Hunter Arrington

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Everything posted by Hunter Arrington

  1. Lot's of enlightenment material just creates more suffering in the beginning to the reader. It's only then can one get in a position to find teachers so they'll stop knocking their head against the wall, only to realize the goal was over in the other corner of the room.
  2. What are you guy's best and most effective sleeping habits from personal experience?
  3. Regularly visit a spa where the workers there are there to become estheticians's. The price of the facials are much less expensive than a regular facial. They have numerous services that can really clear up acne in a matter of about a month. Make sure they Squeeze the acne out, ask for high frequency treatment, and an oxygen treatment. And LED light to heal works great at the end also. In Atlanta there in one called Spa at ESI. Wonderful place. That is the reason I have really good/decent/a lot cleaner skin.
  4. Don't react so much. How to not react so much...sleep healthy...and practice meditation..the principles of zen and Vipassana are recommended. Find love and joy in everything. Feel your body. Don't lie to yourself.
  5. "Sean Webb has a passion for helping people better understand Spirituality so they might attain a complete and lasting inner peace, and so that one day we might realize world peace. His no-nonsense style and scientifically grounded explanations of spirituality and the search for inner peace make him a popular source of information for tens of thousands of spiritual seekers. He is one of the world’s truly enlightened teachers."
  6. Glad you like them! His blogs are also highly recommended, esp the first 3 posts. Haha yeah I looked that guy up...they do have striking similarities.
  7. El Chapo is a guest feature on many posts
  8. What is this yam you speak of? I love sweet potatoes also...what are some ways you make them?
  9. If there is an ardens garden close to you, stick with that business. The have a month membership.
  10. Some life hacks I have come across. Proper sleep. Stop eating and drinking 4 hours before bed...even if you are hungry, This will force you to get on a proper eating and water consumption schedule. Get a fan or air purifier for steady noise. Noise should be not too high and also not too low, but just in the middle. Meditate in the MORNING, because your mind is still open. Wake, shower or brush teeth, then sit. Strong determinism meditation instantly puts you into a more free state after 30 minutes, clutter free of money mind. Also Shinzen's mindfulness techniques. Echkart tolle is a great teacher. Visit a Zen monistary and learn techniques for "proper" meditation. That really comes in handy for sitting meditation. Putting water in all the most common places in your environment. Eat a combination of vegetarian, paleo, and protein shakes. Organic plant based protein, with POWDERED peanut butter. Mix with a blender. The newest Nutribullet is recommended. Get a Costco membership card. 50 dollars a year but more than worth it. Bulk healthy items at the lowest price possible. Lots of organics, and lots of simple household items that you need, again, for next to nothing but very superb quality. Sam's and BJ's also works, but Coscto is the best. Also cheapest gas prices. Take care of everything that is on your mind right now. Then do conscious work. If your room needs cleaning get that shit done. If your car needs washing...get that shit done asap. Get all the basics done then focus on consciousness. As Peter Ralston states..."What does a monk do besides meditation? Laundry." In salads, cut all ingredient into smaller pieces in order to consume it easier without so much chewing. Normal sized baby carrots take a long time to chew and digest making some people not want to eat over and over. Cut spinach, kale, carrots, Broccoli, cucumbers, celery, and asparagus all into smaller pieces. Not microscopic, but just so its easer to eat and not totally time consuming. Let's make everything efficient as possible. Control finances. If you are young, do not take out loans on impulse. Be very conscious of your money and where it is going. Join the military right out of high school for the minimum amount of time possible to gain life experience and resume/benefit experience while making decent money. Attend online college while in military so you have a head start over most people. Military and college at the same it's paid for. Why not do it. Master the resume. If the resume is not will have smaller chance of getting quality jobs. Have teachers in ALL areas of life. Study Conor Mcregor and the level of spirituality he has reached. It's easy to say, "oh no he's an air head." But if you look closely and study interviews and fights he is the real deal, rather his being has grasped the truths and best ways thinking...or lack thereof, and accomplishing things in a spiritual manner.
