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Everything posted by OmniYoga

  1. it might be important for HR lady or some institutution, but for business owners and self - made entreprenuers it mean nothing cuz it is actually nothing, just a piece of paper, doesn't say anything about you for real
  2. @outlandish what you can learn in college ? that it's not already available online ??? sounds like dogma in today's widely spread knowledge world. it's a more a matter of self-motivation and persistence the only added value can be 1on1 coaching - becasue you get feedback that is outside of you, but that rather requried a lot of financail resources
  3. @Girzo pathetic ... why do you hide behind Leo's ideology and dogma? He said to not trust his words what have you personally realize so far? explain what are your truths @Visionary definitely gravity will not change in your lifetime, sorry to disappoint you, unless there will be some miracle, but I haven't experienced any so far, therefore no reason to assume all of the sudden they will start to happen, our understanding of gravity mostlikely will deepen with time, there are probably deeper layers that we are not firgured out yet but it will mostliekly just adding to what we already know, rather then deny whole thing just like we found out quntum mechanic, that didn't make Newton discorviers or Theory of relativity totally useless, it's just another piece of puzzle
  4. @Girzo that is totally different paradigm 1. science truth the truth is truth objectively - regardless of YOU - your beliefs etc therefore you have replicable RESULTS in objective reality, the gravity works 100 times per 100 times - there is no question about it, whether you like it or not can you escape it ? no it will affect you regardless of everything 2. spiritual truth - wtf even is that ? does enlightenment works 100/100? - obviously not how many people got enlightenment? less than 1% ? is replicable ? no will everyone will be enlightenment? no can you live without enlightenment and don't bother about is - absolutely YES can you escape it? no if we assume that death is an enlightenment t haha, but what is life then? (a joke in your evolution? )
  5. have you ever experienced nothing? no, beacause there is no such a thing if there would be nothing, then you couldn't ask why there is nothing rather than something becasue it would be nothing - including no you therefore all we know is something
  6. @Javfly33 turst me, a sense of no-self is STRONGLY disrupting the life of the patient, as well as questioning the reality, we have no idea what they feel inside, it's subjective deloslivng an ego is not a pleasure, that's why almost nobody does that and you can conditioning yourself to feel certain way - actaully maybe this is what medition really does, but that doesn't make you less deluded than everyone else, you're just immune to some aspects
  7. I enjoy his style showing the abusurdity of the condition of the human mind, I somtimes laught while reading it. He tries to explain pardoxes, which is not easy, some of his metaphors, alegories and analogies are simply brilliant. If you didn't have the direct experience of that paradox probably reading won't help, you lack mental framework to grasp it, you create just an idea, that is how it works from my experience with PUA and understanding how some of the attraction paradoxes works, it's better otherwsie, you expirence the paradox - then you put that into context and gain deeper understanding, You won't even belief in some things without self experience reference point, the mind will block that out, as not that is not possible. I assume it works the same way in spirituality. He pointed that too in the book, the cognition is the only thing that matters, rest is just accumulation knowledge from the outside, which is just junk in the mind. He also said that that when he use word like Trust - it has different meaning for him, it's not what we think in our dualstic minds. I found one thing to be missaccrued, he said that animals don't make wars - only humans do, kind of pointing at the ego I guess, but as far I as I know chimpanzees have wars too, it's not just human trait, but I guess I graps what he meant overall anyway he is bluntly honest - he doesn't make guru from himself he clearly says there is no any savior and there will never be, is a chilidish need to be protected by a father - it has nothing to do with real god, he can't make you awaken, it's your job, you have freedom to do it, you have choice At one point I've also noticed one obvious contradiction. He talks about that he can't give you advice or help you, he is empty like buddha was - just a presence, he can be present around you, but he can't tell you what to do, since there is none to give you advice to begin with (the concept of no-self) just awarness ... nevertheless the book IS actually kind of advice itself, filled with dos and don'ts there is nothing new I guess in the book - it's same thing being told in different shades of lights, by words like in all spirutal text books - if you're really think about - it's all the same thing - yet somehow we still won't get it I am not at the level o trust - I am full of doubts - but is better to be autenticlly doubtful than a fake believer or a dogma keeper out of fear. I am rational - I don't trust heart and emotions, if I would be honest with myself I think life is a failure as a default, until you put effort to fix, but even then there is no guarantee to succeed in life so how can I trust in that conditions ... I still want to win. In general the problem I have with his books is that they are great in the moment, teaching seems to be so obvious but when I try to recall it, what I have read or tell someone else what it was about - I have very hard time to do it. No raiting cuz I don't see the point of it - the beauty or lack of it is in the eyes of a reader - not the book itself.
  8. haha just give me 1 evidence how you can tell who is enlightenment and who isn't ? it's subjective exprience you can not even tell the diffrence between some sort of mental illness, psychosis or some sort of nerosis, maniacstate and an enlightenment what if there is no diffrence? and it's funny cuz to compare englightment and not englightment you need to make assumpotion that something exist (the object that you compare the subject) and make a distinction between them - which already creates duality
  9. tbh this is n1 reason this whole enlightenment thing looks like the biggest delusion on earth
  10. but what is the solution ?
