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Everything posted by OmniYoga

  1. are those term real or that's just dualist mind at work? and they don't have any sense from non-dual perspective ? we should care about it? that scale of consciousnes from apathy - to enlightmen is it real or a joke - looks judgmental for me higher/lower good/bad better/worst state - dualistic isn't it? can you be self-realized and cynical for example or toying with people? can the consciouness differ or it's just consciouness - one - same - no divided can we actaully raise or expand consciousness? that doesn't make sense if its the ulitmate thing, you can't add to it or fix it, can we thefore what the psychodelics do? please explain
  2. @Nahm I can't grasp it ... , looks like the same thing just inverted
  3. @Leo Gura haha it's extacly the other way around if there wasn't me looking at room - there is no fucking room! madness @Matt23 how did you achive that?
  4. @Nahm so my perception of reality and the current experience of life it's just a belief?
  5. @Inliytened1 so what is enlightement actaully? an expirence of that infinity state and then go back to finite self or embodied that non-dual state for all the time if that's even possilbe or at least have access to it whenever you need
  6. Day4 I left meditation at the end of the day - that's not good idea,and I fell asleep despite the fact that there were no particly reason to do it eariler Day5 same story - self sabogate waiting for the end of the day - only remain for 30 minutes Day6 I learn the lesson hopefull - meditate right after wake up huge cloud in my mind like a mist - it's the best way I can describite very low attention control - wondering like crazy each minute or so im not sure is this effect of not proper sleep? that'd be my bet, I also experienced that in the past - I had periods of time being alert and present, clarity and then it's gone and I become depressed, confused etc
  7. @RevoCulture of course if it's not part of my experience - it's just some abstraction in the mind - without mental framework to understand it that's why sometimes I am wondering why Leo makes his videos - it makes no sense until you have your own expierence - you won't get it. period. it's like talking about 5th dimenssion and people have no mental framework to grasp it, becasue we're built in 4 dimessional reality and even that's hard to undertand for most people(except einstein) so what you gonna do? reduction to 4th dimenssion so it makes sense for you - but its not 5th dimenssion at all that's how brain works from what i've learn so far what Nahm wrote - is tottaly abstraction @Nahm why do you separate infinity and consciousness aren't they the same?
  8. is this cult and brain washing? the benefits are better than in "the secret" - from what they say - the magic pill of self - improvment you can have everthing you want and solve all your problems with no effort etc ... just buy the course - let go and release clearly the dude Hale Dwoskin built a business around it same with a dude from RSD - who try to sell it after a PUA crisis if they are so mighty and godlike why those people in spirituality need to leach money from others? (just antoher examples sadguhru, leo as well) using the cheapest marketing tricks that are aviables ... totally don't get it not sure about lester levenson - i read somewhere he resigned from copyrights, which makes him a little more legit anyway the point is ... I've been listeaning lester/dawkins and hale for about 6h ~ not to even mention that other dude and I still have no clue how to actually let go and release in order to get benefits that they preach about it all day long as if it's a seventh miracle of world if I a friend would ask me about it - I can explain to him why this works - the theory and reasoning behind it (supressed subconciousness in short) but if'd he ask ok how do I exactly let go? what do I do, I would have to - well I don't know ... which is running around the bush Cheers,
  9. @traveler yes - that's not easy to contemplate reality and it leads to a lot fustration, uncertaitny and feeling of being lost, sometimes it seems like a curse, why do you even bother? when millions of people simply do not, but that's part of who I am on the other hand one of the most satisfying thing for me is pursuit some dogma for years which paradoxically I probably do right now anyways - just not being aware of it yet that's true after asking the question, I've noticed I lose intrest for answears that doesn't come from me, and rarelly if ever those answear of others leads to my deepr understanding @RevoCulture "we should care about it?" what I meant by that was is this how we choose our reality and how our life will unflod? for example consciously chosing finding something postive rather than complaining also is this affect self-realization process or it has nothing to do it with meaning donald trump or genghis khan are in the same distance from it like mother teresa or ghandi
  10. @Frode actually successful people often recommend biographies, and I think they're awesome if written in egoless maner (Phil Knihgt for example), rather than deifying own character and the overate the importance of it that surprising choice from 359 books for me, i am at 200
  11. @Buba "I am becoming gay" I thought either you're one or you aren't also there from what I've read is natural in population that some % is bisexual do the females turns you on or males? maybe you're just confused ?
  12. @Buba how do you know that you are gay, if you like girls?
  13. @iamme thanks for sharing, but to broaden your perception about books I'm from Europe - and except Happiness Is Free and Sedona Method they quite unavailable outside the US, not popular, and not that cheap cuz I need to count everything x4 in $US there is no interest to publish such a books in this part of the world, dark ages not ready to release I guess people don't value it as you said or don't buy into that idea, don't believe it etc but thanks god with have the internet I wanted to started with: The Presence Process : A Journey into Present Moment Awareness - by Michael Brown - which I should be reading according to a course and Letting Go : The Pathway of Surrender by D. Hawkins - available and affordable, actually even published in my native language Cheers!
