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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. Hmm well yeah it all boils down to there is no human^^ It is just complicated to find out who takes the decisions, who is in control. It is easy to say you, but I am not conscious of being the all, and I have no idea how I move the earth around the sun each day, I have no idea how I create thunder and the sounds of the birds everyday. But they are me too, so how dont I control them If I am god. Maybe I only control this particular human experience as Schahin and you only for @Serotoninluv and basically we are the same but have separate autonomy over assigned human stories? But If the human has no autonomy and is not in control and remains solely an illusion of the godhead, then it leads to the idea of a divine plan again, because if there is no plan, then every single human would have an autonomous authority of gods will. If it is only gods will exerting everything, then the human just follows the instructions of his subconscious "plan". If I get a mental illness now, who planned it for me as a not conscious human? The godhead/real me. but I am not yet conscious of real me. Does it mean my level of consciousness is gods level of consciousness or does it mean that god is always superconscious independently of the human character? If yes then my higher consciousness regulates all happenings in the world superconsciously trying to get "somewhere" and not my lower conscious human self, and therefore this must direct to a plan, or could there be another explanation? It seems to me that the godhead is not separate of the human character, but does this mean the human does have control over whatever happens to his life or is it the superconscious godhead giving subconscious instructions to the lower conscious human character. If it is not the superconscious godhead deciding on the human, but the lower conscious not awoken god in human form then how did he receive the debilitating mental illness? It did not occur with his wanting or will it did occur out of nowhere. If I do not exist as a human but have total autonomy over my human dream as I am god, then how come I end up with a severe debilitating mental illness, which involves paranoia, delusions, panick, anxiety (I dont have a mental illness, but know someone that has and it bugs me to know if its his own fault, which does not make sense to me). Is the mentally ill person responsible for the illness as he is god, or is he not in control and should only trust and accept the "plan" of its superconscious higher self, or is there no superconscious higher self as long as the person has not awoken and the person has total autonomy as god in human form and needs to take 100% responsibility for his illness and realize its his own fault? But that does not make sense, how can he realize the mental illness is his own fault, when it came out of nowhere? I hope it makes sense
  2. I am just asking if knowing you are god or even realizing it, if you then need to take 100% responsibility for everything or if the "universe keeps doing these things without your control for example you getting mentally ill. If you realize you are god I am sure you will be cured of any mental illness, but if you have not become conscious yet that you are god, but you heard it several times through enlightened people that you are god and now you are asking yourself should I just accept, trust and accept my illness as a divine order, divine plan or divine lesson that I God want to go through? Or should I totally do something against it right now, as this suffering is incredibly debilitating and there is nobody else here than me and I am fully in control of everything in my life, because whoelse should be? How must your attitude towards you illness be? I am god and I have this illness all alone and there is nobody but me so I am totally under control and having this illness which I cannot do anything about it (allthough I am god), I am screwed because I am god and totally by myself, how can I be god and the only one and gotten this illness but didnt even want it, how did this happen? -->>Or: I might be god but it is not under my (human)control that I have become ill and it is the overall encompassing consciousness which is my higher awoken self that wanted my human story to go through this illness, and I am not alone even being god, but I am also still a human with a severe mental illness and the godhead (which is ultimately me but I am not conscious of it now) must have had a good reason to give me this illness and I just need to accept and trust, because I ultimately wanted this illness ( I just cannot be conscious of it now, maybe god wants to see how a life with mental illness is). I hope it makes sense What attitude is one supposed to take knowing that you are god. Trust, accept and let things happen because it could have not happened otherwise -->Or: It could always have happened otherwise as you are god you are totally under control of everything because there is noone else here than you, (then the human asks: But how did I give myself this severe mentally disabling illness, it must have been a higher force, how can I be god and not be able to resolve this illness?) I know brother, thought stories and more thought stories ,but I would just like to know how must I be knowing that I am god am I responsible for everything that happens 100%? Let's say you @Serotoninluv have a severe debilitating mental illness, and you have realized you are god and there is noone else here than you. What attitude would you take? Would you say allright I am god but as long as I am in this story I am definitely not constantly conscious of the godhead nevertheless the godhead is always there and made me have this illness and I accept it and be fine with it. Or would you say, allright I know I am god, it is only me that exists, nothing and no separate godhead actually cares about my illness or had this "mission" planned for my particular human life, because there is nobody than me and I am experiencing some really debilitating stuff and dont know what to do as I am god and its all in my responsibility, and me knowing that I dont even exist is not getting me out of this illness in any way. If I suffer extreme paranoias right now and come here on the forum for example and ask what to do about it, and will be told that I dont even exist, that would not make any sense to me even if it is the truth, but even realizing we are in a dream, we still dont exit the dream and therefore we exist within the dream and how do we react in these situations then? How can someone who is mentally ill be responsible for his illness?
