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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. Hey Guys, I was interested to know what fellow spiritual brothers and sisters do for life and profession? It's that since I went the path of spirituality I stopped being interested in pursuing a career and just want to work normally and live normally. I work as a gardener, feel free to talk about your profession.
  2. Hey guys, I have recently discovered some sense of wanting to get to know more about hellenism and the divinities. It fascinates me to know about their mythologies and the diversity in their pantheon and how the divinities have so many human characteristics. I feel drawn to Aphrodite and the fact that she is the divinity of love and beauty and probably much more. Has anybody here had experience with that form of spiritutality, and can tell about the positive discoveries that followed your practice?
  3. I was once inteoduced by a kriya yogan Master into the art of Kriya, but actually I didn't continue it because I had an obstructed breathing and therefore it wasnt emjoyable. The other reason was that constant pushing the tongue against the throat. My question here: Who does kriya yoga here and is that tongue pushing really necessary?
  4. I just wanted to advise all of you here that classical (constitutional homeopathy) is the King of medicines and helps against a Variety of ailments. The key is to find an experienced practicioner and not to take other psychoactive substances while in the therapy including cannabis
  5. @Yimpa yes it sure did. It's amazing
  6. Homeopathy works and current science cannot figure it out. Aspirin worked for 100 years and nobody knew how and people were sceptical. It works on a subtle matter in the quantum field information level which cannot be understood with the current science of relative physics. This whole forum is about metaphysics and things that science cannot prove. Science can't prove God but still we know it's true mot because of science but because of the direct experience. Homeopathy is the king of medicines and even with cancer I suggest accompanying the conventional treatment with Homeopathy because it gets to the root cause in a subtle way.
  7. Hey Guys, I was just thinking how incredibly big the universe is and that we are never able to understand its vastness. Here a thought to contemplate on. We don't lie in the center of the milky way and still if we want to reach the border of the milky way it takes around 73.000 lightyears. Convert that into the speed of the Voyager 1 (17km/s) and you will need 1.3 billion years to reach the border of the milky way. Currently scientists estimate at least 200 billion galaxies in the universe. Now imagine how many planets and stars are in each galaxy, it's an amount that we cannot ever imagine. Now the question, is god seriously conscious of every single atom in every planet and star in all these galaxies?? Or is god only conscious when somebody of its creation or itself when necessary gets to observe (or imagine) it according to the quantum physical double slit experiment? Like is it already imagining everything or is it only doing that when necessary, I hope that makes sense.
  8. I Appreciate the complex answers but have the feeling that the conservation got derailed and it wasn't actually answered yet
  9. I think you guys have not actually understood the topic and derailed from it. If I could I should change the topic name to: Is consciousness (God, Love, Life, me, the absolute, whatever you like to name it) being and imagining through being it all of the billions of galaxies right now in this moment including all of the elements and atoms and whatever else there is. I don't want to be rude, but the question is actually very simple I didn't expect very complex answers
  10. @Ishanga My intention was not to separate creation and creator, my curiosity was to find out if seriously consciousness is being all of the billions of galaxies and stars and atoms right now in this moment or is it only imagining (being) that immensive unimaginable totality of all the universe and galaxies with all their incredible distances that are just to crazy to think of, when it dreams it up when necessary. I hope that is somehow understandable. For example my consciousness is imagining my life and me and everything that revolves around it because it is s dream it wanted to live through, same goes for all other earthly beings and minerals and under the ocean beinga and planets around the eartyb and atoms and cells and mitochondria and so on anso forth. But for example if there is a far away asteroid in a billions of lightyear away galaxy and that is flying through space, does my consciousness right now imagine itself in that being it and living through ita anorganic minerals with all the elements involved? Or does it only dream that up or imagine it or live therefore be it when it is "necessary" (I don't know with what else word to describe what I mean). I hope that is somehow understandable because language cannot describe that thought story behind this idea.
  11. @Princess Arabia i understand what you mean but what I basically am curious to find out is. if reality is the imagination of God consciousness and that consciousness is infinite. Then does God consciousness imagine all the at least 200 billions galaxies with all their atoms right now in this moment? Probably yes, because consciousness is infinite. I'd just like to know what others think about it
  12. It's diluted and potentiated by shaking it inumerous times so the information of the original substance flows into the solution, it works with the information of the plants/mineral/poison. You need to try it first hand to become convinced, it's amazing. It's just important to go to a practitioner and not do it by yourself. Best would be to find an experienced one maybe an elder person that has years or decades of experience
  13. Well I live In Germany and I earn 1800 Euro after taxes which is not alot here but compared to the poverty I have seen in third World countries I am happy with it. But actually with this thread I am looking for other profession for Motivation to pursue something with more money. But basically more money without having to sacrifice my life for the career and I suppose many here think the same way.
