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Everything posted by OmniYoga

  1. @remember my hand doesn't speak unfortunately but I can describie my thoguht process: wtf are you doing? ... why do you even doing this? ... it's just a hand ... what do you expcet to happen? ... it's just a hand... you're wasting time... go back to life... it's just a hand... do something productive... it's just a hand... it doesn't make any sense ...
  2. I did and it felt like I am developing some sort of mental illness, sorry ...
  3. I don't know why do you underestimate my work and effort name at least one thing in the world that you stick to it for even a 15 minutes everday over long period like 4-5 years and you won't notice progress I know only two - self -help and spirtuality - both are in realms of mental masturbation also I don't understand why god is hiding from me in the first place the truth is truth whether you sit there for a minute or an hour same with applies to whether something is working or not nevertheless I'm willing to accept that challange and expand meditation time to an hour per day ... minium how long will take to see first resluts 30 days? 60 days? 90 days? it will be easier for my psyche to have a concrete number to stick to it
  4. kind of resonate with you I meditate 4 years or more and only noticed small minority shifts in my perception ( towards myself, others, and world) but at the same time people change with time as well - so I can't be even sure is that due to meditation or not when you don't have direct experiences and results, it seems like those people are deluded and what they talk about is fairy tales and all of that doesn't make sense whatsoever and I wonder it would be just better to live your life {in a rational manner - like bill gates or warren buffen} - and don't even bother with at all woo-woo mabo jambo that can't not be proven
  5. 1. Question: I found this to be "true" for me - something that I identify myself with - I don't know how this can't not be true - all of the experience and sensations happen to me and I can observe them ... anyway should I focus on that ? is it relevant ? or just go with the practice and it will solve itself along the ride 2. Question: How do I make distinction between what is going meta (structure) vs more content ? how to no foolish yourself that this meta but in reality is just more content,I feel like this very easy to rationalize and deluded yourself, probably everyone is guilty of that at some point of their life anyother helpful reasource besides spiral dynamics? maybe some philosophy - they were into metacognition as well if i'm not mistaken
  6. "All experienced phenomena, whether physical or mental, inner or outer, are impermanent. This is one of the most fundamental teachings of the Buddha and the second-to-last sentence he uttered before he died: All phenomena are impermanent! Work out your salvation with diligence!" - from MTCB by Daniel Ingram so enlightenment itself is impermanent ? what about consciousness ? why the mind seems to always returns if it is impermanent, you for get about it for a moment and second later ("here I am buddy, again " haha) or that not include to phenomena error 404 logic not found
  7. I'm looking for good book about meditation technique I've been meditating 4 years on my own and i am not statisfied with results requritemnts: -very practial -as simple as it can be, only curcial and necessary fundamentlas and information (without unsseary overcomplexity, overcomplicating - "raw meat" without "noise" and page fillers) -without uncessary theory or text (no marketing or selling some ideas, philosophy etc ...) -leads to straightforward results 1 - 3.max, top positions would be good enough thanks
  8. @VeganAwake understanding consciousness realizing truth, (if there is such a thing) but any wisdom or insight about true nature of reality or self would be helpful along the way mainly that
  9. @Girzo both over 500 pages ... doesn't look simple at all rather unnecessary complexity
  10. @Surfingthewave kind of a mix, I sit down, I check what is going is going inside my body are there any feelings or sensation ? but there is none then I usually focus on breathing until it becomes too boring and I forget and my mind start to think about something so I rather try to dismiss those thoughts and stay focused, or I lose myself in those thouhgts and then later caught myself thinking instead of meditating, so I regain focus on the breath until the cycle repeat itself, I rather don't resist anything, just wait to see what will come up, no special expectation either my concentration varies a lot, sometimes i can hold mind without thoughts for a longer period of time, sometimes i can't stop think even for a minute I did some pranic breathing too, for 6 count - breath 3 - hold 6 exhale - 3 hold but also I didn't found that very transforming or useful I dont' know what I could be doing differently or better, except maybe increasing the time (but if I do it wrong now, time doesn't matter), I guess a monk willing to help me would be useful
  11. if there would be just one video of, that we could watch in life (many times, and all the rest are gone forever) what would be the essence of this work, that we suppose doing here? what is the 20% fundamentals that give 80% results? lets boild down all this to the less than 10 fundamentlas that are key to practice in daily life I know we are living in content marketing era, and all this unessesary things will be produces anyways but since you say, you're independt artis lets cut the crap here of that useless content and have a solid video of around 10 pratices that matters the most in long-run, and give best resluts "simplified mastery" greetings
  12. nobody here expierence real death, so it's just an assumption there is no comparision all we know is what we call "living", but "There is nobody here doing the living; there is just life appearing" funny when I think of it in terms of programming, cuz i see the analogy although it might apears as something alive, there is nobody doing programing - it just excuted set of instructions in the code, "there is just code appearing" if we skip the design part, and just focus on it when it's already runned
  13. during my today's meditation i came up with other alternatives #1 what if you're already dead and this is just rewind of your memory or #2 the universe is already ready cold and empty and some super advanced civilization outside our own universe use some quantum technology to get a flashback of what had happned - but it has no real substance behind it what so ever? how would you know are you really alive or not?