  3. The question did not really get answered though. Whose fault is it that the human is mentally ill? Is the human responsible for his mental illness and his paranoia and delusions? Suppose I were a mentally ill person now it wouldnt make sense for me if you told me now that I do not exist, because apparently I am struggling with the illness :))) I hope a better answer about life and responsibility as being god can come through here. If form and formless are the same and reality that we see is god itself as changing forms it wouldnt make sense to say we dont exist, because we obviously do and have our worries and when we find out that we are actually god and all one and that reality is an illusory separation, it still does not make us leave the dream because otherwise we would not be here talking to each other. So considering all this. Does the mentally ill person have to take 100% for his mental illness as he is god and how does he do that? or should he just accept and know he is god but certainly the godhead is under control and not the human.
  4. It would be so interesting also to know how god incarnates into a particular story. Yes I know god is all the stories and therefore you are all the stories, but nonetheless I think you as god still wake up every day in your particular story, even if we are the same, at the end we are all one but I still wake up in my family and never wake up in yours, therefore i think there must be a process of some imaginative soul creation or something. Once a certain person told me when he smoked 5 Meo Dmt he remembered being a rose in a past life. There is So much more mystery I think and realzing oneness and god is the ultimate one but before that there seem to be subrealities and submysteries, and soul creation. This is just na opinion I would be totally happy to hear others more enlightened ones. Also how come Ayahuasca cerimonies also involve death of the user, and they come up with all sorts of past live and post life stories. Past life and post life not being the same as death and birth but rather postending and prebeginning of a story
  5. What Insight do you have? And how did you find is the best Way in Directly experiencing it? Would you agree That prelife and afterlife are Simply dissolving into oneness? Sorry for asking too much here
  6. Basically the title involves the whole mystery. If there is only one God and that God awakens only once you have awoken, then why are you awoken and I am not all though I am you.
  7. Yes sure, but what will exactly happen the day your human story ends, even if it is not called death, but your story will end anyway, and what then? Nothingness, pure love, bardos with imageries that lead to another story based on the consciousnesslevel?
  8. Rumi talks about the universal soul, about emptiness nothingness and the final reunion of the soul with its true nature which is pure love. He talks about how we were cut off from our real home just out of love for god, and gods desire to explore away of home, and that we intoxicated by his love, were so passive that we accepted the journey. The quran talks about one god that is forbidden to make a picture of, one prophet that is also forbidden to make a picture of, and thisprophet had more than 20-30 wives, even though in the quran men are "only" allowed to have 4 and women only 1. Furthermore there is alot of talk about war in the quran, about killing infidels, jews and taking their wives and so on. Islam came from the arabian peninsula and Rumi was an Iranian or Persian that at his time had almost 600 years of forced islamic rule imposed by the arab invaders. So even if Rumi is identified with Islam, at that time exactly like this time the people of Iran had no other choice than adhering to the imposed religion. And surely did Rumi not see god as anything separate from him, that is stated in the quran. The quran has a lot of laws and rules which are different from Women to Men and finally if you dont follow the book to the letter you may end up burning in hell for eternity. This is not what Rumi describes in his poems. So even if he was an Islamic mystic he surely had his own visions, and I remember he called Theologans even Hypocrites. I don't want to offend any religion, I am just stating the facts here :)))
  9. If everything could happen and is happening out of a pool of inifinite possibilities. How are there no coincidences then? No coincidenxe would imply a certain path, destiny or plan. But if literally infinite kinds of possibilities happen in the infinity of consciousness, what does no coincidence then mean?
  10. Hi there. Id like to say i know we are all god but what I am curious to know is if transcendental experiences are the inner light/god/universal consciousness having made the decision that it is finally time for that particular person to transcend it realize itself. Or is it more like random andwe have to actively procure it through hard consciousness work like years of meditation and yoga and so on. I am asking because there seem to be so many people that just out of nowhere get enlightened and/or experience a transcendental state., and they maybe haven't even known these things before. And others do years of meditation and still do not get there. Maybe even all the hard consciousness work is gods decision to finally wake up and reveal itself, but is more through coincidental procuring and testing and working until finally getting there or is it god preparing this at the right time. Spontaneous transcendental experiences, how could they be explained in this matter? Aside from spontaneous experiences there I also include experiences like near death ones
  11. I'd like to know who has heard of this? This is a hawaiian prayer, that is used there by the shamans. It basically says, that everything that happens in the world, every problem, every war, every illness is because of you, and you should take 100% responsibility over everything. First I did not understand what it meant and could not imagine how a war in another country is because of me, but having read more about oneness it does make sense now, that everything is you. The prayer consists of saying to yourself 4 simple things, which are: I love you I am sorry (for having created these erroneous thoughts that lead to the problem), Forgive me (for the state and the problem that is), Thank you (for existing) There was a hawaiian psychologist that managed to heal a whole ward of mentally ill criminals with repeatedly meditating on this prayer and just by looking at the documents of the individuals, he has not even seen them personally.