  14. Go to an experienced homeopathic practicioner and Start a homeopathic Therapy
  15. @Breakingthewall 1. you create an very disturbing generalization about millions of people and put them equality to terrorists and feed the current hatred filled narrative of the bad Muslims and the good westeners. 2. You don't realize how dangerous that narrativae is and how that rhetoric creates more racism and because of that rhetoric, people like me are being looked at as a terrorists when I walk the streets here in Germany. I am not a Muslim and I fight fanatics ideologies but I also fight generalised statements based on hatred. 3. That freedom you say don't exist in the Muslim world is not not true for all Muslim countries. Have you ever been to Lebanon, Iraq, Dubai, Morocco? Women live free there as in other countries. Also freedom is relative, for some freedom means to post a pornographic video every day and shoe your intimacies to the whole world. For others freedom is to marry early on and raise children and live a very simple, quiet and Ordered life with no promiscuity and adultery and so on and die happily in your small family. That second form is getting rarer and rarer in the West with divorce and adultery rates at their highest. Well everybody should decide for themselves. 4.The freedom you talk about does not exist Muslim community is also a part of the evolution of the human race. It did not exist in European countries 100 years ago either. Women had nothing to say and were even beaten at home if they didn't cook and clean the house. In summary I say it again, that kind of rhetoric is extremely dangerous especially in a time where the whole world watches a genocide unfold live on TV and the most powerful western countries approve of it,because of the rhetoric that all of them are terrorists and terrorists need to be eliminated. Who is the real terrorist here? The apparently free western countries that sent weapons to kill innocent children? Or the innocent children that only have stones to defend of themselves?
  16. Clearly there is a right wing Elon Musk and Donald Trump narrative in your text. That is so obvious, even if you find he is a retard. You are showing your hatred towards a whole community of over a billion people and say europeans don't want to live with them. There is no such basis for such a statement, that europeans don't want to live with them, sure many of the right wing fascists and neonazis don't want that, and also some conersavtives, that is right, but you generalize that, especially at a time, where a genocide against the muslims unfolds in front of our eyes, supported by the strongest nations in the world, namely europeans and USA. That is such a dangerous narrative and furthers the hatred against the others. People that are mentally unstable and are not racists yet can get tainted with that kind of narrative very easily and turn into racists and start promoting the narrative that every muslim is a terrorist that the palestinians and all the others are terrorists. That is exactly the kind of rhetoric that Elon Musk is using. He had a conversation with the leader of the Fascist party of AFD who nobody here other than there members want to work with and who has to endure mass protests against her presence whereever she goes. And he asked her if she accepts Israels right as a state to exist, in the middle of a genocide against the palestinian people, he did not equally ask if she accepts the right of a palestinian state to exist So that does not sound like nobody wants to live with muslims here, it sounds like the opposite, nobody wants to live with fascists anymore. I say that as a german with iranian origin whose parents opposed the islamic regime and fought against it, but still they have common sense and know that it is not the muslims that are bad, it is the fanatics that corrupt it that are the problem. You have them everywhere, be it in Religion, the radical evangelicals with their love for weapons and their hatred for muslims, you have it with radical capitalists at wall street who deny the health care of the common people and let them suffer and do lobby politics to prevent a social system and to create more wealth for them and less for those in need. You have it with the radical orthodox jews that cheer whenever a bomb explodes in the Gazastrip. Taking over a wrong narrative of hatred which is being rekindled by those billionaires in power now is extremely dangerous. And trying to talk down the role of the Nazi Regime that killed 60 million people in only 12 years, because of a previous lost war, which was started by them 20 years years prior to that, is also very very naive and dangerous, which by the way is the same narrative you hear by Donald Trump, who says there are bad genes and bad blood brought in by the latinos. And then you say, the europeans have no problems with africans or latinos, which is wrong. First of all the hatred against the latinos might not be that present here, because it is not the main migration ethnicity, but it is present in the United Stated as stated in the sentence above. Second of all, there used to be great racism against africans here, I myself as a child got used to the fact that africans are (I don't even want to express my thoughts of the past, but it is disgusting I can tell you that) and that is because I got tainted with the past narrative that existed here. It was pure racism, there is nothing to excuse that. Africans used to only work as toilet cleaners here and where so excluded in the society, as myself also I was excluded by the society. I had no german friends, I wern't allowed to go into the clubs and was denies entrance there and more things. And even today when I walk into small german towns, I am sometimes being looked ate very akwardly and I know exactly what thoughts some of them have, as I heard it over and over again for 32 years. If you want to criticize and fight fanatic religions, be it islam or whatever else, than do that, but saying europeans don't want the muslims is not only wrong, but also very dangerous as I elaborately explained above.
