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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. Doesnt that give me free will, cause I am god, who else is there to have free will?
  2. That s a great analogy. But then it would be false to state until you have not awoken god has not awoken. Because that higher total consciousness with absolute free will that exerts on everybodies lives is always awoken, even if every single of its avatars is unconscious, god therefore woud be always awoken and absolutely conscious of everything but I as the character am not.
  3. I know we aren't real and in a dream and we are all one, but still in this dream there are avatars/personas that wake up and realize it is a dream and some avatars keep continuing thinking it is a dream. Those that wake up are few, i mean look around in your neighborhood, all those avatar/personas think they are different than you and not you, even if they are you,. So why do we here on the forum (being all one and the same) come to the privilege to recognize this, we as avatars/characters of the same dreamer woke up but still are there are billions (of us/aspects or characters of me and my consciousness) that have not. Are "they" not meant to? If you wake up and realize you are me, and thus god has woken up. Still me sitting here have not realized this yet, so god only wakes up from "individual" to "individual" or "avatar" to "avatar" and not all by one avatar waking up. Does that make sense? When you say "you attracted it to your life, then you probably talk about you which is consciousness and thus everybody, but how come not everybody is awoken or even on the path, most people never even get on the path.
  4. The moment our friend comes and recommends us a psychedelic or yoga or meditation or be it through television or any other way. Are these moments by total coincidence or are we meant to find out more about the true nature of ourselves. Did we find out about and about the awakening tools by accident or were we meant to find it? Did the highest consciousness/our true essence plan on this?
  5. Who do you mean with "you"? Ego you or spirit/god/consciousness you? If it is consciousness then why does it not attract it for all the avatars but only for a few selected ones? And why does god incarnate in a few avatars that have spiritual interest since the beginning of life and some that are totally lacking interest until the end of life?
  6. Yeah but thats exactly it, if we see the richness and meaning in this life on earth 2019, questions arise that are still a mystery. Where does the human really come from? Was he a direct result of ape evolution or is he really a product of ET intelligence. Then there ars prophecies very ancient ones that say these ET will soon return to show themselves or that they many times were present for ancient humans already and also that the earth civilization will undergo an awakening process that comes after an era of degeneration and loss of connection towards life and nature and mother earth. It seem that we are in a quite different phase and era now and why is this world not a utopia world? Combined with the notion that the human as an illusion doesnt have free will, its not so easy to say we change the future. Especially because if you really want to make an impact on the future you need to awaken otherwise you just follow whatever appears in your mind and care for your ego instead of for the collective. That itself makes a huge difference, because once you know that you are one with everybody else, the future you and all other humans create is totally different than thinking that everybody and everything is separate and its about survival more then about love, love is just something you feel for your partner and family not for everybody. And how many people are truly awaken out of 8 billion in population? Certainly if everybody was awoken and selfless the future would be one of an awoken and selfless humanity that goes back to caring for nature and finally finds out why humans really exist, if just a few people are awoken then things stay as they are. So there must be a plan behind this to awaken people step by step show them their true nature so that they can consciously and selflessly work towards a better future otherwise the future will just be more degeneratjon towards nature ans more disconnect through more advanced technology. Then the question arises, is awakening a coincidence? When you say that until you havent awoken god hasnt awoken does it mean that just by total coincidence you stumbled upon a tool called 5 Meo or just by coincidence you stumbled upon the other tools that arose curiosity in you to awaken? Or were you meant to find 5 Meo and the other tools? The same is with this sudden awakening wave, are so many peiple meant to awaken all of a sudden or does everybody of them find out about it by coincidence?
  7. Is the future randomly going to happen or is it totally known already (to god) because of the law of cause and effect and a harmonious divine plan? And based on that there is only one will which is gods will
  8. While taking any psychedelic, you lose total control and have to subdue whatever the psychedelic shows you,why is that?
  9. The universe controls itself, every one of us is the universe. But during a psychedelic experience, we the universe do not seem to have control over the experience or the visions we receive, even if we are god. Anything could happen, good or bad and the person just needs to go with it and sometimes even hope that it soon ends. I am talking about psychedelic experiences while experiencing still duality, because psyche that let one experience non duality are much rarer, and the experience of 1g mushroom for example just does what it wants with the person, even if the person is God and should be able to navigate the experience
  10. @SoonHei hey yeah that's what I possibly thought, but shouldn't you or me as God have control? After becoming awoken or enlightened is it still different and one keeps not having control of the psychedelic experience?
