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Everything posted by fridjonk

  1. Day 3 11:40 PM: Oats/granola (40/60), Fruit smoothie (creatine), 2 scoops whey protein. 13:50 PM: 4 eggs, keto protein pasta, cucumber, tomatoes. 17:40 PM: Peanut butter bread, apple, cucumber, tomatoes. 19:00 PM: Tikka masala chicken, rice, garlic bread. (3 plates) 21:00 PM: A tiny amount of ben & jerry's..sssh. 22:00 PM: Cacao Water consumption: 2-3 liters.
  2. The ego wants benefits, and the ego does not like meditation. So you, trying to meditate to gain benefits, will always fall short of the true point of meditation, which is there is no point nor benefit. You simply meditate to feel better, to cleans your mind. You have to look within yourself to find a drive to meditate just because you wish to do so, not for any reason. Any motivation gained from an external resource will die down sooner or later.
  3. Day 2 12:40 PM: Oats/granola (70/30), 2 scoops whey protein, orange juice with creatine. 15:00 PM: Organic Peanut butter bread, stevia chocolate, and an organic sugar-free fruit smoothie. 17:30 PM: Leftover fish from yesterday with black bean spaghetti and potatoes. 19:00 PM: Pizza and breadsticks 10:00 PM: Cacao brick straight from the jungle. Water Consumption: 3-4 liters. I'm also supplementing vitamin D3 at 4-5k IU per day. Today was a little repetitive and lacked veggies again (forgive me@Michael569 ) I'll try to remember tomorrow. I usually eat more fruits and veggies but been kinda lazy with them these past couple of days, of course, it's at the exact moment when I make my food journal public.?
  4. Day 1 12:00 PM: 2 scoops of whey protein, granola/oats (50/50), creatine monohydrate. 6:00 PM: 180g Chicken breast, 50g Black bean spaghetti. 7:00 PM: 2 Plates of fish made in butter and onions, alongside potatoes. 10:30 PM: 2 whole grain bread slices with organic peanut butter and a thin layer of keto stevia chocolate, cacao with sea salt. Water consumption: 3-4 liters. I feel like I could have added some veggies to most of the meals, I was just so busy today I couldn't be bothered to do so.
  5. So unfortunate. It becomes really easy to forget how privileged one can be just by having clean water. I don't think it cures much else than thirst.
  6. Absolutely not. The water in my country comes straight from the mountains and springs and is closely monitored for quality, with nothing being added to it. If you ever see the "Icelandic" water bottles in stores, that comes straight from where our tap water comes from. The same goes for most nordic countries and some European ones like Switzerland. Our tap water will be the best water you've ever tasted. And I'm currently drinking 3.5 liters per day. I'd be extremely sick by this point if it were dangerous.
  7. This is way harder than it sounds. It's only when you've actually made the commitment to go and live in the wild, where you realize, you may not have wanted this at all. Survival can become very real out in nature and when you've encountered a life-threatening situation, you'll want to run back home into a comfy bed and watch Netflix. It won't be any easier emotionally out there rather than in your home. I assume what most people here want is just privacy from society. So getting a farmland with a house would be closer to your ideal meditation style of life.
  8. @flume Sorry again, they just tend to hold true.
