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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. And they yield the most love and integration too I find.
  2. @Victor Mgazi Exactly. But I guess you still have a sense of self and ego in the dream, if you were to realize you are all of the imagination in that dream world, then yes.
  3. @Meta-Man As long as they are complex or wholegrain carbs, it's all good. Some seem to be able to function on no carbs, some can not at all.
  4. Yes, it keeps on imagining and imagines forever. The consciousness just becomes self-aware, so god knows himself finally. The self is the imagination, consciousness is all of it, and is the self.
  5. I'd consider him awake to the same degree as the stoics. But not enlightened, even though we can't say for sure, maybe he was.
  6. Love Island, I think the channel is some sort of blue resentment on orange. Or it's just both unhealthy orange.
  7. Man, this guy goes extreme on everything! lol It all about controlling yourself.
  8. @LfcCharlie4 I don't like cutting them completely out, but keeping em low works very well for me. Especially if I'm trying to get low body fat and building muscle at the same time. I'd keep it at around 20-40g carbs per day.
  9. @Commodent Good luck on your journey!
  10. Was it anything like the indescribable objects people on salvia have reported seeing? Was it way beyond the dimension-hopping people manage to do on n,n, DMT? Was it maybe a peek into another imagined universe or was it beyond any such notions as a 3rd,4th,5th..., dimensional universe? Was it just free-floating imagination? I've heard people talk about other dimensions from DMT trips, but they still seem to be somewhat 3 dimensional, from what you said, it sounds like it was a legit glimpse into another dimension.
  11. @Leo Gura Will you make a blog video on the 2nd dimension awakening or is it just completely indescribable?
  12. Just came across this, pretty funny. Looks like Netflix is joining the bandwagon. Edit: Apparently this guy is a huge Love Island fan, lol.
  13. I imagined him so I could tell myself to try +20g psilocybin doses. "His" work lives on through us.
  14. Noooo! he was such a great guy. Rest in piece my friend. ?❤️
  15. You're mixing what's true, and what someone is claiming to be true. Of course, you should not believe Leo on anything, but verify it for yourself. So both of them are claiming something which you have to verify on your own, and that's all it is, claims from both sides. From your point of view, either could be true unless you've experienced god.
  16. You don't have to say that you're god, but you can experience it, like a dog experiences being an animal.
  17. Don't be too kind! The thing that triggers me a little about this show is how ungrateful orange can be. They don't realize how nice they have it and yet act like such spoiled brats. This is as cancerous as stage orange gets.
  18. @Leo Gura Do you think enlightened masters can love the most evil things without psychedelics, such as child rape, etc. That was thrown at me my last trip, and it was disturbing to say the least after the trip, but I realize it was out of love in that state. Because without them maybe you can maneuver your way around things like that and not face them head-on, but yet realize your true nature.
  19. @FlowerNote Except what Leo says, 95% of enlightened masters would agree on what's being said. There is actual truth, once you realize it, you can state it how it is. Because It was a genuine question, not a statement.
  20. @28 cm unbuffed hehe, ye that's the way of life. I'm not saying you can't get a girlfriend, not at all actually! I'd even say maybe just go ahead and do that. But! don't expect that it will solve any of your deep problems. Try and do some shadow work or contemplate your fears. Like this fear. Why is it that people are afraid to die lonely? You will die lonely either way, whether it's with a loved one or not, death is a lonely road. Until you realize that death was just fiction, a made-up belief, so you could survive in this world. You will know you fully love yourself when all desires drop, such as "I don't want this, I don't want that, I want this, I want that". You will not need anything because you won't lack anything. But this is already the case, you are perfect, and you don't lack anything, you just think you do and have yet to realize this.
  21. @28 cm unbuffed You want to escape loving yourself, by loving someone else. This is a classical spiritual trap, self-love is the only cure! This is why relationships always end up falling apart, because people don't love themselves so they take it out on the other person, or if it does work out, they suppress their problems. Self Love, Self Love, Self Love! Why? Because the Self is the only thing there is! Once you love yourself, you love the universe and every being in it.