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Everything posted by fridjonk
@andyjohnsonman Cool! I'll be getting myself some rings when I advance a little further. There is a playground close to me that has them as well, really fun to use.
@Danioover9000 Awesome! Only if you let it. I personally do it because normal fitness had become extremely boring and repetitive. And it forces you to work on flexibility and joint mobility, both very healthy things to have. Calisthenics is a fun way to spice things up.
@peanutspathtotruth You're absolutely right, saying in that 6-8 rep range is key.
Planche pushups? I've been using mine for about 8 months and with extra weights as well, I've not noticed any damage to the frame other than the wall becoming a little black from the rubber that holds it in place. Definitely worth it. Yeah, you really need to work on weight training as well if you want to gain muscle with it, or at least weighted pull-ups, dips, push-ups, etc, and eating at a calorie surplus.
Before Christmas, I was doing 9 PM bed, and 5 AM wakeup. Never felt as clear-headed when I was doing it, especially after running. Now I'm doing 2-3 AM and waking up at 11 AM and it doesn't feel nearly as good. Really aching to go back to the 5 AM but it takes a little effort and progresses slowly but surely. Personally, I would prioritize 8-hour sleep over getting up earlier. But I've found that sticking to the 5 AM, I got my night owl creativity and productivity slowly and it just started to change. I don't really believe you're stuck with either being a morning person or a night owl, it's just that once you've been doing either one all your life, it can take time to adjust. If I were you, I'd sacrifice the late-night working and stick to 9 am-5 am.
That's impressive, man! You could easily get the muscle-up if you'd practice the technique. Although it's just for show really, it won't really progress you any further, unless you do weighted MU's, which is my further goal. My main goal for this and next month is to get the handstand for at least 30 sec without a wall, best is 12 sec so far. I'll definitely write my progress down in my fitness journal, I'll think about shooting vids if I'm up for it. You really love those auroras, don't you. @BlackMaze Yeah building the foundational strength is really important for proper form. I'd never have started off with calisthenics without having been in great shape already. From what I've seen in progression videos, you'd easily be able to do the flag and handstand pushups within 12 months, especially since you're already in good shape. That seems to be the case for the planche and front lever, but we won't let that stop us. I'm 184cm, 86kg, and have longer arms and legs than the average person so it will definitely be a little more of a challenge. I'm really focusing on my core work and flexibility so I can control my midsection better.
fridjonk replied to Dunnel's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You can't go anywhere. Even if you travel to the other side of the universe, you're still at the same spot, the illusion just changes. -
Did a 30-minute handstand session tonight alongside 30-minute stretching. I'm really focusing on opening my hip flexors and loosening my hamstrings; calisthenics really relies a lot on having flexibility in the hips and hamstrings. Also did a 1-hour core session on Monday and I've been infinitely sore in my core since then, so today's stretch session was a nice relief. I've been listening to Aaron Alexander for the past couple of days, really working on my posture and fixing my anterior pelvic tilt. It takes so much conscious effort and it's really exhausting but it's definitely worth it. I bought his audiobook today, The align method, and will be giving that a listen soon. Last week I found a pack of Swedish snus (strong), and have been experimenting with it. I've never done nicotine or smoked, so it's been like a really strong weed high yet only lasts for 10 minutes, then it's back to baseline. Safe to say it's not for me, but I really like experimenting with stuff and giving it a chance. I believe to really give something a fair shot you must try it at least 3-5 times before reaching a conclusion. I've decided this is not worth it at all, and it's extremely unhealthy as well. Maybe it's a nice solution for smokers who are trying to quit, but it has no place in my life. I'll be taking San Pedro soon so I'll have to cleans my body of this stuff before I head in. Diet has been good lately and relatively clean. I'm trying to get about 300+ calorie surplus to build muscle while on this calisthenics journey. I feel how vital all the training I did in sept-dec was to build a strong foundation for all these movements I'm working on. If I keep my volume increasing, I'll be on a fast track to succeeding in all my calisthenic goals. Been losing my cold shower consistency lately, only doing them when I really feel like it. I notice how much more comfort bound I'm becoming and I want to fix it before I'll completely ditch them. They're so vital for muscle recovery, and just all-around health.
