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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. If you have experienced 5 Meo only half way through, which means you alnost died, went insane and then came back to normality all due to a lower than breakthrough dosage. Then you feared doing it again as too not go through that panick again. Would it be advisable to do any other psychedelic first now and work yourself up to it, or is it too late already and you have awoken too much and need to finish the "job"? I am asking because I hear after 5 Meo Dmt any other psychedelic will lead you to that same state you had while awoken on 5 Meo. Now my dilemma is I awoke and I felt that everything was me, but I awoke still in my body in a panickal manner, as if everything was me as a a human. I need to finish it but kind of want to approach it with other psychedelics first to get rid of fears and then have it easier with the 5 Meo, but am afraid that anything else will bring me back to that horror panick state of almost dying and thinking everything is and was always me (ego me)
  2. There must be a specific plan. As all the possibilities have already happened, therefore the future must be certain already too. Given the specific circumstances and the law of cause and effect, and that there is no future but everything has already happened, then there must be a specific plan to this specific life. Many mediums, channellers and other spiritually involved people talk about a change of era and that the planet is becoming one of renewment or regeneration where everybody lives in peace and everybody lives awoken. Just wanted to know more opinions on how things are going to develop in this specific life and who agrees on the idea of a change of era
  3. Hearing constant news of people and even in music of the change of era that is coming, and more and more spiritual people and Spiritual music talk about a gradual awakening of more and more people and finally all of humans living in an absolute awakened state. The change of era is supposed to be going from era of pisces (fish) to the era of acuarius. And this is supposed to bring immense developments in medicine and also worldwide peace. Moreover I hear about talks of an ascenscion from 3d to 5d. Basically apart from these assumptions is life under a divine plan or is it happening totally randomly? If there is a plan who would chime in on these ideas above mentioned?
  4. Does it feel lonely when you realize you are the only one there is and god is all alone? Yes maybe its fun and necessary to divide itself and pretend that you are not alone, but ultimately realizing yourself as god and knowing there isn't anything or anyone else it is just you, how is that feeling? Is there even a feeling Also how is that feeling while in the non dual state and how is it once back in the dual state, maybe there is a lack of feeling in the non dual state but in the dual one we definitely have feelings.
  5. Yes feeling lonely is a bad thing, being alone is not bad but feeling lonely is. What do you think? I know many lifeforms need to be in community and if not they feel lonely and cut off, but there are also lifeforms that dont have this need like bears, they are just alone, but don't feel lonely. How could that apply to god, does non duality feel lonely or at least lonely like a bear, a human, a wolf or none, and coming back to being a human and knowing the loneliness of God, does that make the human feel lonely as whoever he talks to he just talks to himself ?
  6. @Leo Gura brother I see what you are saying. But I think your teachings, you said it yourself in a video I saw recently, are too advanced now and maybe impractical for human life now :)) because apart from the quantum mechanics which I know, the rest I couldn't really understand except that God actualizes love but I struggle to apply it into happenings in life and see through the plan if there is a divine plan (which would suggest destiny Again, but that part I still couldn't understand) hehe, I'll get there one day. As for now I just can be assured that humans have no control as we live the illusion, and God rules it all but still somehow without destiny?
  7. I see what you mean. Yes it's sad not to know what it means there is no ego but one day I hope. But again if coincidences dont exist, and there is no independent human free will, and also considering there is no future and past then ultimately every living being receives a destiny. Or what would you unserstand with the term "destiny". In the most simple way it would mean the opposite of coincidence and then adding also the illusion of ego and the human illusion of an own free will it makes the dots align more into destiny. At least I think so, cant see how it could be otherwise Also if god gives you enough rope to hang yourself or to awaken but there is no you and its god from the beginning, then god had already decided if in that particular character it will hang itself or awaken, cant really see what autonomy means in this case as autonomy would suggest there is an independent you.
  8. I remember in your live enlightening video that you said, that you are and were never in control, that seems paradox because of you are not in control than there must be a destiny for you. Also its what you said in your free will video, that even when you decide to become lazy and do nothing anymore it is not you doing that, it's not you controlling and deciding to become lazy (you would be the human being, I suppose) Doesn't that contradict this notion then?
  9. Once you are enlightened and then live your normal life getting sometimes moaning or even getting upset about corrupt politicians, a flawed system and get disgusted by murderers and rapists. Is that ego or god? If enlightenment is about accepting things and people as they are and realizing that everything and everyone is you then there shouldnt be a reason to get upset about anything or anyone.
  10. Leo in your recent video on what's is the point of life you said you will release a video for free will, although you had one from 2016 I think. Have you received different insights about free will?
  11. Yes it would definitely change ones life, as thinking there is free will can make one anxious especially in hard times of life, when you dont unserstand ehy things go as they go and why they are as they are, especially when you feel unable to change it to the better and get stuck in a "dark hole" or life crisis. Knowing there is no free will and it is all preplanned and every occasion happens out of a good reason and there is no more conicidence then one can stop worrying and start accepting even if it is a lifetime that is very dark. It especially turns the dark times into lighter times. Knowing of the abscence of free will can make one believe in a great plan or higher design that the human mind may not comprehend and thinking of having a free will can lead one many times to questioning many events and questioning the basis of existence and get stuck in mindloops which ultimately deter you from being grateful. Being grateful sometimes can stop to be easy anymore, as somethings get way too hard to solve, so thats why it is important to rely on a plan/design, accept it and be grateful rather then thinking everything happens ns randomly and we as humans control it totally, and therefore it would be our individual responsibility to get us back on track.