  11. Sorry brothers, but I think the answers are way too one sided here. Every question just gets answered by you are god period hehe. Why were we born on this difficult planet with all the degenaration, the cruelties, crime, corruption, wars etc.... Why werent we born in a utopian world which most definitely exists in this infinite Consciousness, its not that god also wants to experience suffering, its more that suffering is part of earth and surely there are other worlds to experience which are totally perfect loving and where everybody is awoken and lives in nature and not in big bustling cities begging in the street or prostituting yourself and so on and so forth. Also where do we humans actually come from? The ancient sumerers said we are a mizture of apes and Intelligent ETs which makes more sense given that we are weird as a species and not really in harmony with nature.these sumerers also already knew about all the planets in our solar system which modern telescopes only found out 100 years ago. All these questions and more (Jesus, the world wars, trump...)and the general question of who are we as humans where do we come from and why did we inherit such a disconnected earth? These arise and are essential in knowing more about gods dream and also spark curiosity to know what happens in the future. Why are astrological predictions, ancient prophecies and near death account predictions so true and accurate? If there is only one god and he takes all the decisions with perfect certainty and not uncertainty then there can onky be one way because any other way would imply that god is uncertain every single moment. The other possibilities might happen in parallel universes but this one here unfolds itself with the greatest certainty of god taking decisions. The dream we are living is not to be disregarded, it is still a dream, existence and reality itself. So many things within this dream are so mysterious and just saying its all fake doesnt give it the credit it deserves. Every single one of us humans (whereever our origins might be, our human origins not our god origins) is a universe by itself with trillions of cells that are a universe by itself and work in such a mysterious way, that same mysterious way the whole universe and planet and nature are working. The sudden awakening wave that is occurring on the planet now cannot be coincidence either. We must still ask questions about stuff that happens in the dream because the mystery is not solved by saying you are god, every concept is wrong period. People that say that these are all concepts and concepts all fall apart ones you awaken, they might be right but they discredit the meaning and richness to this dream and illusion, escaping the mystery of being a human on earth. It seems like everything is an illusion now. Even basic questions cannot be answered when one awakens. Where did humans really come from, why are you that particular person in that particular constellation of family. If you are god, and cannot answer how the human beings really evolved and came to the planet earth, then you have already escaped the dream and cannot see its richness and beauty and its struggles also. Trying to partake in the dream, knowing its a dream but still remaining curious without being certain to know all the answers is the way I think. It still remains a mystery and within the dreams there still are concepts and so much diversity and richness. Trying to reply everything saying that there is nothing, doesnt partake in the mystery solving.
  12. @Ero If I (human I not awoken yet) choose something it is totally because ideas, urges and desires pop up into my mind and I follow them or don't follow them but also the idea not to follow them is also something that pops up into ones head. If we say it depends on us how the future will look like it would mean that we all have free will and choose what ideas, intuitions and desires pop up into our head. You as a human also can do what you want but cannot want what you want (Schoppenhauer). So ultimately its me/us that comes up in the backstage comes up with these ideas. But as most people are not conscious of this me/godhead and even less conscious that this me is everything, therefore it can only be happening in the backstage for everything together at the sane time superconsciously decision by decision, but one decision now means he(godhead) has to take the next decision the next moment. Now the question is the next moment does god fall into a kind of uncertainty of what shall I decide to do now or is he absolutely certain of it and does it this way and no other way, because if he is absolutely certain every single moment then there cannot be any other unfolding than this particular unfolding of the story folowing the chain of causality. If the future is not certain that means that god acts every moment with uncertainty between various possibilities, but the mere fact that he chooses super consciously one possibility and most importantly probably he or we do it with absolute certainty and god probably does not hesitate being infinitely intelligent then that would also determine the future. No determined future would mean god decides every moment not being totally sure and absolutely certain on which possibility would be the right one.