  14. I am watching - How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry and Leo makes it a fundamental - a most certain thing but why so? I don't get whats make it so certain? why this ASSUMPTION came so easy? how do you know you are actually alive? what makes you thinking that? if I would be superintelligence make a simulation and you were nothing more than a code does it make you alive? maybe you have never existed beyond this reality - and we don't know what is this reality what is so unique in direct expierience? dreams are direct expierience, but are they the Truth? How the fuck do you know @Leo Gura ???
  15. @Identity just an example, I just don't want 3h long video with 666 fundamentlas list, the less the better
  16. +1 femininity and masculinity from non dual perspective how it can be one?
  17. frigthening conclusion comes from that immoratal being - there is nothing worng in killing, becasue it's just switch the from - isn't it? why do the buddist/yogis are so againts killing/murder? does it take me step away from self - realization if I kill a bug why do have this hypocrisy in eating habits in spirtual world? that thinking that plants are meant to be eated and there is nothing wrong about it but meat is labled as "bad" who made that hierarchy ? where one form of being is more valuable than other that idea of purfing yourself? wtf is that the cow is more pure than a lion becasue it eats grass? for me is just using reductionism and the only know perception (cuz we don't have idea how to be a plant) to justify his choices
  18. @VeganAwake @VeganAwake your reasoning failed at one point just becasue there is some nutritons in some potential food - DOES NOT ABSOLUTLY MEAN THAT YOUR BODY IS ABLE TO DIGEST IT which is what Arcangelo present basically in that table picture @Barna no point of further conversation, you're stuck in your dogma
  19. @Barna from my understand it worst than "just" - it's an reaction from the past that have been stored in your less evloution advanced part of the brain, it keeps you stuck in the past - and not allowing expierence what is now, but reinforcing your perception of reality from the past (react to the world from past - instead of response from presence) i am not sure if all, but I'm pretty sure most of emtional patterns is formed during your childhoood, when you knew nothing and made assumpotions out of nowhere, so the events around you could have any sense, and basiclly rest of the life is reninforcing that assumptions, unless you conciouslly challange them and work througth them (which you will resist to do, becasue it mess up with your map that you've created - and the last thing your mind wants is going through life without the map or admit it's wrong) "Humans and animals are not equal because of their difference in the depth of their consciousness. Humans have a deeper, more sophisticated consciousness. The same way, animals and plants are not equal because animals have a more sophisticated consciousness. ", it just an assumption of your mind and personal opinion (for me plants are more sophisticated than humans ) how did you measure it ? how do you know how conscious is the plant or self-aware ? you have no idea what if the plants are more connected to the being than humans? we might even not have tools or language to discribed it, yet here you make some hirarchy - based on what ? I think you mistaken evolution food chain with consciousness we eat them - they don't eat us = thefefore we are > better than them that's just self-centered insanity there is no such a distinction in reality it's totally fabric of your mind how can you not see it? there is one simple reason to eat meat - "Meats are complete proteins, but many plant-based proteins aren’t"
  20. @Barna just a cultural thing, it's just psychological resistance read - stranger in a strange land - it might change your mind about eating corpse there are parts of the world where people eat - dogs, horses, all kind of worms and bugs, frogs, snails and some other things that you might feel like vomit, and they are totally find with it we are picky because we have privilege, we overcomed food supply chain - 24/7 when wast the last time, you have been starving for more than a day? "You're God, and every single animal is your son and daughter." once again double standards and hypocrisy, man, you're lacking basic logic I can write the exact same arguments with plants, and you probably eat them with a blush on your cheeks without any shame @Nahm I don't get it who is the perceiver then? and what is perceiving? Maya???