fridjonk replied to Animal2692's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Sounds like you need to work on your blue shadow -
fridjonk replied to Aturban's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I've found contemplating the difference between somethingness and nothingness to be more effective. It can lead you to realize that there is no such thing as death. You've been sitting in the same spot for eternity, in pure emptiness. -
fridjonk replied to SamC's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Stop taking psychedelic advice from people who've not done them at least 20+ times. Waste of time. All these teachers preach direct experience, yet fall into this trap themselves. -
Week one of calisthenics done. I've been doing handstands daily throughout the day and notice how fast I'm processing. I've yet to puzzle together a scheduled program so I've just been freeballing it. And I've been binge-watching Chris herria and Austin Dunham to get tips and tricks, and to get the gist of how to progress faster in the world of bodyweight training. I feel like I will definitely be able to reach all the goals I've set for this year, the hardest being either the handstand pushup, planche, or the muscle-up, but I really believe I can reach all of these. I really need to focus on my stretching more also. Found this channel called Saturn Movement which combines Yoga and Calisthenics, so I'll be following some of their videos as well to reach more flexibility.
fridjonk replied to Adamq8's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
When you die, people who love you die as well. -
The beauty of life is that everyone gets to be how they wish to be.
This year I've decided I want to focus on calisthenics training. I'm fascinated with how it's possible to control your bodyweight so well. I did a calisthenics workout yesterday with handstand pushups and all sorts of weird pushups and my god is it tough. I realize how many muscles I have remain completely untrained and unused, you can't really hit them with normal training. Calisthenics training relies a lot on triceps, shoulder, and core strength, all areas I need to improve in. I'm going to try and resume my 5 AM wake up and running soon. I bought a massage gun about a week ago and It's been a complete game-changer, where has this been all my life? Been really going at my calf with it and it's improved a lot. So hopefully it will improve the blood-flow to that area and make running less painful. I can already see a big difference in my body after using it for about 5 full-body sessions. Been slowly getting my diet back on track after this Christmas feast. I'm pretty much back on track during the daily eating, yet I'm still addicted to nighttime snacking which has not been a problem for me usually. Maybe if I brush my teeth sooner It will stop. I'm going to look for a calisthenics program today to follow and construct a better weekly program. Skills I want to learn this year - Superman pushups L-Sit Planche Muscle-up Handstand for 15+ sec
Happy new year! 2020 Whew, what a relief 2020 is over. It's been an interesting one, to say the least. I honestly never felt it was as "bad" as people were complaining about because it didn't really affect me massively other than having to wear a mask and losing Kobe, my childhood idol. But it had become really tough to not feed into the energy that others were emitting, so I kind of joined the bandwagon during Q4 and just admitted this had been kind of a shitty year - relatively speaking of course, yet it also noticed how much it sustained my ego. Productively speaking I didn't do much this year. After the pandemic broke out last January it stopped my online business completely and I didn't really bother with keeping it going since refunds and low inventory were at an all-time high. I've been thinking of starting it again now, but there's a lot of new policy going around with the new IOS14 update which lets Facebook and pretty much all social media users to choose if they want to be tracked or not on the internet, and not to mention the new UK vat law. I'll see what others report for January and go on from there. I doubt it will be much of a difference. This year was by far the biggest growth for me spiritually so far. Did around 30 trips over the year with a variety of substances, mostly LSD, my favorite one. Feel like I gained 40 years of experience during this year, after understanding more and more how God, love, relativity, the absolute, truth, and fear works. But still, I've got SO much more to discover. If these experiences taught me anything then it would be that I'm still at the beginner/intermediate level. Lots of humbling trips revealed this, yet during many of the trips it really felt like I had it all figured out, and maybe I did, when you're in the god state, things tend to make sense. But the baseline consciousness understanding is what am measuring this by, and I'd still say I'm a beginner at that level. Didn't meditate much this year, and by meditate I mean formal sit down in darkness meditate. There were periods where I managed to do a few sessions but nothing compared to last year. I really let psychedelics lead the path. I did however often meditate throughout the whole day just by observing the world. This does count as meditation, but I really wish to focus more on formal meditation as well during this new year. Maybe I'll decide to focus on a specific meditation whether it Tantra, Kriya, or Kundalini, I've yet to decide. Completely fell off my reading habits I had built-in 2019. I really want to keep reading this year. Not as intensely as I did back then, but consistently rather. I did however built a discipline during the later part of the year in waking up at 5 AM and going out for a run. 2020 was one of my best fitness and health years ever and I've had a couple of those, but this time I really stuck with it and managed to eat really healthy for a long period of time while running every morning and doing a bodyweight workout during the afternoon. I'll be focusing on calisthenics this year but I'll write more on that in my fitness journal. 2021 I've never been one to set new years resolutions. Probably because I'm afraid that I will fail to reach them. But also because I've found the concept of a "year" to be silly for most of my life; days, months, years. It's all complete bullshit really since every moment is the same moment. But I'm also compelled to try setting goals and achieving them. This is what can give life a little juice and color, but balanced with being present as well and not obsessing too much over goals. Some things I want to do in 2021. I want to read more and update my bookshelf with fresh new books. I want to continue to wake up at 5 AM and go for morning runs. I want to use the law of attraction seriously. I want to make more money. I want to reach a good level of calisthenics skills (L-sit, Planche, Superman push-ups) I want to understand Consciousness and god more. I want to become more compassionate and loving, more forgiving, more present. Get a gun license. Less monkey-mind. Contemplation.