  13. @Ero I see what you mean. They are indeed my decisions it makes so much sense now to realize this, but I mean they are mine but still not really in my control, my control as I am incarnate, because some decisions after I do regret, but ultimately god doesn't regret anything and but "we" do, and we keep sayin, if I had only done differently back then, but knowing that every decision is done in a super conscious act. At the end God doesn't regret any of them means they are happening in a higher consciousness the human is not aware of and they are totally planned every moment in harmony with everything else that exists (at least thats what I imply when I hear there is only one and everything is it) and not random at all, which leads to the question how and why does God or we take these decisions in a super conscious way and following the plan behind every decision plus the infinite intellugence, it will lead us somewhere as it is super conscious in total harmony and not random at all. If gods decisions are done forever and in every moment super conscious, and acts with infinite intelligence then it should be possible to follow up the chain of these non random decision into the future, and maybe that is what astrology does. In short, no plan and no clue of how the future looks like would imply randomness and coincidences and no infinite intelligence and not super conscious decision taking every single moment and the opposite is no coincidences nothing happens random everything is decided upon every single moment super consciously and very intelligently therefore that implies a plan.
  14. Hmmm it is basically out of curiosity, because I see some atrological predictions for people born in that certain month are so accurate, and also as said I was in awe when I heard so many near death experiences got messages from the spirit world as to what will happen on a certain date. Also given the discussions that there is no free will and nothing happens randomly. Therefore I have a certain curiosity to know if God had a certain plan or if he already knew every single step before that particular living being started the journey. Basically i supposed through those accounts and given that god is inifinitely intelligent, and eternity itself, it knows exactly what will happen and reveals these things through astrological calculations
  15. If humans are not in control, because they arent even real and there is no independent human free will, then the human just relaxes and says ok I'll trust the universe I have no control anyway, but then threads like this make it a paradox and say it all depends on you as you are god^^ it is totally paradox. We are all god yes but there is only one and we are an illsuion of it so if not awoken humans dont have free will how is it finally up to us how the future looks like. If it depends on me (human not awoken yet, it would mean I have a free will and i act unconsciously and independently and that would not be in harmony with the all as I act independently, but at the end I am only an illusion anyway so who gives the command to the not awoken human and how does it super consciously act on decisions that lead somewhere in the future (or at least every decision god takes he must know the chain of consequences as well because nothing happens randomly and god decides for everyone and everything at the same time) . A not awoken human is by definition unconscious so the decisions cannot come from him as everything must be decided in a super conscious way. Basically if I dont know anything about enlightenment then the plan for this life is to stay unconscious if I am born to have psychic abilities, then the plan is to wake up, and that is also if I stumble over 5 Meo then the godhead plans for this human to wake up, because I suppose noone crosses 5 Meo Dmt by accident ans then accidentally wakes up, if it is not accidental then the human is not under control and there must be a certain plan. Which ia consciously worked up on every single moment, but infinite wisdom would be able to follow that chain of conscious decisions otherwise it would imply that it has no clue and is not infinitely intelligent which I suppise it is. Thats why i say disincarnate god. The question is can we as not awoken human Beings have any control on deciding for anything even it is just picking my nose? When one says it depends on you how the future is going to be, does it depend really on me, as a not awoken human even if I'm God but the "plan" was for myself not to be enlightened yet and act unconsciously and egoic? Because if it really was up to me I would have wanted to meet god in my childhood already, but it wasnt up to me thats why I say the godhead (disincarnate god/me, not human) plans everything and knows where the future leads to
