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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. Did not intend for it to sound like that, I just meant you have the freedom to explore reality further such as collective consciousness and things of that nature. Because after you experience the I-I, you see how infinite reality is, so you go on exploring more of it. I'm definitely not saying psychedelics can get you to a permanent awakening faster than self-inquiry or meditation. It probably is easier to "awaken" the good ol' fashion way. But what I'm saying is that you hit a glass ceiling at a certain point, such as most masters do. Psychedelics break that ceiling. Permanent awakening only takes you so far.
  2. @Inliytened1 Yeah it was unnecessary of me to say that, you're right.
  3. They are working to get there, and can't take this work as seriously as Leo because they have survival to take care of. And many of them are not real truth seekers, rather psychonauts chasing experiences. I'd consider Leo as one of the most awakened humans of all time yes, from his "couch Leo" blog trip reports, he's gone into more detail than anyone has ever done on reality and consciousness. And I've had many of those realizations as well on psychs. Martin Ball is also very awakened but has a family to take care of, so he ended up running into some shadows. He died from alcoholism, so maybe he could've benefited from psychedelic healing, he hung up the phone while god was still trying to speak to him. After a certain point, it becomes more about god wanting to experience himself on all levels. The truth-seeker cares more about knowing God than being here now. That's what is meant when we say it goes deeper. What you might notice is that almost every master has his fair share of problems and shadows, that just goes to show that realizing the "I-I" isn't the endpoint. Psychedelics have the potential to purify your soul on levels that these masters never achieved.
  4. @LfcCharlie4 Those are the big 4 yes, but what about how God went about to create this existence, the infinite intelligence creating every nook and cranny of every kosmos that ever was. The intelligence that is creating this very moment. I'd even bet Ramana would go deeper into psychedelics than anyone if he would've given them a chance. Raw awakening does not come close to psychedelic awakenings.
  5. @Cudin Leo has given hundreds of warnings of not believing any of his work. He has encouraged everyone to go look for themselves from the beginning. It's not a cult unless you make it one.
  6. Biden will not survive one year in office, I mean look at the poor guy. he's stumbling around on stage with no idea what's going on. Without his teleprompter he's doomed, a mere puppet. It's sad that no one is stepping in and doing anything about it. He would never be able to take on Trump in debates, far from it. Let's pray that Warren joins Sanders as VP and a miracle unfolds.
  7. @Average Investor Have you given any thought to ordering bulk of something you're interested in selling from Alibaba. And end up creating a brand around it. You seem to have good sales skills for it
  8. @SQAAD You cant accept acceptance, so drop the need to accept that. Just drop it. Let it out of your mind. When another thought arises, drop that one too. Repeat.
  9. There is only the illusion of two individuals. This is just god who's forgotten his ultimate nature and has completely lost his mind, talking to himself, thinking there ever were two individuals.
  10. @TrynaBeTurquoise I just love feeling the cacao in my body on an empty stomach in the mornings, so I think I'll stick with it. Do you know if the body absorbs its nutrients any better while fasted?
  11. Actually you do, cuz all is one and you guys are just sitting here debating yourselves.
  12. That would imply that it were other than false, which it also is. This is where we hit the language barrier.
  13. "That which is emptiness is not other than form; that which is form is not other than emptiness."
  14. @Javfly33 (p. 275 (bottom) - 276) There he recommends you ask your therapist: What do you understand "self-esteem" to mean? What do you think healthy self-esteem depends on? What will we do together to that will have a positive effect on my self-esteem? What are your reasons for thinking so? "Any conscientious professional will respect these questions" I'd say any therapist that does not acknowledge Branden's work should not be taken seriously on the topic of self-esteem.
  15. @Javfly33 If I remember correctly, Nathaniel posed forth a question in the book one should ask one's therapist before continuing with them, to validate their level.
  16. Chapter: 15 Been recovering slowly and steadily after my fast the last days. Finally, I'm able to start my business again after almost 3 months off due to the Chinese new year and then the Covid-19 virus outbreak - which has not really slowed down, but factories are opening nonetheless. This is where I have the hardest time staying on the spiritual path so I'll probably have to start waking up a lot sooner to get all my daily reading in and meditation. Marketing can be all over the place business so those extra hours in the morning should really count for something. But It also allows me to buy more psychedelics for more and deeper trips so that's a plus. Summer is right around the corner and better yet spring. There is nothing I love more than a morning run or walk during a spring morning; the air is so fresh and clean, and nature starts to become more alive. Winters in Iceland can be quite challenging on mind and soul, we don't get much d-vitamins from the sun due to it being so low, and it's only up for 4-6 hours. When summer hits, I always become more energetic for hiking and doing things. In the next days, I'll start to wake up more close to 4 AM slowly but surely.
  17. Everything to get an edge over the competition. He was a pure embodiment of mastery.
  18. @yangmilun Try this; next time you're feeling optimistic and hopeful. Write down your goals, but also write down that you in the future will experience some pitfalls. Write about how this future you is wrong and that it is only temporary. Then proceed to read it when you're feeling low.
  19. @Thewritersunion This looks like some sort of mix between mythic-magic blue and yellow.
  20. @Cocolove Paramind - Otherworldly experiences, where one becomes aware of the ever-present eternal now. Overmind - When you become the witness of oneness, the I AMness. It is the fullest a form can get in all of existence. Omniscient awareness and knowledge are found here. Overmind is completely in love with everything in the kosmos. Supermind - This is where one enters into a place that you could not think up in trillion trillion years. This goes beyond anything and everything. One becomes 100% infinite and eternal. Where one looks into the eyes of any being and sees nothing but the reflection of a mirror. You deeply care for every being as it is your creation.
  21. @Leo Gura Really love these couch-talking videos. Feel like you connect to us on a deeper level there because those videos are not as mainstream.
  22. @Thewritersunion Here are some of few Coral videos available.