I just rolled over Leo's blog to find some hidden old gems that can be quite refreshing to read and watch while he's away. And don't forget to take action! Some of his views may have changed on some of the older ones, but they're still very valid. Text Posts: https://actualized.org/insights/a-description-of-enlightenment https://actualized.org/insights/the-best-mix-for-enlightenment https://actualized.org/insights/educate-yourself-about-enlightenment https://actualized.org/insights/whats-the-best-time-to-meditate https://actualized.org/insights/yoga-ftw https://actualized.org/insights/nothing-i-say-can-be-trusted Video Posts: 2017: https://actualized.org/insights/understanding-better-than-academics https://actualized.org/insights/changing-perspectives-destroys-reality 2018: https://actualized.org/insights/metaphysics-vs-epistemology https://actualized.org/insights/all-understanding-is-metaphoric https://actualized.org/insights/all-understanding-is-metaphoric-part-2 https://actualized.org/insights/skepticism-and-nonduality https://actualized.org/insights/dont-half-ass-yoga https://actualized.org/insights/sitting-posture-for-yoga-meditation https://actualized.org/insights/may-2018-solo-retreat-part-1 https://actualized.org/insights/may-2018-solo-retreat-part-2 https://actualized.org/insights/may-2018-solo-retreat-part-3 https://actualized.org/insights/hawaii-april-2018-late-night-insights https://actualized.org/insights/mindfucked-in-hawaii 2019: https://www.actualized.org/insights/miracle-awakening https://www.actualized.org/insights/ego-collapse-awakening https://actualized.org/insights/total-omniscience-awakening https://actualized.org/insights/dpt-the-other-god-molecule https://actualized.org/insights/sense-organs-are-imaginary https://actualized.org/insights/do-i-doubt-myself https://actualized.org/insights/infinite-love-awakening https://actualized.org/insights/how-to-test-for-self-bias https://actualized.org/insights/rethinking-human-history https://actualized.org/insights/tapping-into-collective-consciousness
@diamondpenguin Try dropshipping instead. I find it to be more of a realistic possibility of working. Most Amazon FBA marketers started off with Shopify dropshipping and Facebook ads, and It requires less capital.
90% of products on Amazon are private-labeled, It will never die.
The trip ended up being more of a recreational one. I really enjoyed it and just relaxed after a tough leg day I had done before. But it was intense nonetheless. I'll be going back in tonight, not with any specific intention but a little more emphasis on going deeper than last night.
Just got some edibles and I'm about to ingest it now. I don't have any specific intention for this trip, I'll just be a passenger along for the ride. I won't be surprised that this will be a powerful and deep trip after my last LSD experience which was not so long ago. Been quite a while since I did edibles last time, but at that time I was ingesting them daily and had become very familiar with them. Edibles are a great tool for this work is what I've come to find out.
fridjonk replied to electroBeam's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Yet it seems like that's not the case. A lot of people are pretending to be beyond it but do not live it. -
Sometimes it's good to take a step back. Take a few breaths and reflect on how immensely beautiful it is to exist at all. To stop thinking even for a moment and just feel the awareness that resides within you.