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Everything posted by ItsNick

  1. Negan from The Walking Dead (don't worry there won't be any blood in this clip)
  2. I didn't really know where on the forum to place it so I placed it here because I did want to share this. Appearantly there exist people who do not have an internal monologue. I find it almost impossible to imagine but it seems to be real.
  3. Good point. Same goes for mathematical thinking and there are probably many other examples. @Erick Yeah the internal monologue is just a fraction of mind. There is so much more to it.
  4. But is that the only difference? I partly agree because in the example of the shower thoughts it's indeed an internal thought process about his self in the past. But not every thought that I don't have to say out loud but happens internally is about my self. It's possible to think deeply or creatively about some problem you're trying to solve or question you're trying to answer without any reference to self. Although I am still interested in how different she experiences the illusion of self if at all because this illusion is so strongly connected to our internal monologue or "the voice" in our heads.
  5. Yeah I'm curious about them though. I also have been thinking about this more today and about how people can't imagine they can write in journals without an internal monologue. But then I realized people don't know where their own internal monologue comes from either. Our thoughts arise from nothing.
  6. Men's refractory period is not the same for everyone. I could only do it 3 times in a row but more like 10-15 times in a day (if I wanted to)
  7. Maybe breathwork or yoga will work better for you? Sounds like maybe that "undercurrent of resistance" is emotional baggage to work through.
  8. PragerU always makes my body tighten and cringe like hell
  9. Just came across this video. It's terrifying to think that Trump likely will not accept losing
  10. I remember watching that. Yeah it'll be worse than you can imagine. I also remember Leo talking about how boredom is such a challenge during retreats. Might be great to at least give it a try though, just to experience how difficult it is
  11. Trump is on a negative spiral and the polls are becoming more and more in favor of Biden. Yes he's leading and his lead is growing. I also think Biden will do well in taking moderate republicans away from Trump and this election cycle might help move people from Blue to Orange, which is great. One good function Trump served: Disgusting people up the Spiral. My dad has actually moved left because he started to see the same qualities he despised in Trump in Dutch right-wing nationalist politicians.
  12. Cool! Fellow self-actualizing Dutchy I see
  13. Any country really since it's about working on your self. But ideally stage Green countries (or states in the US). Countries higher than Green don't exist lol. Green pretty rare too
  14. Yeah I prefer most places over meeting girls in clubs. Good luck mate!
  15. A very interesting but inspiring article I found today. I don't nessecarily agree with everything in it but it talks about self-love and intimacy. Hope you like it
  16. I was 14/15 years old and a big Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and just New Atheist fan to rebel against my Christian upbringing. So I would often watch Christian videos just to laugh at how ridiculous they were, as well are Spirit Science for the same reason. Then one day his video "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear" popped up on my YT page. I went to watch it for the same reason. In the video he gave a warning that it's not for everyone and I was just laughing and curious what he was talking about. But weeks after it I couldn't stop thinking about and I looked up more on Enlightenment. I remember finding Eckhart Tolle and recognizing something was different about him (especially his eyes) and it scared me. But I was really curious so I kept watching Leo's videos on it and after I tried self-inquiry for the first time I couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking: "There's no way I don't exist. This is bullshit. Of course I exist. I'm real!". And a few months after it I felt mildly depressed because just the idea that there might be no self scared me so much. Then skipping forward a little bit I tried to get my life on track and got into Personal Development and meditation by myself. Eventually also returning to But this time I'm more mature of course.
  17. Yeah Im pretty sure I'm INFP seeing how I can relate so well to them. However my Feeling/Thinking seems to be about 50/50 with enneagram type 4 and 5 effectively tied.
  18. @Max_V INFP here with primary type being 5 and then 4.
  19. @Leo Gura Hmmm. Makes me question my personality type I love your long videos on metaphysics/epistemology the most. Although there seem to be many people here who are INFP or aren't sure if they're INFP/INTP