone else. Being okay with minimum wage, being unhealthy, wasting life, having no dreams, etc. etc.
  8. @Alfonsoo You can compare it to things in US history. Things are going to change. But it's not going to be the end of USA as we know it. It really depend on perspective.
  9. No... the change will not be that drastic. You will get better policing, that's it... US has already gone through martial law before. There have also been riots before...
  10. It won't go global. I bet most people don't even know about it.
  11. You're really exaggerating things. You should see what goes on in other countries and what the 'norm' is there. Violent protests or even martial law doesn't mean the end of the USA or the world...
  12. I know many turban wearing friends here in Canada who don’t seem to have trouble dating inter-racially. Obviously, a long-term relationship like a marriage would be difficult because of religious differences, but I wouldn’t say it’s impossible. I know Sikhs with turbans who are married to white Christian women. Just present yourself well, have a nice personality, approach women, learn about US culture and keep an open mind.
  13. The fear that stage red immigrants will destroy stage blue-orange institutions is irrational imo. It stems from a lack of exposure to immigrants. Actually, most immigrants have much in common with conservatives. Besides, children of immigrants won’t be stage red or blue. It’s not a good reason to have kids. Conservatives also care about protecting culture. They want immigrants to speak their language, wear their clothes, celebrates their festivals, and consider their culture as superior. They fear that their religion is fading. Some extremists fear that their race is fading. Immigrants speak western languages, wear western clothes, study in western schools, actually earn their citizenship, leave everything behind, and much more. Their children can barely speak their language. What will they have to do to be accepted into “western civilization“?
  14. No it’s not. It’s the exact opposite. That’s what conservatives say all the time everywhere. Go to Middle East, China, or India, conservatives are always paranoid about their culture fading. English is spoken literally everywhere in the world, including places like Africa, China and Japan. The internet is in English. The ‘Western’ art, clothing, science, and music is prevalent everywhere. Yet you still believe ‘Western Civilization’ is fading...
  15. The human population is skyrocketing and there are literally millions of children who go hungry everyday, and yet people want to burden the world with their own children. Frankly, the idea of having children disgusts me when there is so much overpopulation and so many children without parents.
  16. This is funny. Instant subscribe. ? Honestly this deserves a separate thread. Some of you need to how you sound. ?
  17. Do you realize Leo does none of that? Logic is flawed.
  18. All tier one stages have "us vs. them" and "good vs. bad" mentality. Stage green feminists hate conservatives and racists. It makes perfect sense to me why people listen to JP other than because they hate SJW. If you ask an average person if murder is evil they would undoubtedly say yes. He provides an alternative to nihilism: realizing that everything is meaningless. It takes a lot for people to get to tier two, stage yellow. To get to tier two, you have to realize everything is meaningless, realize the limitations of logic and rationality, shift perspectives, integrate emotions, realize consciousness and much more. Most people are not able to realize that there is no evil or what thinking even is. Forget about average people, most scientists don't even know what consciousness is! If you don't realize meaninglessness: (1) you will fall back to your cultural/religious background to provide structure for your life or (2) unconsciously create your own meaning. If you realize meaninglessness: (1) you consciously create your meaning or (2) you become depressed as you view meaninglessness as 'negative' in which case you don't understand meaninglessness fully. The latter is what JP and his followers fear the most and want to avoid at all costs. A person who realizes meaninglessness is a danger to society. Jordan has created a shadow of meaninglessness.
  19. @Leo Gura Leo! What is intuition?! Have your views changed on it after 30 days break?!
  20. Well, one of the main reason people like him is because he criticizes the absurdities of the Left. If you ever got harassed by a Feminist SJW you would know. Many of his followers start as anti-sjw folk I would assume.
  21. TBH you haven't provided any serious counter-argument to anything he said. It's hard to judge what you're criticizing him for... You have just called him names and cherry-picked his quote... BTW, I'm not JP fan. (I think you're illogical for using (!) too much. It hinders communication. JK lol.)
  22. He has helped people. Maybe he makes sense to some people and not you... Maybe some people think you are unreasonable... Just some thoughts.
  23. True. But of course, childhood patterns and the grooves in my brain change slowly. Lots of ego backlash.