  12. I agree with you, no free will is very liberating as you start to stop worrying anymore. It always depends on our cultural background, how our family raised us and what religion was imposed on us, that basically the majority of people think they have free will. One needs to find out the truth in order to let go not worry and feel protected as a human being even in the most difficult times knowing this is all how it should be and there is a reason to it. But how to get to that truth for me is another question, some might say get enlightened and you'll be conscious of it. But even with enlightened people (most I know enlightened by 5 Meo Dmt) the discussion is not on point, many say no free will but I have heard of some saying free will yes.
  13. But ultimately the true perspective would be that it is all gods will and all predestined/predetermined? If one pursues the human free will independently of the gods free will then it would mean life happens all in coincidences, randomly and the future is not foreseen nor is anything predetermined and god is mostly the running force of life as in the fire and love that creates lifeforms but doesnt consciously decide but lets it be decided randomly by the ego it created and incarnated but which due to the complexity of its brain and the environment has a chance to develop itself as it wishes not being known to what it leads at the end. Seeing it from the god perspective well then it means there is no coincidence all is destiny already laid out, nothing could have happened other than it happened as it happened and the future is clear just not revealed to the humans yet (or might through astrological calculations, which in my opinion has really good insights on the future sometimes, for example this month for me was predicted someone long forgotten and really loved one would write me a message and that is what exactly happened)
  14. Its not that I can decide on what to dream at night or who to meet on the street or when to be hungry and thirsty or how and which thoughts come into my mind and how the weather is going to be when I am sick or ill. Yes from the real you, the god consciousness you decide all that but most humans dont have access to that consciousness yet so all they do is influenced by it and therefore they are only vehicles doing what god wants? (without being conscious that they are god)
  15. I think predetermination is the better question to make it more simple. Predetermination in as of it cant be any other way because it was all wanted to be exactly like this from before we even have been born. And therefore the future of this life is also written already and to think one has free will would be therefore an illusion as it every step and action is already known and will be that way no matter what
  16. Yes but it is totally influenced by thoughts, instincts and intuition aside from previous experiences traumas, distrust or trust, family and astrological constellation of ones character, or as shoppenhauer said you can do what you want but you cannot want what you want. So the question does the individual human have a free will while he is not awoken yet or even while he is awoken or is it the mind that pushes these ideas/motivations due to past experiences through to him, or be it is life predestined as these ideas and thoughts seemingly come out of nowhere without the humans control? So free will would basically come up to can the not awoken human do anything to change his destiny or the destiny of the world? Because surely the degrees of raising consciousness are infinite or at least immense and with every elevation of consciousness you realize how limited you were before. More and more ways of deciding and contemplating come up and mostly the mind gets quieter and the intuition stronger. When before you had only lne or a couple of ways to solve a problem now you have immense amount of intuition to solve it that means you are not restricted by your mind that gives you doubts and limits you but you are becoming freer. So before that the mind literally rules you to the extent that you could get worried too much and maybe even crippled by being able to take free will decisions and just followed your minds and your egos orders of survival and instinct and individuality. Once you eliminate your consciousness it seems to be when you can really cocreate somehow allthough still not to the unlimited extent. I hope that makes sense. So it might be you doing it, but you are not aware of how big you is, and not awoken people are controlled by their thoughts and mind roller-coaster. Which surely is not decided by them as humans to appear. Maybe it is even decided by them by theur ultimate real god consciousness but a regular human is not awarw of that and just follows his thoughts and minds or to several degrees changes his thoughts through intuiton but also that must be predestined and coming from GOD And not the human Allthough God is the human at the same time, but still there he has planned through something so everything gets perfectly harmonious and this can only be done by a predestined life. So the core question would be, could it have been any different if one had decided differently in the past or cant it be any different than it is because god has carefully and consciously and intelligently taken those decisions for it to be exactly this way now and wouldn't have chosen otherwise.
  17. Alright I see, but does the human have a free will individually like free humans or is it all coordinated by the one consciousness that directed every move of everything including thoughts and actions. As life is an illusion, free human will should be an illusion too. Or are there defined rules in this illusion that allow the human a free will in order to explore on its own? And if there is no free will, then everything in this life is carefully predestined, like every step and every word and even every itching you do on your head, sorry for that example of its just to clarify the details of life which therefore are totally under divine control.
  18. Pretty derailed the topic. What is the current consensus on free will though, would be good to hear about those enlightened people on here, who have answered already to some degree. Nonetheless it seems very curious to me that brother Leo reveals one more video of it, when will it be and does the fundamental question free will yes or no change?
  19. True, but Leo said he'd publish another video on free will in his "What's the point of life" video which youtube says was published in 2019 and his last free will video is from 2016 and regarding the new insights he received maybe something changed in that stance, and therefore he wants to publish a new video
  20. I heard someone on an astrologytalk say everything is a symbol in the world/universe. For example when you see a black cat that has a meaning either for you in thtatmoment or for your life or in general, as cats are somewhat special to the human safety? (also heard this from someone). Symbols can be guides in your life therefore. Or that seeing a beautiful butterfly also has its own meaning. Apart from the moonphases of course where a widespread belief thinks that they influence the mood of one person. Does anybody know more about this and could probably recommend books about it to get more knowledge?
  21. That is a great recommendarion, something like that i was looking for thank you
  22. Hey people, I was curious about knowing this. I have heard many cases that it was true. For example the day the berlin wall was built, its astrology said, it would experience its destiny on november 1989, the month it fell. And some other examples. Id like to know how to find out certain events, or dates that mark a turning point to the positive or negative and if astrology can help in deciding if we are undecided about something. Maybe someone knows more. Thank you
  23. Okay I understand totally, but still the future is already planned or will be with exactly the destiny that was wanted by us/the one, before we have even come here or are we humans have a daily saying in this by changing the future with our free will moment by moment? That means is this life already thoroughly planned by the universal consciousness or can it have infinite outcomes depending on each of our free will actions