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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. Chapter 11: I'm getting close to finishing the CwG trio as I continued reading it today, can't wait to read them again. But I'm also excited to rest books for a week or two when I finish my current unread book batch. All this input gets to your head as just thoughts, so I believe it's of vital importance to take time off to contemplate and meditate with no new input - to re-read and process the info you just read and most importantly QUESTION IT. Other: Skipped meditation last night as there was a big family living room talk, nothing serious. Just a nice little get together. Also skipped meditation tonight as I decided to watch a movie with my brother and sister instead. It was quite nice, as there is an insane red weather alarm currently as I'm writing this. I can feel the wind thump on the windows, all jobs and schools are on lock-down tomorrow countrywide; so the chilling and the heavy reading continues.
  2. - Santiago Caruso
  3. @Yog Thanks! I can't stop staring at that 2nd one; how empty and lifeless her eyes are, operating by pure shadows.
  4. I love paperback because I highlight the shit out of them. And they just look cool. I also like how people can see the work you are putting into something, that this work is not something you take lightly (although I couldn't care less what people think). It can also get extremely expensive to order them for me here to Iceland. I usually use bookdepository .com, as they have free shipping on all books. But the problem is if I order for example 10 books, they might arrive as 1-10 packages, then I have to pay tax on each package which is 11% here. But usually, some of them arrive together which is nice. Last time I ordered 7 books and they all came in one big box; so that was a big win.
  5. I'd just put in the time and work and achieve it normally. There are mixed reviews on these masks, seem to work for some and not for others.
  6. @John876 Didn't intend on watching all of it...but it did. That's what mastery does to you, it's so goddamn interesting.
  7. @Rilles Yeah I agree. Or throw it onto the ground in rage and scream "This is worthless!" ?
  8. Him preaching those words to the crowd and 30 million people watching worldwide does way more than just donating some money. Bunch of people do that already. Even if it only inspired 10-100 people to take some action, it starts to spread like wildfire.
  9. @Yog hahaha good, that's how it's supposed to be May I know the source of the art you posted, they're insanely amazing, one of the most beautiful I've ever seen.
  10. Chapter 10: I find that journaling every day is taking away some of the core focus I have towards this work. I'll dial it back to every two days or so and see how that goes. One of my key goals now is to achieve Lucid Dreaming to support my spiritual practice; It's probably the most underrated tool when it comes to this work. So now after meditation every night, instead of coming here to journal, I will be focusing on achieving Lucidity every night instead; and report back here every other day or so. Other: Meditated for 40 minutes, was a great session. Been pushing back that Kriya for long enough now. I will start tomorrow during midday, then normal meditation before bed. I'm also preparing for a Mushroom + Mdma trip very soon. So it's time to tune in to prime-time spiritual beast mode.
  11. Awesome trip report! Next up, silent darkness might be better if you want to work on your self more. But the outside experiences are undeniably so insane. But I myself find I get more "spiritual work" done when inside. I'm about to do a Mushroom + MDMA trip this or next week, it will be done in silent darkness. Interesting to read this beforehand. As it's been over 2 years since I've done Mushrooms; only been doing LSD.
  12. Chapter 9: This Wilber book is really thick and dense as I keep plowing through it. I'm currently on page 370. It's just fantastic; can't wait to read some of his other stuff as well. I've been dialing my reading consumption back a little, to make more space for contemplating things on my own. I want to be my own thinker and own authority. So I'm taking all of these books and videos with a grain of salt. I want to read more on ancient wisdom such as Lao-Tzu and Sun-Tzu as I think there is a lot to be learned from that ancient wisdom. I meditated for 20 minutes which was supposed to be 50. I can often tell how a meditation session will end up, by how active my mind has been for the day. But I really ought to meditate through it anyway; no matter what I'm feeling. The longer into meditation I go, the easier it becomes to silence the monkey mind. So I'm sure it will be no problem in the upcoming days. Other: Tonight I made a golden version of my dream self in OneNote. I wrote what the superhuman version of me would be like; what he would do in daily life and more. I then wrote about what it would take to get to that point. I am aware of "chasing some other future version of myself" is maybe not the best mindset, but if one is conscious of what he is doing, I think it cant have a great impact. I find that this is a must if I'm going to be balancing business (survival) with spiritual awakening. A little stoic discipline won't hurt. I managed to eat moderately healthy today. I need to be drinking a lot more water though.
  13. @Danioover9000 Yeah you're 100% correct, that hate can follow all the way up to turquoise even. But much of the hate from one stage does usually transform once one proceeds to a higher stage and often is the main cause; but of course your tail will leave residue from the previous color. Until you work on that specific problem. This just shows how one-dimensional spiral dynamics can be, it doesn't take many of the factors left out into account. That's why i like integral theory more.
  14. @Johnny5 Well that's the problem with truth and the absolute. In no way can it be rationally talked about or speculated, and never will be - direct experience is the only thing that accounts. As the four In-Expressibles go: "You can't say that ultimate reality is being or not-being, or both or neither; That reality is infinite, or not, nor both nor neither. Because you assume a concept is true only as the opposite of something that it's not; ultimate reality has no opposite. 100% Neti-Neti, not this not that.
  15. @Johnny5 @Conscious life You guys are mixing hate and aggression. Aggression is a positive tool which can propel one self towards higher levels. Hate (hostility) one the other hand is what keeps one stuck at a lower level. You do not bring the hate of blue with you up to orange; you will not be able proceed to orange until you let go of that hate. Aggression on the other hand is very good and you can bring that with you wherever you go, it just means you attack something with much enthusiasm and energy - (Kind of like 2016-17 Leo used to be).