  16. What happens to people that take their own lives? What brings them to do such a thing, and is that god doing it?
  17. Dont forget, psychoactive mushrooms grow all over the world and back then peope were more connected to nature and life happened more in nature too so finding a mushroom that made you find the nature behind reality probably was very common, as there are mushroom paintings and statues in many places around the world. In the amazon the indigenous people say that the forest showed them the way to combining the plants for the ayahuasca brew. And psychedelic cactus was probably eaten by desert habitants that were thirsty and wanted the water out of the cactus
  18. When I said disincarnate god it was because even by the time one wakes up and realizes he is god still is he not in control of everything that happens in the universe not even of things that happen to himself. As much as you are god, if I ask you to shut down global warming now i suppose there you go back to your limits, or if I ask anybody to prevent a plane crashing, or meteorits bombarding the earth, so it seems they're is a will unfolding that is discarnate and exerts in "harmony" of everything there is. This is nothing that I as I am sitting here right now could actually prevent, therefore I say disincarnate god, , as much as I am God but I couldn't prevent my own heart attack here right now, allthough I am God, that I apply even to small things like itching the nose, you probably couldn't prevent itching your nose the same way like you cant prevent a sudden heart attack or a plane crashing, as much as your are god. A more dramatic case would be a schizophrenic person, does ot really depend on him that he lives in panick and fear or is it the disincarnate god that decides that, because if he could choose he wouldnt choose to continue mentally ill anymore. Therefore when you say first one had to pick his nose and until then God hasn't decided to pick its nose, the schizophrenic doesn't even decide to be mentally disturbed that heavily but still that decision was done for him. If a hurricane or an earthquake come and take everything I have away and leave me alone without family and in poverty, that is not dependent on me to prevent it, but it is the discarnate me which is god that decided to do so, the incarnated me couldn't do anything about it. So it seems that the all encompassing god who decides consciously in harmony of maximizing love which also is not randomly, and following the chain of its decisions plus its infinite intelligence would make it possible for god (our non-self) to know what happens in the future
  19. I see, still as a not woken up human it seems that all thoughts, desires, and ultimately decisions are given to me, no control by me (human), and if nothing happens randomly, and given that thoughts, desires, decisions are given by universal me and not independent human me in order to maintain the universal harmony, then univeral consciousness will know exactly what will unfold in the future as it is all a chain of conscious happenings and decisions which is ruled by the only one. This god (which is me, but also everything else and not only human me) would follow up the chain until the end of life based on what it wants (which isnt exactly what many unconscious human want) , or it does not have an idea of how it unfolds eventually (which would imply it doesnt have infinite intelligence and that it lets it happen randomly and not by harmony). These near death account predictions are many times exact predictions of for example the death of a family member at a certain age and date.
  20. Are we talking about the disincarnate god that rules over every single molecule in harmony, or as the independent human who himself is god which every one of us is, because that would imply independent decisions taken by independent individuals, that aren't even real. If I pick my nose it is because of an itch, a thought to take care for that itch and a sudden movement to itch it, therefore it doesnt seem that I (unconscious incarnated I) have control over any of these acts that make me pick my nose. And how come in near death experiences, peolpe are told exact occurrings of the future by "angels" they meet and tell them it is not their time yet and foresee things that become real at the end. Also how does astrology foresee so many things of the future, for me the predictions were mostly correct. Besides you say in your 30 day retreat notes that nothing happens randomly, so that there is harmony therefore even me picking my nose is a universal decision for the harmony and if we keep tracking that universal harmony it needs to lead us to certain events in the future. Looking back to the past we see that it couldnt have been otherwise due to the universal harmony or law of cause and effect that everything is directly connected and directly influencing everything which ultimately leads to certain occurrences in the future if tracked step by step.
  21. Future is the ongoing of this Lifestory. What is future for you?
  22. The conversation became slightliy derailed. Its about to know who in this case commits the act of suicide and ending life painfully not through natural means If there is only gods will then god must have planned for that avatar (human) to get caught up in so much pain and then finally godhead itself commited suicide in that avatar (human). Can it be any other way, when we consider that there is only the will of god and independent human free will is an illusion?
  23. At the end is it god, the universal consciousness that decides to take the life of that particular person by suicide? Unconscious god would imply that it is the human that decided so but wouldnt it rather be that the human is unconscious but god is always super conscious and therefore exerts his will on that person (avatar) and decides he should leave the world/dream by suicide. While the avatar is unconscious the Goodyear is never unconscious, and the will of leaving this world must be an act of the consciousness, as everything else is an illusion. Does that make sense? Unconscious god does not even exist actually so that decisions even this one are done by the conscious god or be it godhead
  24. @ZeroInfinity No brother, but I am curious to know why god does this, if it the one deciding to do it really is god. Because that's what I'm not sure about
  25. Who Would be the one taking the life, God or the human? It is so sad that some have to go through this