  12. The common answer we hear from someone enlightened or awakened about many things that happen in this dream, is that its all concepts, believes and notions that collapse in nothingness. Still this sounds very very simple to me, if nothingness is the ultimate and fundamental source and the ego wants to create a narrative and meaning out of things that happen in the world. Does it mean being enlightened shoswsyou there is absolutely no mystery to the world and things that happen and it is only for us to simply "be"? I mean there seems to be a mysterious force that is leading things to somewhere, according to the collective consciousness. So many things like, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses, ancient prophecies, the Egyptians and their pyramids, Atlantis, the Annunaki and the story of the true origins of human kind,Adam and Ebe and so forth and so on. There is so much mystery on earth that it doesn't seem valid to say it's all concepts that collapse and it is only the ego trying to create a narrative. I mean all the beautiful creative languages, the not solved mystery of how did humans really evolve on earth, are we a mixture of apes and intelligent ETs? Are these ETs gods/brothers going to show themselves to us anytime? How are our actions and our characters really determined? How is it that the character of everyone is so precisely detailed in astrology and forms ones path? Saying that there is nothing and God consciousness just created us to "be", and not rely like the whole truth, because there seems to be so much unresolved on earth alone and so many mysteries come up. Every single event thing on earth is created by gods creative imagination and it seems so much more rich than for us only to "be". Because just logically, how many humans throughout modern and even ancient history and especially nowadays just manages to simply "be" most are driven by the ego characters and desires and by an unconsciouss consciousness and finally are driven by god to mark something in history.
  13. Good to hear, you agree. I was kind of worried about bashing the ego too much of trying to make sense and meaning out of a dream. So what is your stance about it when someone says, it is just the ego trying to hold on to a "belief" or a concept and that it all collapses into nothingness anyway. Maybe nothingness is the Fundamental, but the beliefs our egos have, they surely are trying to solve the mystery of life on earth after all or is this also just a concept and narrrative the ego creates? At the end the ego and the mind are also not separate of God, they are god too and God would need an ego to solve its own mysteries? Can it be that God is so mysterious and doesn't even know its own mysteries and needs to go and find out? And how does this mysterous force (be it god creating mysteries) create the mystery of each specific life and the whole world, in our case the earth now? Does god want to learn something in addition to its infinite knowledge? If god incarnates itself into an innocent young boy that is raised by an abusive alcoholic father in a ghetto, surely god cannot just pretend to simply "be" but he is having a challenging life whixh could be a mystery in why such situation occured. Maybe its for god to learn something in addition. Another good mystery to be solved indeed is the origins of the human beings. How did we come here on earth? Ancient texts say it was through ET inteligence. I mean why? What did God think of this mysterious mixture of Et and why do these ET not have contact with us. The darwin theory was so much more smooth to believe and not mysterious at all
  14. Yes but, obviously the universe is not all healed The hooponopono i think is exactly that it accesses through this prayer to god (that's why you pray it to yourself) , and erases "bad" data and heals people that you don't even know. But exactly because everyone is you and these "bad" thoughts of ill people and an ill state of world arise in you and by doing hooponopono you erase these bad data. Now the enlightened will allsay, that there might not be a thing like "bad" data but everything is at good and there is no good and bad. Now thats a good think to discuss what is meant by bad data, because the hawaiian psychologist that cured a ward of mentally ill criminals only through meditating on that prayer and looking at the files of each of the individuals, he obviously believed it was bad data, and he also seems to know that it is all one under god the creator and every "problem" that exists in the world is wholly and 100% your responsibility.
  15. What do you exactly mean by the whole universe is healed? It just seems that many are aligned but then others are not and need healing .
  16. Why do people not know who they really are? Why is the degree of awareness so extremely low? Why does one have to find this out with rituals? Why can we not be aware of god earlier ?
