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Everything posted by OmniYoga

  1. @Leo Gura so what do you nowadays ? except buying a house
  2. there is already 1000's of such blogs, coaches, and self-help content, more than a person can consume in their life, I have a friend who post regularly on his blog about coaching and self-help and a youtube channel - but he has no audiance less than a 100 views for a video, so the marketing is very important, honestly it's rather even more important than how good your conent is ... that's brutal reality, there is litte chance your work will go viral by itself like a magic I guess you need to ask yourself: why people should invest time in your content? what is unique about your blog? that will attract enough of ppl what is in it for them ? imo only blogging is already outdated - youtube is current blogging and it's already getting overcrowded, so like Leo's says in Life Advice For Young People - Part 2 it's time to start thinking what is the next thing after youtube?, cuz this is where we are heading, of course you can still make it if you're enough stubborn and relentless watch this is if what I wrote resonate with you
  3. is there any good book that teaches you how to become better executor in life, preferably step by step, or that's just overthinkg and it's boil down to "just do it" I've became very sloppy recently, and wasted a lot of time ... not proud of that
  4. how those two conepts merge into one ? looks like two totally opposite perspective on life - very confusing for me on one hand we have typical self-help paradigm - you are not a victim of circumstances, take responsibility develop yourself and create your own bubble of reality, which goes even deeper with how much we just project things with our minds on to reality, and even deeper Leo said that we created our bodies, parents etc I guess everything in our life - but that's beyond my level of understanding it's that unfair for some ppl? with some real shit in their lives, abusive parents, being raped etc why would they do that to themself ? on the other hand we have the idea of surrender and just flowing with life - no goals, I guess it comes from Taoizm often the metaphor with a river is used to describe it, going with a stream of life, not paddle against it, I can't say anymore cuz it's just what I've read - but I guess most people are familiar with what I mean
  5. is it even real - or just a new age hippy invention how much is the intention important in this cosmic play? does it shape our life like Castaneda wrote in a huge way? how powerful this force actually is how is it different from desire or ambition ? why is it so vague and intangible?
  6. @whatthefucksgoinon how can I not know it, if i am already it - where is the trick ? why people devote whole lifes to it, become obsessed over it - so much struggle and effort also so much glorification of it in religions and culture indeed a cosmic joke
  7. why is that everybody needs to become enlightened of his own ? if it's all ONE - and the one realize itself once - why doesn't happen to eveybody simultaneously, overall it's one - doesn't make sense to go for that process over and over again - what's the point ? that's really stupid imagine with someone death all his knowledge, contribution and inventions are gone forever, no progress would be possilbe and if i can realize the truth and you not at the same time - the separation is real what about other forms ? animals, trees and stones are they enlightened by deafult ? we are the most conscious beings here and yet only we struggle to realize truth ?
  8. @Preetom so what is outhere without ego ? do I project everything? insane
  9. +1 for this TOPIC it's confusing for me as well, that's why ratinoality is a best choice for me at this stage
  10. @EnlightenmentBlog why is there a duality ? who is awoke, who is asleep why even boder than, are we enlightened already ? so it's no like something it's added - but rather " I " is removed ? is that what you're trying to say @Preetom are trying to say individual ego is an illusion ? and there just one ego, but that what we see on daily present - ego patterns are unique for each human beings, that hypothesis contradicts observations
  11. @Javfly33 honestly, i have no idea what are you talking about when i look at the tree, i see the tree , it's only seeing - no thoughts are required when i touch the tree i feel it the distinction appears immediately, rather unconsciously process, regardless of will, I guess it's because this is how we learn about the world but i can easily tell the difference between experience a tree and just thinking about the tree in my mind - those are not the same
  12. @Javfly33 that's not what I experience ... , i'm pretty sure an animal, tree or stone actually exists and are parts of reality, if that's not real that what is real?
  13. @Meta-Man maybe not, but does not deepening my understanding for sure
  14. @Meta-Man @Preety_India can you both please stop spaming usless sentances, like Roses are red. Thank you
  15. I've just listened "How To Escape Wage Slavery" and he gave an example of shooting a porn as a value giving activity - wtf ??? how do porns move humanity forward ? the only reason people watch porns is becasue they lack sex and intimacy in their real life, sexuality and relationships are highly dysfunctional in our society, ego driven, abusive, ashaming, moralization, fairy tale stories instead of truth, denial etc how someone enlightened can be unaware of that? I get that creating porn might be lucrative for those people and a way to escape wage slavery, but for those who watch it (i'm not expert on that, talking from self-expirence and people who I know), mostlikely just reinforce their victimhood. So there is no difference than selling a junk food, that is subsitute of real food and feels good for a moment, but cause harm in long run. The porns are for sure subistute for real sex and intimacy - are they casue harm in long run ? I can't tell that for sure, but looks likely for me.
  16. @Preety_India not sure of that, some of them seem to enjoy it xD, but might be just good acting
  17. how it works from a-z why there is a lot of resistance around change ? why at same we might want different things - for example one part of you want to meet that person, the other part is afraid of uknown and that created division in us why we have so much setbacks ? why we have so much self-sabotage? I guess we consciously want some things, but unconsciously not at all I've seen you have few short old videos around that topic spread here and there, it would be nice to group that together in one deep video 2-3h with new insights from higher pradigyms how it all works toghether, bigger, broader and deeper picture
  18. @Leo Gura dude, you should make a 2h long video what does it mean for you selfish/selfless, cuz it can't get rid of my mind that is just a matter of perspective, reframing and paradigm you're currently opereting with life - nautre is selfish by the default - everything tries to live off of something else
  19. @JosephKnecht not sure why do you hate ... cuz they saw that what culture and society program us about love, relationships and attraction is total bullshit and they had courage to go out and test that in direct experience? it thearts your ego, and it's hurt so much - that's why so little people does that are they made good amount of money and went heavily on marketing - yes but you should hate leo as well cuz he made money out of his DMT trips
  20. actually smart move from his side - go for a solitude when there is a world pandemic, 200 IQ but if he knew what's comming at least he could warn ous too ... not just only mention that this year will be about healing ... is coronavirus only something I/we just imagined or is it real?
  21. does the version of bhagavad gita book matter? I want to buy this version but in my native language, since is an old text it might contain unusual words and english is my not main language ...
  22. @Jkhv1 Oh shit ... , I guess I know what you mean, he probably adds his philosophy and ideology to it, in order to create cult group from what I read in reviews "I have found reading this Gita is that the writer accepts those portions of the Shrutis (Veda, Upanishads, Gita, etc.) which helps to prove his ideology, and rejects the rest. He repeatedly says that his way is the only and the best way and all others are wrong." good that I asked, I was almost about to purchase it ...
  23. kind of funny becasue with this nihilistic morality approach you can justify any sort of behaviors includings rape, morder, torture etc, overall it's just antoher facet of god, right? why not explore it ? to see what is like, it's just an expirence ... nothing wrong about it , only ego label it as bad
  24. from my experience no, 20 minutes a day for 4 years it does tiny difference if any whatsoever ... I don't meditate 2 months now and there is no difference that I can easily tell overated as fuck by a western culture - propably becasue people want to market it and sell it for money of course, but you should still do it, cuz it's beatiful foru yourself but also tough (you do nothing yet it is challenging - you will see) I want to make vipassana10 days to see, is the time duration factor important but don't expect much, it's not radical change of life
  25. i don't know is this enlightenment or just brain disability she is unable recall things so she is kind of STUCK in present becasue she doesn't even have a choice, it's not like her conscious choice