  17. I can read a certain kind of Elon Musk brainwashing out here. There were over 200 murderers through right wing fascists in Germany since 1990, but the media never talks about that. But when a Muslim or middle easterner commits a crime, the whole world will know about it. The same counts for the UK, crimes surely happened there before, I don't think the Pakistanis were the first to start crimes there. Especially that is the Elon Musk brainwashing topic that you and so many others fell for. Not talking about why are there so many Pakistanis and other nationalities in the UK in the first place. Their migration is a direct consequence of the British colonial criminal imperialism that ruled over so many countries and committed crimes on a regular basis with famine and castration of protesters just as two small components of that criminal empire they created. I really advise not to fall for dangerous rhetoric Like the one of Elon Musk and not label other nationalities as rapers or anything similar to that. The other topic you talk about the AFD being a Nazi party. Sure they are Nazis, they regularly use Nazi parole, the politicians here strictly rule out a coalition with them and the leading party says that one Time 1933 was enough, everybody here knows that they simpathize with Nazi Germany there are so many evidences and a process for a AfD prohibition was opened recently. Their voters are from the far right extremist side and many of them were put to justice because of using Nazi slogans and imagery and so many other clues that show how they sympathise with Nazi Germany. Also to say that Germans in 1933 were only Nazis because they lost the first world war is lacking fundamental information about the happenings of that era, they exterminated 6.000.000 Jews because of their hatred ideology that Jews are worse than rats. Not counting the other 50 millions through the consequences of war and their hatred for the slaving people. The Jews got gasoline injected into their bloods as one of many horrible medical experiments they tried with them just to find out what happened to rats when you do that. Not talking about disabled people and other minorities that suffered the same And influenced the german arian blood in a negative way as they believed, just as Trump nowadays says how the Latinos have bad blood And it all started like it looks like today, there were one or more lunatic dickheads like you see with Trump and Musk and Kickl, Farage and Meloni and Orban today that were looking for the others to blame for whatever they could blame. It's always them against us, they are fault with our troubles, whatever peanut trouble that might be. It's not the Muslims that make the Germans vote for AfD because the AfD reached 20 percent before a Muslim committed such a horrible attack like you saw recently. It's the deep sitting traditional racism and hatred that makes those 20 percent vote for AfD because they could very well also vote for CDU which is anti migration as well. The Cdu has a harsh migration plan as well but doesn't go into the fascist, racist sphere. It's the same deep seated tradition that makes the traditional Muslims treat their women badly, the same that makes the Russians war fanatics, and in the West it's the everlasting racism and hatred towards the other that seemed to slowly get eradicated but got rekindled through those lunatics like Trump and Musk. I know that because I as a child of migrant have encountered numerous racist confrontations ever since I was a child and when a I was a child there were no Syrians here. But happily 80 percent of the population thinks differently so not everybody is in the same boat
  18. It's not about who is worse, I am just saying that the current Zeitgeist seems to point very ugly fingers towards middle easteners and it gets rougher day by day. See Elon Musk, Trump, the right wing fascist parties and governments of Europe. In Germany there is a fascist party called AFD and their main programme is hatred towards migrants and they use alot of Nazi rhetoric, day by day there is another scandal. The current Austrian prime minister is of a party which is a direct successor of the Nazi party NSDAP and it's current leader who will be the equivalent of the prime minister has used Nazi rhetoric loads of times. So yes obviously it's horrible that women are forced to wear clothing they don't actually want to. And my opinion is that everybody should live free as they want and if they want to walk naked in the streets, at the end we were born naked, all animals are naked. But what is dangerous is that new rhetoric that is slowly getting more power, initially empowered by Trump and now with Elon Musk and their incredible huge amounts of money and funding of a worldwide network of right wing fascist haters. So you can criticise Islamic traditions and governments but never do only that but also see what kind of screwed rhetoric is spreading in the West.
