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About AweExperiencesStudy

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  1. Hallo! I’m an MSc student in Psychology at Coventry University and I need your help. I’m conducting an anonymous, web-based survey in order to examine relations between the use of awe experiences, including psychedelic awe experiences, and certain aspects of personality. Whether or not you’ve taken psychedelics, it would be great if you could take part – for the survey to work well, we need people with a variety of drug use histories, including people who’ve never taken any. You’ll need to be at least 18 years old and have a good understanding of the English language to participate. The survey should take about 20 minutes to complete. It involves answering questions about your history of use of several drugs (not just psychedelics) and questions about your personality and experiences. The link below will provide you with more information about this before you begin answering the questions. If you’re interested, please click on the link to find out more and, should you decide to, to carry on to the survey. If you do take the survey, please could I ask you not to discuss the questions here (or online generally), as this could affect future participants' answers. Many thanks! [Please note that I requested and received permission from two moderators to make this post. Thanks!]