  17. There does not need to be that much degree of delusion in that we really extremely are deluded in thinking we are actually separate. Plus a conservative society, a sometimes atheistic education by your parents and all these misguididing religions. There is really no way of knowing about unity and god if you don't start on the path of psychedelics. If the whole world is god and pure love, we really ought to use some rare methods to be conscious of this. A normal person cannot attain this degree of consciousness by pure willpower. We could be at least a tiny bit aware of God and what really is going on without rituals or psychedelics
  18. I had exactly the same. You need to stop eating now for at least least 2 days, if it gets hard just eat one little fruit, but try to not eat. That stills your mind. Eat some fruits now, then don't eat as long as you csn, if you then break ans eat something afterwards continue not eating. Fasting is the best medicine there is. And move alot go outside for a jog. I was exactly in the same position.
  19. If there is absolutely no distinction between the disincarnate and the incarnate god how do I not have free will then? If I am consciousness but have not awoken to this fact yet that still make me (consciousness) have free will and not the illusion of free will because that would mean that there is a disincarnate god which is not me as I am still unconscious. So then the disincarnate god and me are not exactly the same, because I am unconscious and "he" is not. Then the sentence if you have not awoken god has not awoken doesnt apply anymore. But if it does appy then god is unconscious because I am unconscious until woken up, so I should have the absolute free will then because there is no distinction between god and me. At the end I am consciousness even if I havent awoken to it yet but I do posses a degree of consciousness which is filtered with ego but to say I dont have free will means that there is a disincarnate god that is absolutely awoken exerts his will on this unconscious not awoken character/vessel? I am not sure how to understand the sentence that I am a vessel through which god speaks and its all gods will, that means the vessel and god are separate, but actually they are not, I am consciousness so how can I call myself vessel and If I am consciousness/god and therefore his will is my will because we are the same. How do I not have free will then? I hope it makes sense, to simplify, it just means that god has not awoken until I have not awoken, so therefore god is totally me and only I have the free will and not the illusion of the free will. Otherwise it just means that there indeed is an always awoken disincarnate god and I am an individual unit of consciousness which is not awoken and only a vessel realky, but I am not a vessel I am consciousness itself hehe it is confusing but it is what I gathered of information here in the forum so far and it sounds paradox to me
  20. It is basically to erase "bad" data that was accumulated in consciousness, I don't know if it contains data from past lives as I am not sure if past lives exist, The question is why do the enlightened people not do this in order to bring peace and equaliy and justice to our world? I say enlightened people because they are the ones that can best understand this theory, everybody else would just think what does an ill person have to do with my thinking
  21. I think it will remain confusing until realized and enlightened. This question just bugs me abit, because ultimately Leo is not real but you are real, and you have control over Leo, thus saying I don't have control makes it sound that you are not God but Leo, it becomes more paradox, when there is no distinction between Leo and God plus God only awakens when Leo awakens. Because if Leo is not in control but god hasnt awoken until Leo awakes, then how is an unconscious God in control different than Leo is in control I am curious to know if you changed your opinion when you want to release a new video on free will due to probable new insights
  22. When you say there is no distinction between Leo and God so ultimately Leo is god, how does it shift from Leo to god then? And also you say until you or Leo hasnt awoken god hasnt awoken, so that just confirms that god is as unconscious as the consciousness level of the person he plays so who is ultimately in control, if you = god plus god has not awoken yet because you have not awoken yet?
  23. So basicaly we are in control as e are cotroller and controlled in one, as oneness is the only thing there is and you/we/I are it therefore we have control and free will because whoelse or whatelse would? I am just asking because in your live enlightenment video (which I found absolutely incredible to look through) you said you were never in control, what did you mean by that then?
  24. @AlldayLoop If humans are a dream of god, and there is no distinction between yiu and god as you are god. Then even you as a human not being real, you are still god and how are you then not in control? If God does not awake until you awake, who is in control then? If you are god in a dream, how do you not have free will then, whoelse is there to have free will? If it is the highest of your own consciousness, that means that that highest of your consciousness is constantly awake and waits for you/his avatar to awaken too and overlooks your life somehow, which makes it a disincarnate god lucid dreaming, but definitely not playing hide and seek, as he is already awoken and knows it is a dream but you as the avatar do not. And the whole game is in order to play hide and seek at least i thought that. So that means god is not totally immersed in the dream and even if we are god we still in the dream remain as "children of god" as he is awoken and we are not, (at least the majority of people not counting people on this forum) and the sentence until you havent awoken god hasnt awoken doesnt apply anymore. I hope this makes sense
  25. 8j In your live enlightening video you said, that yiu were never in xontrol6 and that noone is in control. Can I ask you if ever since you did change your stance on that? If free will is only limited by being in the human form, society, and environment it would imply that the human is limited but still as god whatever remains in this linitation is the persons free will as he is god, bit yeah limited due to bodyform, society and environment, which still is much more than absolutely not being in control