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Everything posted by OmniYoga

  1. @Serotoninluv you wanted to say Leo is major distraction.
  2. @ajasatya but still this is the same thing, creating more believes ... , only different kind
  3. What actually changes when your consciousness increases? from my experience nothing is changing except your own perception
  4. @nistake nah - that's not rather done by Kriya, rather ego I don't practice yoga yet - and I had suicidal thoughts often, "Everything feels like it has no meaning and therefor I feel like its just never ending suffering" looks like depression for me, maybe yoga intensify it to confront it and let go of that illusion anyway I often feel like my life should be different than it really is, thefore I feel like a loser
  5. don't get it, why stopping ? for me meditation is not about results it's about creating bond with yourself, and as far I know the self ain't going anywhere
  6. sounds like you're making progress what technique or routine have you been using?
  7. @Cocolove "get some daily pranayama's going" where I can find some high quality tutorial a lot confusion around it
  8. free will seems to be total illusion what did you really choose as you? name at least one thing that is not influenced by outside reality
  9. " I try to be attractive." there is no try. seriously you're or you aren't it's about being - you take right actions and you become attractive it's a process not an event
  10. rather not but i doubt it solves any of the major life problems beside the fact you might take actions from different state of consciousness/mind
  11. little background about me - I meditate 4 years (doing nothing, sitting and trying not think, sometimes focusing on the breathing but not always), 20 minutes everyday - didn't have any mistical experience so far - reality is the same as always was if anything changes then me internal - extranal is the same as before, im very blasé to the world - hardly ever I feel something, if it doesn't come from me(ego), sometimes I wonder is that an apathy anyway I am able to quiet my mind and be aware of falling in thinking loops, and cut that off - but that's pretty much it, due to those poor result I would like to add yoga techniqe & pranayama which would be the most potent for me ? I would like to spent 5-30 minutes on it each day - maybe extent to an hour during the weekend, i'm usually very tried, and sleepy (I sleep a lot) overall low energy person (maybe yoga can help raise my vitality, meditation didn't, rather otherwise) I'd like to be it simple and straightforward (i'm not interested in theory and intellectualize about it) just doing the technique I've tried Kriya Bow once, Do I really need to chanting OM in my mind and thing about chakras? that seems cheesy af... and I've also tried extanding my breath but I can barly hold it for a minute, there is wrote in the book that it should be 2, I'm not sure about continous this to be honest I had unpleasant feelings after that , like the pressures in some part of my brain raised up, is it possible to get brain stroke from it? I hope not maybe I should do something different for the beginning? I alos tried holotropic/shamaning breathing last weekend for 20 minutes, cuz Leo scared me out with side effects, but nothing happned as usuall, beside tingling sensation in hands and feet (also never had side effects of meditation, like Leo clamis). I want to extand that to every weekend by adding 10 minutes can I swallow and mouister the toung and throut while doing it from time to time - it's very difficult not to I hope that does not interfere with meditation or yoga? Hope Leo to answer @Leo Gura