  19. Sure you may have a point, but it its mostly not debated in that way. It is debated in a xenophic hatred filled way towards people of the middle east by judging and condemning all of them altogehter. That is pretty common, I am from an iranian family and grew up in Germany. You can see a tsunami of fascist right wing parties coming uo all over Europe and USA mostly based on that idea of they (muslims) are backwards and we christians are so evolved and always have been. That totally puts the fact of brutal world wars, persecution and elimination of various cultures into the background. Never forget that, Jews had to flee europe into palestine because they were brutally persecuted for 2000 years in europe, they were being accepted as refugees by the palestinians in the beginning. You forget that in Germany women had no right to vote until the 60s or 70s of the last century, men had the right to beat the women, homosexuals were treated like criminals until the 70s and foreigners like the vietnamese that were looking for asylum in germany got their asylum camps burnt down, its not even 30 years ago. In Yugoslawia just 30 years ago there was a brutal genocide against the muslim inhabitans of Bosnia. The USA was built upon slave labour imported from Africa, imagine if you have to leave you family to go to work on the other side of the planet for free and receiving violence and humiliation. In the USA black people were not even considered true humans until the 60s with all the civil rights movements. In South Africa foreign colonized brutally enslaved the inhabitans and we had an apartheid regime, until not so long ago. The Europeans, especially the germans bought huge amounts of gas off the russians, willing in to become dependant and thuse financing the brutality of the russian military against the syrians for example It's so easy to look into other ethnicities and their current problems and lack of freedom and so on and so forth, but that at the time comes along with white supremacy, because it makes people believe that humans can only be "backwards" if they are from a certain ethnicity or religion, which considering two world wars, brutal colonization and slavery and capitalism greed and corruption of the western countries seems to be very very hypocritical, especially with the current support of a genocide that basically can be seen live by all people in the world.
  20. Putting a nationality on somebody for judgement is from the last century. The germans and americans sent so many weapons to israel to fund their genocide. Not even the republicans but Mr GenocideJoe Biden. Donald Trump has killed over a Million people during the corona pandemic and four people during the storm of the capitol and is now elected by over 50% of the population to be president again. By the way he sells the bible for 60 dollars. So what does it say about Jesus when his followers do such things? It's so common to blame another religion or nationality and to create a wave if xenophobic Anti Oriental or African sentiment disregarding the own crimes that are committed daily.
  21. Karma does not Happen when and where you want it, actually nobody really knows how Karma works. It remains a mystery.
  22. It's all Karma, as your ancestors killed the native Population and kidnapped their children, it now comes back to you as you are of the blood of those ancestors.
  23. You always need to remember in what times people lived back then. The warning of hellfire was more to stop people from commiting atrocities like crucifying or stoning people to death which was extremely common. Just remember that Jesus came to teach love and love your neighbour and the consequence that happened to him was that they nailed his feet and hands to a cross and let him die in the worst manner possible. So in my humble opinion the whole Idea of hell is exactly for the worst of the worst of people that embody pure evil, as we still see today, and the hell idea was to warn them, that their joy of commiting crimes in this world wont be unpunished in the next, which many say could be Karma. I was once in a holy islamic shrine in Iran of the sister of one of Muhammads descendants and I had a clear and loving feeling that I felt in that moment. which I could only receive through psychedlics And heard of other miracles, so clearly these descendants of Muhammad and Muhammad himself had a special position in this world, also all the other prophets. People were sick and evil at that time which is impossible to imagine nowadays, allthough nowadays its not much much better. Nonetheless the quran has this for example; Everywhere you turn is the face of Allah (Sūrah Al-Baqarah 2:115). We are closer to you than your jugular vein (Sūrah Qāf 50:16). That clearly shows his level of awakening and even Jesus referred to God as the Father, because its just impossible in that society to claim that you are god and everything is good. Even now claiming that seems crazy because even being god, none of us is able to stop any kind of war or disease in the world, so these prophets didnt declare themselves as god but described it in other ways, as the surahs above mention.