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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. So which one of the three thoughts could it most likely approach?
  2. A few thoughts: 1. If god is nothing then there is also no will of god because nothing just IS (then the question arises how does it xome into being?) 2. God is divided into infinite parts and whatever these parts decide to do becomes gods will too (the question arises: where do decisions preceded by thought and therefore where do thoughts come from?) 3. God is infinitely intelligent and has a plan to maximize and develop its love, what could that plan be and how could we as god become conscious of the plan?
  3. I had an HBWR trip today and reakized I am everywhere, everything and pure consciousness. There is no place in the world it is all consciousness being conscious of itself. I got trapped in a negative thoughtloop and couldnt get out of it and think I got possesed. I put my fingers in the throat to try to purge the spirits, did not vomit but I felt liberated though. It was horrible man you feel trapped in your own body the only way is purging. It made me realize a few thijgs. First of all, its all me but I will never know how I created all this, so this proves the trinity explained in the bible, that god is the son but also the father, how can I know how this ll was created? And the whole life occurrences do not happen by coincidence it is always super intelligent, but how is that if it is me, then how dont I know how the strings are pulled? Second what the hell are those spirit possesions man?? If everything is you how can there be spirits that want to fuck you up, if they are you too
  4. See I kind of think HBWR makes you realize non-duality while still in duality. realized the holy spirit and instantly knew it was it. I realized myself as god but couldn't grasp how I made my environment so therefore I am the son and the son is god too. (trinity says exactly that). And I realized God as a father who is me but as it is trip, somebody must be wheeling the drive and it certainly dass not me as the son especially because I went insane through that spirit possession and knew it was a warning of my father who is also me but I consider him father because he pulls the strings. A warning in order to understand my brother who went insane after a mushroom trip. Therefore I am totally sure of the trinity, you not? But the most important question here for me is what are these spirit possesions?? They are absolutely scary, make you insane and in that moment i thought of killing myself. If everything is you, are these "bad intended" spirits not you? Why do they come and try to fuck you when you are the most sensible?
  5. I think with HBWR that is a little bit difficult because it is totally mentally and its not even in your head but you have like realization thoughts out of nowhere and one of them was about the holy spirit and another one was of pure consciousness. But still planet earth under this trip just looks like a huge artistic creation of the bigger me, which they call father. Therefore father, son and holy spirit. I find it totally true, you don't? As long nobody can tell me how they created the Amazon forest planet Earth and all other planets, I am sure that god is still father and son and holy spirit, I would he happy to learn something new though. Of course they are all you aka me but we just don't know how reality unfolds in its totality on planet earth and also nothing Happens by coincidence, therefore the father in the trinity
  6. Hey dear people here I know you will all say Jesus is you, I know this but... Twice I used psychedelic substances where I had na intense realization of Jesus by his "personal" appearance. It was both times very quick and fast but it was a sudden realization without a doubt it was him. The first time was the most intense, it was so obvious man, I hadnt used to believe in him but after that 5 second appearance there was absolutely no doubt, it was him and only him, appearing with the greatest love in human form that exists it was so sweet unforgettable but yet I kind of forgot it because it has passed already. I have never felt a human being being so extremely lovely. Today was another moment, I actualky ate frankiscence just to test it, and frankiscence is the material the 3 magis brought Jesus upon his birth, and i had a second quick christ realization but again it was obvious not as obvious as the first time, becayse the first time was just totally incredible. So my question who is Jesus really, I mean of course we are all one. But his appearance 2000 years ago was the most important happening of a character ever and now his spirit coming in front of me just makes it somehow unexplainable who he really was and what is his role as a spirit for humans?
  7. At the end was it a beautiful or a painful vision?
  8. I think he died. Basically I asked this question here because I wonder how he said such a thing but the discussion about nonduality here are more that it is not determined and god creates it every moment and the future is not certain yet
  9. @peanutspathtotruth I am from Germany and my nrother went through something similar, trust me mental hospitals here are so bad really bad. My brother calmed down with esting raw food and cleaning his guts but he remains delusional, which I now am totally sure is a spirit possesion and needs to be dealt with. Spirit possesion is true I didnt believe it either, but I had my own experiences too now. If you want contact me and we'll exchange some informatiom
  10. I am everything and everywhere. Also I rule over everything with absolute intelligence. But that is god in me, my higher self which makes reality unfold for me. How much decision space do I the human self have, or am I only acting out on his plan entirely and cannot have any control over what happens whatsoever? I just need to let go, trust and accept,whatever my true self unfolds for my human life in a mysterious manner or does any bit of decision space remain to me and therefore I take responsibility over that part?