  16. There is only Love and Fear (which is also love)
  17. @electroBeam While having one of these backlashes, try n feel into where the problem arises. Really soul-search for that shadow which is causing this. It could be you've developed an allergy to a stage in some part of Red or resentment in stage Blue, some sort of anti authority, maybe when you are moving away from those things; they pull you back.
  18. Chapter 8: MOOD - ? Read some Wilber today and Cwg 3. Which ended up taking most of the day, which then pushed my meditation back further. So i meditated at 2:00am. The meditation lasted 50 minutes, I was so dead ass tired during it that it was more of a patience test than a proper meditation. I'm upping my time rapidly as I'm about to take meditation a lot more seriously this week and next weeks. I'm also planing a mushroom trip soon; probably next week. It will likely be somewhere around 4 grams. Other: After starting this journaling and more of a systematic approach to this work with OneNote. I've noticed a DRASTIC change in almost all aspects of my life. My writing keeps improving, I have better thought streams and generally feel more fulfilled. Writing your thought out and taking them from a subject to an object seems to be doing wonders. Couldn't recommend Leo's OneNote video more (commonplace book). Most of my life has just consisted of input. But expressing my thoughts with output has made me realize how important it is. I managed to eat healthy today and did some core work. Exercise is such an important factor that most people neglect it vastly. I'm on the brink of passing out - of tiredness while writing this. I may have to start writing these earlier.
  19. Because he knows the risk it takes to become a CEO. He just wants the safest for you. I've worked in electrical engineering and it's far from the worst jobs out there (quite fun actually) . It could be a wise move to finish the school and get a job in that field since you're already started. While you are making some money then, you can work on your life purpose with more dedication and experience, as you're probably quite young. It will give you more time and perspective to think it over. And you'll be making good money while at it.
  20. This will be interesting to follow I've found out-put to be crucial after being used to so much in-put of information my whole life. It makes me act more on my intentions and just a good stress reliever overall. Good luck !
  21. Chapter 7: MOOD - Today was an off day; did not read nor meditate. I find that I have to take off days especially from reading to process the information and give the mind a little rest. Will continue on tomorrow. Other: I've been eating absolutely terribly, this is not usually a problem. When I want to eat healthy, I manage to do so. Now after "purging out" and going all out on trash food. I'll pull myself together and get that in check before Monday. It will consist of mainly, veggies, fruits, some protein sources like eggs. peanut butter and cacao, protein-bread and whatever is for dinner; usually that's in the healthier range more than not.
  22. By the claims he's making - you'd bet all hell would come raining down on him from most of the health community. I mean living up to 150 years of age? That does sound very skeptical. From what he's saying, it has been researched on bunch of others as well. But I'm not buying into it as I've not really tried it. Although i have tried the 23h fast as he suggests; that has been one of my favorite fasting methods to date.
  23. @Aaron p Ever had Lagavulin 16 ? It's like getting a mouth orgasm. ?
  24. @TheHealer Congrats man, that's so awesome! You put in the work that most people are not willing to do, and got rewarded for it. But don't stop there, it goes deeper and deeper. You want to reach that Super-mind (clear-light) state as Ken Wilber's Integral Theory puts it.
  25. Chapter 6: CwG 3 and RoT were read today. In CwG; god went into detail on reincarnation, death and life. It was very interesting to get such a detailed view on how reincarnation might work; this is something I'll have to contemplate and experience before I take any stance on it. It was also made clear i need to contemplate death much much more to appreciate life more fully. Although ultimately there is no such thing as death. There is only life and infinite consciousness. But all these labels have to be transcended at some point, so one can become directly conscious in this direct experience. RoT went into cognitive states of Global mind, Meta-mind, Overmind and Supermind. Overmind was especially interesting as it seems to be a comfort spot one can hit. There the individual can experience such high levels of ecstatic and erotic pleasure that one might lose vision of ones path. This happens specially for those who still have shadow issues. Overmind also seems to be the point where you transcend the whole of human history and infinite knowledge. This is the point you become omniscient and go beyond all of the infinite levels of wisdom and possibly known knowledge. Supposedly this is what is supposed to happen. I've not experienced such deep moments myself yet, I'd say I've definitely gotten a peak at Overmind, but nowhere near full Overmind experience. I'll continue to read about the last state tomorrow, known as SUPERMIND. Nothing in existence sounds more compelling than to realize these states and I WILL STOP AT NO POINT. This is the reason god created duality, to ultimately know it self, and i'll make sure to find my way back home. Other: To get to these deeper realizations I just mentioned; to find my way back home (which is right here, there is nowhere to go). As god, i create reality and how it will turn out. By the amount of effort i'm putting in right now, I see how much more i could be doing. I'm not even trying on more than 25% effort. The only thing i do is meditate, read and contemplate from time to time, and psychedelics every month or two. Well if i were to see a version of myself that i'd think had a pretty good shot at "awakening". That guy would do the following: Do Kriya-Yoga or meditation in the mornings; he would do normal meditation also during the day, and before bed; he would breathe and live meditation and Kriya Yoga. he would learn to lucid dream as fast as possible, to practice mindfulness and awareness during sleep, as the real self never sleeps. The face before birth self. The self that was awake before the big bang. This ultimate version of myself would eat cleaner and be mindful throughout the day. Contemplation and self-inquiry would also be along side the top priorities. And of course, more of the good ol' psychedelics. These are the tools I created to be able to awaken. There are no bullshit excuses. Peace.