  9. I did a San Pedro trip 2 days ago, went very well. It's an interesting substance for sure, got very "happy" vibes from it. One interesting thing to note was how 2D it felt, felt like what weed would feel like if it were a psychedelic but way different still. It was a low-moderate dose, comparable to a 100-120ug LSD trip or 1.5-2g mushrooms. I noticed how similar it was to MDMA and LSD in body feel, very euphoric and lovely. It wasn't a super insightful trip other than very enjoyable, although I did have realizations of truth as I've had on other trips. I feel like this substance lacked in power and kick but it's likely just because the dose wasn't high enough, but even if the dose were upped I feel it would still be very gentle and smooth, a very kind substance. I might have to go for an LSD trip soon to peek back into god's garden. I've been watching a couple of Leo's god/consciousness videos again after being not so aware lately. These videos have motivated me to get back to my prime-time spiritual mode after it being a little lackluster recently. It's been ages since I had a proper meditation habit as well, last year I tripped so much that I didn't feel like meditating because It didn't come 0.1% close to a trip. It felt kinda useless, even though it's not. I really need to up my baseline consciousness more. God's loneliness and eternal existence. I've been reflecting back on a trip I had last year in where I almost fully became god, but this experience startled me a lot. Once you've seen something so amazing and incredibly unbelievably beautiful, the first human instinct is to get to show someone else and share it, out of love for that thing. But when it comes to god, he's all alone, he can't share his unbelievable beauty with anyone. So he creates lesser versions of himself to interact with someone and experience reality. And he's totally fine with it, but to a human mind, this can be very scary. Knowing you'll be forever alone, forgetting your true nature only to wake up to it once again...FOREVER. Yet it's also the togetherness that is the beauty of reality. You can look at it from both viewpoints, and both will contain infinite love forever. Yet this is what infinite perfection demands, it demands god's complete selflessness and infinite love for all things. And so I look up to this amazing "being" that is so totally perfect but still can't fathom the sacrifices that come with being that so-called god thing because I'm too selfish. I assume purification of one's heart is the only thing that can lead to more selflessness.
  10. Sorry, I forget sometimes. ? You'd be surprised how much pollution can form here in the capital actually. It registered over danger limits a couple of times last year since there's so much traffic crammed into a small city. Running here in the city and on our farm is such a hugely noticeable difference, but I don't let that stop me from running nonetheless.
  11. Makes sense. @Michael569 Thanks!
  12. Just found out about this protein-packed sustenance. Perfect for anyone who's into fitness and is trying to get their protein in. I'm substituting this for noodles that I've been eating with eggs, I know, I know, noodles bad, but when you're eating at a calorie surplus you take any help you can get. If you guys have any lesser-known sources of healthy food, please do share.
  13. Running always feels worth it to me, no matter the air or weather.
  14. Yeah, great advice, thanks. Me and my friend have been joking around a lot this week after discovering steven gundry's view on lectins. I don't think @Michael569 agreed with him on lectins being bad if I remember correctly.
  15. @peanutspathtotruth Cool! I'll check it out. @SgtPepper Over here in Iceland we eat a lot of sheep parts such as blood sausage, liver, heart, and sheeps head. Don't think we have so much variety on chicken meat other than the main. @Michael569 Yeah, a 200g box was about 5$ which is insane when you compare it to a 1kg pack of normal spaghetti which costs about 2$. The government should really let them import it for cheaper than traditional sugar-heavy food. This spaghetti does contain soy, is that something to be concerned about?
  16. I've just started training calisthenics about 2 weeks ago and I'm interested to see if anyone here is into it. My goals are handstand pushup, muscle-ups, L-sit, superman pushups, and planche/planche push-up. I'm also working on my flexibility such as reaching a full split. Since I've just started I'm noticing rapid improvements and it feels amazing. What are your goals? Are you close to achieving them?
  17. I've been getting more loose actually, but I'm also taking stretching very seriously since I'm trying to reach a full split. Currently been on creatine for 4 months which might be aiding in faster recovery. Also getting a massage gun was a miracle investment, I just massage any tight spots out and feel better instantly. I'd definitely recommend creatine, and start chugging water throughout the day, it might help. Are you eating cleanly as well? giving your muscles enough protein to rebuild? Are you eating at a calorie surplus, deficit, or just baseline? Also, try to hang for 4 minutes each day to give your spine a relief, 30 sec at a time.
  18. Nice! That's unfortunate, seems like a nice guy. A little too new-age-y for my taste personally but he has some good free content on YT.
  19. I've been binging his videos the last few days, really like him. It was actually one of his vids that made me think more about flexibility and mobility since he got golfers elbow and tore his upper back from not practicing the basics enough. I'm actually one of those people that rushes the progress, so I'm treading carefully now since I don't want to get injured and lose months of progress.
  20. @Waves Awesome! I've also been dealing with minor shoulder injuries, so I'm taking my stretching and mobility extremely seriously. Working on protraction of the shoulder while hanging for example, and scapular position. I feel like most people skip good form because they get too excited to work on more advanced moves. Check out Saturno Movement on youtube, they combine calisthenics and yoga.
  21. @Michal__ Not really my style of training, but thanks.
  22. Sounds like you have quadriceps instead of triceps Good luck with your goals.