  14. Looking for a book about native americans, anthropology style would be best how they lived, what was their culture and beliefs, before they were wiped out by white man
  15. @Leo Gura I even listen to your video today on that topic but if nothing has changed inside me?(easy noticable) did I let go or not ? and do I need to be exactly precise of the thing I want to let go they said I should feel lighter or some kind of relief, I supposed I haven't experienced such a phenomals despite of the tries I think i do this during the meditations, but i'm not sure is it exactly that thoughts come and I eventually let them go soon or later (a lot of them associated with my problems) but it doesn't work like magic for sure I guess I accept things more easily, rather than pure resisting, nevertheless I woudn't say things getting easier and easier, effortless ... not yet
  16. Day3 this time for empty stomach - this works best for me steady focus for almost entire session - very little unconscious wondering I was sharp in cutting of thoughts labaled everything fast as "it's just a thought" and go back to breath and then something weird happned - music started to play in brain weird beacuse it wasn't like the thoughts I usually have - more like a background sound, like from a deeper level of the mind ... I didn't know how to leg go of it - just I was just aware of it when I was labeling everything that came as "it's just a thought" 2 funny thoughts came in: "what if my experience is just a thought?" "what if I am just a thought?" Observations: I felt like my head is getting havier and havier with every miunte ... like I am sitting there with a stone instead of head ... I became so exhausted during this practice, that I felt asleep for about 20 minutes almost right after - im not sure is it becasue of trying to hold attention so "thight" - but I'd bet on that
  17. much % of is just your utopia Leo ? theoretical considerations, kind of like communism, lovely in theory, but putted in pratice produced terrible results in real world - looks like all philospers fall into that trap 2. weren't hippies just all about love and it didn't work out? (my knowledge about that moment isn't that great tbh) 3. if everything is what it is and it cannot be different - because a is a and a can not b - why do you want to fix everything with self - love ? 4. if I need to love and accept everything what choice and freedom do I really have? how is that different from slavery and a prison 5. now I'm totally confused about what is the difference between love, self - love, acceptance/self-acceptance and self -esteem shouldn't the teaching adds clarity instead of confusing things even more? 6. alos let's look at India, they are mecca of a lot of those teaching, and where they are? as far I know undeveloped and still kind of poor - why is that?
  18. @Nahm is lettingo go like meditation? thought come - and you come back with your attention to breathing (lettingo go that thought?) if yes why they are promoted as separte concepts/techniques/methods etc if not - what is the diffrence ?
  19. is lettingo go like meditation? thought come - and you come back with your attention to breathing (lettingo go that thought?) if yes why they are promoted as separte concepts/techniques/methods etc if not - what is the diffrence ?
  20. @RevoCulture I have very hard time to understand your posts ...
  21. a bit overrated, I used to go to calshflow club the whole thing is based on that you need other sources of income than your job in order to escape the rat race and that's the whole trick - that those other sources of incomes are "hard"(maybe just mine limitation) to make in pratice, money are't self-generting machines - you will have to sell something however it might be best thing you have ever done, if your risk and succeed and obviously his books and games are exatly those sources of income for him much more down to earn approach you will find in milionare fastline - mj de marco and how to get rich by felix dennis if you dare to start your own business - read both
  22. spiritual enlightenment the damnedest thing - it will crush some part of your ego for sure and leave you totally empty (at least that's what happned to me) - very hard to swallow - since we all live in our bubble of "my story" neil strauss the game and the truth - remove all the ilussion created by mainsteram about female-male dynamics (however the game is just good hint how it started - but the game itself evloved so much from that time that it's not usefull anymore as any form of guidance, just an introdaction and inspration) The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance - Gallwey, W. Timothy - Iwish I had read it so much sooner, it would save me so much unnecessary self-criticize ... Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts - self -biased bible Osho - many, helped me realize that there is nothing wrong with me by nature - the society is a sick creation, + he is like a father for me
  23. interesing concepts I read Practical Course of Transfers in 78 Days 2 times and they are still easy to forget Use it by yourself if it works and helps - stick to it, why not if not - move on but don't treat it like a dogma cuz overall the author is nobody imo best teachings are those proven by author's life that's my philopsophy on it or any book in general
  24. Day2 btw the technique that I use is focousing on the breath - and return to it if mind start to wonder, I ate baguette with garlic before the session and I wasn't a good idea I struggle to attain steady mind focus for almost whole session, I'm not sure did I even maintain meditate state for a moment reflection is that if food can influance meditate state and its performance then that leads me to thinking that consciousness it's rather not a seprate thing - it's deeply connected with the body and mind - rather like a system therefore I had no idea so far why they preach in spiritual world - you're not the body - you're not the mind when the evidances shows otherwise ...
  25. I read 2 of his books - first and the last one they are very abstract, far away from what we call reality even if there are bits of truth and wisdom in it, they are hiddden amongts metaphors and allegories which I personally don't find very useful for serious self-improvment, rather category of fantasy, but it's curious how others might percieve the world and things in it