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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. @flowboy There's a valuable lesson for you there. Learning to let go even if it's painful and you hate it. There really is no solution to pain when stretching. The only thing I can think of is to keep it short and sweet, and eventually work your way to a longer duration. It's even said that the pain gets worse the more flexible you become, so it would be best to learn how to deal with it, instead of avoiding it.
  2. @Michael569 I usually try and stay still as if I'm meditating at first to totally surrender and accept it. Then after 2 minutes of that, I find I can easily move around without resistance because at that point the cold feels like lukewarm water, even though my body is bright red, lol. And that's relativity pure as water, once the body has cooled down, cold stops being cold.
  3. It most definitely can. But you must start doing weighted calisthenics with perfect form if you want some decent size.
  4. @HonestlyAsking Did you actually just open up an old ass thread to argue about not being god? The extent to which egos will go to convince themself they're not god is actually hilarious.
  5. Building a discipline in contemplating and learning to think independently. Creative thinking is your way to success.
  6. I feel like I've mastered the cold now after taking cold showers now on and off for about 3 years. I've reached a point where I honestly and actually love the cold, without hesitation. There's not even the slightest reaction to it being something that's uncomfortable like most of us have looked at the cold all our lives. Yet I also feel like a total beginner. The cold is one of the greatest teachers you can adopt to your life, it teaches you how to accept and let go. The more you fight back, the worse experience it becomes. I remember when I was first starting my cold shower journey. I'd blast some dubstep, electric, and epic orchestral music like I was preparing for war. I now see how much of a fool's approach that was but a valuable lesson. Tensing up and making it an ego trip made for an unsustainable practice in the long run. I'm also on no PMO right now, day 7. It's been easier than ever and it may be due to the discipline the cold showers have given. I really can't wait for the water fast I'll be starting on Monday, it will result in a rock-solid discipline combined with cold showers and no PMO, and a potent spiritual retreat as well.
  7. @BlackMaze You can try and set a goal you want to achieve and work towards that. I often find programs to be worse for when you're starting out. Maybe you set a goal of 2000 jumps without break, and the only way to get towards that is to jump rope.
  8. @BlackMaze Jumping rope is great, it's an art even, to learn how to flow and bounce effortlessly. Floyd Mayweather is a good example. Just don't forget to stretch your calves. I remember when I skipped rope for 20 minutes straight one time and didn't have time to stretch after, my calves turned into rocks the next day.
  9. @BlackMaze Yes, you should.
  10. @Gesundheit LMAO! Yeah, it would certainly be nice to not have to watch other people bake cinnamon rolls like I did yesterday. Felt like torture, but I also like it because it turns into a navy seal type of water fast, only the best survive. @Heinrich Faust I noticed how much better I felt after those 24 hours, so you are correct.
  11. Well, I fasted all day only to discover I won't be having time for peace and quiet meditation this week due to family visiting over easter. So I broke the fast just now and will start after Sunday.
  12. I've instantly noticed how much of a comfort food is. It feels very strange to not eat at all, it's an alien feeling to deny yourself the comfort you so look forward to every day of your life. I've also noticed how sneaky the mind is at trying to get out of this situation, a cold shower would be a good reset right now.
  13. @Gesundheit Thanks. Dry fasting is a lot harder I can imagine, but not as healthy from what I've read and it's not been studied as widely as the water fast.
  14. 11 hours- And the fast has begun! Water for breakfast, yummy! Thank the lord I have a SodaStream machine, I'll be using it a lot.
  15. Ah nice, I'd personally say he's green-yellow, mainly yellow, trying to figure out turquoise. He's definitely not turquoise though, since that means basically living and breathing this stuff. But he's most definitely put a lot of work and thought into it which is very clear in this interview.
  16. Never had problems with comedowns, unless it's something like MDMA + weed. LSD can have a minor uncomfortability because of the 12+ hour stimulation but that's about it for me.
  17. I just watched it after procrastinating on it for 2 years. All I can say is WOW.
  18. He actually runs a company called Hyros which is very legitimate. You don't have to be a scammer to make 2 mil a month.
  19. Yeah, I think he must've not heard the quote "enjoy the process". He obviously likes money, but why? I feel like he's in the so common trap of time scarcity, trying to rack up as much money as possible for "the future", and then it comes and he'll still have the same minimalist mindset because now it's rooted into his being. And he'll never spend a dime of all that hard work he put in. And so he dies having wasted his life collecting money. I feel like he needs to contemplate this. As smart as he is, he's much too blind.
  20. Discipline and habits are not the same thing. Discipline actually leads to more freedom once you've gotten over the hurdle of starting it. You have to be willing to go through some discomfort to find the peace you seek. The ego will convince you that discipline is devilry and that you'll lose your humanity because it's uncomfortable for it. Now put on your corinthian helmet and fight it.
  21. To me, it's important to have hobbies and to be willing to spend on them, they're like mini-passions.
  22. Pop a psychedelic and all these imaginary people fly out the window, lol.