  11. makes me wonder cuz being able to diagnose means that we need to assume that there is an objective external reality - same for anybody, and we exactly know what is it, only then we can label things by comparsion to that natural state ( but what is natural state?) and if there is a diffrence then is diagnoses as sickness or abnormal and as far as history shows our assumptions about reality were temporary untill they turn of to be false
  12. hahah when he read the definiton of DELUSIONAL DISORDER Grandiose type: when the central theme of the delusion is the conviction of having some great (but unrecognized) talent or insight or having made some important discovery Leo came to my mind as well some other youtubers you can't deny it, can you?
  13. how they can be easy ? if they are not even available for average Joe it's not like you're going to the store and buy a painkillers, at least in place where I came from
  14. @Bill W I enjoy his style showing the abusurdity of the condition of the human mind, I somtimes laught while reading it. He tries to explain pardoxes, which is not easy, some of his metaphors, alegories and analogies are simply brilliant. If you didn't have the direct experience of that paradox probably reading won't help, you lack mental framework to grasp it, you create just an idea, that is how it works from my experience with PUA and understanding how some of the attraction paradoxes works, it's better otherwsie, you expirence the paradox - then you put that into context and gain deeper understanding, You won't even belief in some things without self experience reference point, the mind will block that out, as not that is not possible. I assume it works the same way in spirituality. He pointed that too in the book, the cognition is the only thing that matters, rest is just accumulation knowledge from the outside, which is just junk in the mind. I found one thing to be missaccrued, he said that animals don't make wars - only humans do, kind of pointing at the ego I guess, but as far I as I know chimpanzees have wars too, it's not just human trait, but I guess I graps what he meant overall anyway he is bluntly honest - he doesn't make guru from himself he clearly says there is no any savior and there will never be, is a chilidish need to be protected by a father - it has nothing to do with real god, he can't make you awaken, it's your job, you have freedom to do it, you have choice there is nothing new I guess in the book - it's same thing being told in different shades of lights, by words like in all spirutal text books - if you're really think about - it's all the same thing - yet somehow we still won't get it I am not at the level o trust - I am full of doubts - but is better to be autenticlly doubtful than a fake believer or a dogma keeper out of fear. I am rational - I don't trust heart and emotions, if I would be honest with myself I think life is a failure as a default, until you put effort to fix, but even then there is no guarantee to succeed in life so how can I trust in that conditions I still want to win In general the problem I have with his books is that they are great in the moment, teaching seems to be so obvious but when I try to recall it, what I have read or tell someone else what it was about - I have very hard time to do it unfortunately that title you mentioned is not published in my country I will need to purchase english version one day definitely will read it, unless existence decided not give me more time you can never be sure
  15. @wagnereater Sshh .... he will moralize you about being selfish anyway there if you're in abundacne state, there is no point for you to buy anything that's why whole marketing is about creating feeling of lack (ego = i'm lacking = i need it!) in you in order to collect the money
  16. im reading now his book - Trust basicly he had the same problem as any mystic - which is explaining something that is beyond words in a language that is finite but understandable for people so even tho he use some words - those words have different meaning for him probably quite often misunderstood
  17. one bias I've notice over the years is that: the problem with human psyche in general is that it can rationalize literally everything, everthing if you give people totally random piece of data, they still gona create meaning of it - it's like auto-created sense machine, there were make study on that. i'm not sure of that- but I would guess that's prevent us from self-destruction, otherwsie rationality might leads to dead end.
  18. Day9 remaning for an hour became hard - my mind find everything more interesting then meditation exuses come in to stop meditation like - i'm hungry, unconfortable positon, tiredness, boringness, doing something more productive etc also a thing I've noticed is that I developed ego around this journal - kind of self - trap I started to thinking what I will write, how will I describe it, what I have noticed etc ...
  19. in short I've been meditating 4-5 years but in a short amount of time manners - 20 to 30 minutes per day, not quite satisfied with results I want see if I increase the time span, how this will me affect me I started yesterday, so day1 behind me - there were periods of steady focus, but also a lot of mind wondering and lost in thoughts I make this journal to keep tracking myself I bought cushion to meditate so I'm hyped about - haha I guess I'm materialist
  20. I've been listening to D. Hawkins and he said that any teaching, philosophy, system of belifes become a subcosncious program, that you will need let go of it latter ... that's why he didn't read books anymore I guess the idea is that when there is nothing left the truth reveals itself, seems like it doesn't make sense to study anything since soon enough it becomes a limitation kind of sisyphus myth learning and study is my passion ... what elase can you do while being here on earth? - I don't want get rid of it
  21. is more about it going within or outside 1) become the breath itself - like merge within - into oneness - fully engaged - is this meditation? or rather 2) more like just observe - withdraw yourself - kind of like at looking at yourself from outside of as a 3th person perspective, disengaged - I guess I did more of this for past few years until today
  22. I would like to know that as well - interesting concepts - but how to actually do this in practice? no idea
  23. @Nahm so you want to say i am the papper ... i'm just not aware of it?