  11. Does destroying your game console imply actually destroying it? I've been trying to sell it...but it may come to that lol.
  12. Are there any superb tracking systems anyone uses for tracking water intake and specific food intake? Do you find it best to monitor the feeling of the body? What has helped tracking and what has hurt? From experience, not getting enough sleep and not meditating puts a huge hit on my health and reaches into diet and nutrition performance. Consumption of water is always on point when I have water that's right in front of my face and not hidden in the depths of the world all day. That mean putting water in major places that you will be throughout the day such as your car, your work, and multiple places at home including your room and kitchen and anywhere else that is ideal. Food preparation is a key task in the morning after I shower.
  13. Good stuff. Basic and super healthy but with a few hints of natural good tastes mostly avoiding huge amounts of sugar. And of course with the good fats people miss such as peanut butter and avocado, as well as bananas. Sweet potatoes is always a must. Naturally both delicious and nutritious. Question...why do you do with the garlic and onions? I'm not much of a cook, and always keep it as simple as possible but need to get on board with this lol.
  14. It always feels like my body is still working if I have food in my stomach before bed. I try to cut all food out up to 4 hours before bed. Imagine having a car still running even though you want it to be turned off and at rest. I will probably never be fat and that has never been the reason for doing it, but more for the energy levels. Energy gets a huge boost when strictly following this. I am still tailoring this to "how I feel" and every body is different.
  15. Check out Ido Portal's philosophy on this topic. It has most insight coming from the most experience. Allot of it has to do with what you want actually want to do with you body. Do you want to cycle? Do you want to do yoga, bodybuilding to an extent, anything that required a certain type of diet? Heck, even working on stability and balance requires something special. An all vegetarian diet does not constitute the best diet for every routine. Then you question...isn't the routine then just flawed? Not necessarily,
  16. This information seems fishy. Eckhart Tolle has said the same things that this gentlemen was saying.
  17. Shift is great. Very technical. EXTREMELY TECHNICAL. Inner game seems like it's in shift, along with any inner game improvement you are doing such as frequent meditation, good sleep, and on point diet. What city do you guys live in? ATL here
  18. Good Looking out. Signed up just now.
  19. For gaining muscle a protein shake is recommended, especially with casein protein in it. Casein takes longer to digest, so it spans over the eight or nine hour sleep cycle. In my experience, eating right before bed means less quality sleep.
  20. Sleeping nine at least eight hours a night, preferably nine, and then taking a fifteen to twenty minute nap eight hours afterward works the best in my experience and has been the most practical with a busy schedule. The nap is critical. It's a halfway point, and it's what get's you through the rest of the day very smoothly.
  21. Leo, what brand and type of black shirt do you wear in your videos? How did you come to the decision to wear black every time? What are your thoughts on basic presentation styles and would you please wear a white shirt one day?...Because that would help people self actualize by waking them up from the norm lol. I Love your course, although I'm only on the second video so far and counting. Pursuing enlightenment and getting deeper into a mindfulness practice are the top realizations of the being right now. Keeping in touch, take care.
  22. HAHAHA like the humor.
  23. My girlfriend has been into meditation for a while and sometimes I don't even think we are on the same path lol. Just because they do this stuff that doesn't mean they are the PERFECT match. We realize we are basically single now but still meet up just to like meditate. It's all about having passion for and understanding what the other is doing.
  24. I see what you're saying. Enlightened people are very aware of what goes in and out of their body but they aren't pumping "heavy" weights 5 times a day.
  25. Great post. Thinking is only good when making decisions or doing anything that requires thinking. In meditation, thinking is at a minimum. Depression results from the false identification with the self which we all have. False identification with the self is halted by meditation and getting proper hygiene in terms of diet and sleep. When the ego stops, the suffering stops. I believe your "overthinking" can truly be turned into something extremely productive and gratifying. Suffering and readiness has to happen before enlightenment happens. It is good you suffer and have these thoughts, only because it means you are ready to move into a life full of great thing such as joy and productivity.