  11. Hey people, I am having babysteps towards awakening, and I recently realized that everybody and everything is me. To questions herefore 1. Is it depressive when you finally awake and realize you talked to yourself all the time? Or is it liberating and more of a Hallelujah sensation? 2. Does the game for you end officially (not with dieing, but rather that there is no more joy to it) and or is it a new beginning? Are you now more able to explore your own consciousness while still being a living being? Or is there no more reason to it? Actually we can call it game but ultimately being can ONLY be, so being fully awaken wont take away the fact that god can only be in order to know itself. Not being doesnt work
  12. But yet, god is infinite intelligence, and things do happen somehow. So this intelkigenr nothingness because it is intelligent alive and divine, probably has an interest in developing itself, as Leo once said, to maximize love. Therefore everything IS, but also is happening somehow and that extends to infinity and infinity is god and god is intelligent, and we are god but still have no idea how reality unfolds.? So the intelligent God head must know even if it just is but still it is sonehow special and magical. And magical means magical and is beyond just IS. Certainly many people with certain illnesses and troublesome lifeconditions are only being too, but their lives proves that being can be special and wants to experience some type of being for whatever reason., which probably is to maximize love, which then needs some magical plan in order fornit not to be some random thing Do you agree?
  13. Interesting quote. I cant get the meaning though. Explain.
  14. I am having insights that there are so many secrets in the bible, that are there for us to wake up. A friend of mine who is a iboga facilitator says that the tree of life mentioned in apocalypse 22:2 is actually a reference to the iboga plant. What couls it refer to? Also what other secrets are hidden in the bible towards prophecies, psychedelics and what is the holy grail?
  15. I now after a few more experiences know it was him and me, but still "his" appearance as a spirit which is ultimately me to Gave me to understand that he has a special importance as a spirit helper I think. Something with Jesus is way too important in the mysteries of my/our own conciousness
  16. I believe in non duality completely but I knowbalso there are helping spiritis and spirit guided. When he appeared it was not an image. It was his spirit, it came for a few seconds and it was undoubtedly him, it was so obvious to recognize
  17. I watched your video, i laughed hard when you said you can never have sex with somebody, you are always masturbating^^ Legend
  18. I am also curious to know what psychedelic works on which chakra. San Pedro is the heart chakra, Ayahuasca third eye, and bufo Alvarius crown chakra. Any more opinions would be grateful to know
  19. Whenever we take some healing psychedelic and get liberated out of the previous mental suffering phase, we realize that without the substance it would have never been possible. So that makes me think, are we responsible for our suffering? No matter how much we healing through a substance always gets you out of a previous mental syfferong state, and in the normal state it is rarely possible to let go of suffering sometimes it becomes even too difficult and people collapse. So what do you think is it our own choice or are we meant/is it planned that we suffer
  20. Of course this will be the next big realization But still you know what I mean with I suffered or he suffers right? It is the appearance as you say of suffering. It is not me suffering actually. B That is the core question, there is no doer, nobody, nothing but still the appearance suffering appears for some of "us" while for "others" not (sorry I didnt now how to explain it here without using pronouns, but yiu know what I mean right) its the suffering before you realized nonduality, it was actually happening as a part of being or wasn it? :)) Lets say I would be tremendously suffering mentally right now writing this, someone could say no that is not true but somehow it still is? Transcendence is important but philophising about duality and its happenings is not wrong either is it? So the questions remains, is it meant for the appearance of suffering to occur or does the "doer" have a choice here (even if there is no doer, but you understand right?)
  21. Why do you say that? @Serotoninluv A human and a dog can suffer, we might be an idea but as being we go through all being states and suffering is a being state too, god does suffer because god is being and being includes suffering. I suffered loads of times and when taking a psychedelic I was so grateful to that psych. But I was also sure that nothing I could have done myself to get rid of that suffering, and I tried meditation, fasting. Especially when you live in a stressfull environment and family. So the question still is, is it a choice of us (where we obviously dont exist, but do god experiences through us the suffering being state) or are we meant to go through this as like already mentioned above, after the healing we are grateful to the plant spirit and know by ourselves we could have not come that far so easily Your neighbour suffers he does, even if suffering is an illusion, but it still exists as a state of being.
  22. Yes that is it, there is no chooser. So therefore the "person" (there is n person but we all know what I am talking about) is meant to suffer. What is your opinion?
  23. Yesterday I had a hawaiian morning wood trip ans through bursting in this forum I had some theoretical knowledge which led me to insights that it is all me, There was no ego dissolution though. Id like to know if you get fully awakened, is it scary to know you are everybody? Or is it more a liberation feeling?