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Everything posted by Schahin

  1. But if it is infinite couldnt infinite things happen and it would still not be random? Or is everything how it should be and how god wanted it and it could not be otherwise? For example, if hitler was still ruling over Germany, would we still say it was not random, as anything could happen and anything is not random, or is it not even possible by gods will that Hitler lasted more than his 12 years in power? Could if things went differently we still say it is not random and the other way would be intelligent too or could things not even have gone differently and there is only one correct non random path
  2. How can I imagine a mescaline trip? If it is a particular strong grounding psychedelic does it mean it is more ego enhancing and not ego transcending?
  3. Does this mean even if we do not exist we have free will? Is the freedom we have over our lives the same as free will? Would this mean we actually have control, even if we arent real? And I mean autonomous independent control over our lives
  4. Interesting, But if God /we/I/you imagine everything in a super intelligent precise and not random way, how can God /we not have a precise or certain plan then?
  5. This is what confused me particularly about. If nothing is random, is there a divine plan with certain eras of collective consciousness and humanity and preplanned future events and happenings? How can I as God or you as that we are God not be consciously aware that we are doing something super inteligent? I mean even after awakening how can we consciously actually see what it is that we are doing super intelligently other than only being, when you say nothing is random and our consciousness is doing something super intelligent (which implies other than being there is some divine plan, destiny, future) . Realizing it is one thing but being god should mean actually knowing what it is and consciously foreseeing every single step of it. Id be happy to know more opinions about this, which seems so paradoxical, being god but not actually knowing how the story evolves not randomly but intelligently, for me sounds like something just happens in the background and even with our awakening we cannot know how it works although we are it.
  6. Enlightenment I mean realizing no self, no doership and that everything and everyone is one. Do you like to describe the difference between the two?
  7. I am seriously intending it. I have two experiences with ayahuasca that were very helpful and incredible, but what I found is that it was very strong and difficult at times, and now I am looking to see the differences about them. I suppose the cactuses could teach more as they are less difficult and last longer. As these plants occur in different regions in South America where one can experience it with knowledgeable and experienced natives. I'd like to know essentially the particular questions above especially if these psychedelics lead towards enlightenment or ego transcendence/dissolution.
  8. Are you sure that killing and destruction are in any form justified? Even a fly is an important perspective of the creation and by definition part of yourself, by killing a fly you would only show your disdain for creation, at least I supposed so until now, if proven wrong I still won't ever kill a fly, but would be interesting to hear more opinions about if that is still divine love
  9. Is Survival Not only another state of being part of the absolute truth? Can you imagine of formed lifeforms that have a higher consciousness, incorporate thus more naturally and spontaneously unconditional love and constantly have a sense and feeling of interconnectedness? My imagination tells me that our human life and survival mechanisms are a very extreme case of separateness in the absolute truth, i have a feeling of experiencing more "loving, and connected" forms of separateness after ascending from this life
  10. Why is Love so elusive in day to day Life and only reveals itself through Psychedelics?
  11. Aside from being which is the ultimately reality in which absolute reality must contain all realities and all truths, which Leo said very funnily, everything must is or be. What is the actual mission of each particular life? What is gods will in experiencing, and how does he experience from moment to moment, other than issing (lol) is there more to its will? Does being a human, a biological organism with high intelligence, pride, greed and so forth have valuable lessons for god to learn? I have a strong feeling that we/god are learning something, be it how to live in community, how to respect others, how to communicate, laugh, create cars, houses and so on, there is more to the human than issing and I think god himself goes through valuable lessons, even if he is all and everything already, we need to make these experiences in order for the power of the light and love itself evolve more into infinity, therefore we must feel how it is to be separate from our essence. Surely people that havent awoken are very disconnected of their essence., without prejudice but I see it in myself. Unconscious living is the ultimate experience, we pretend to be something else and take it very seriously and go through valuable life lessons that make us even go lost sometimes. Only through expanding our consciousness we learn how to correct errors and learn from difficult moments of the past and evolve into a more decent human that works and lives more according to the light of gods love. How can gods will be described beyond letting everything just be, which is of course the ultimate truth, but maybe there is more to it also
  12. I see highly varying reports by enlightened individuals about the afterlife. It ranges from you die and become nothing and the all one To You have collected data and energies (or karma) and this must be erased until in some lifetime you awaken. Also the Tibetan buddhists that describe that peole die in can't always recognize their true inner light due to low consciousness and then are reborn. Yes there are no people but there is data and energy and in this dual world we see how some have higher and lower consciousness (which could lead to the idea of the soul again) Now enlightened people all agree on that we are god and our true essence is only emptyness and infinite love but it does not seem they agree on afterlife theories. Also good would be to know that other psychedelics (like ayahuasca) definitely reveal to the user an experience of what happens after death and the ascencion to a spiritually higher world if the lessons were learned and also reveal past lives, and they also reveal these earthbound places where souls go that could not let go of this life, maybe due to sudden accident or something else. Past life hypnosis reveal these things (very effective for traumas btw) If enlightenment has various degrees that at the end lead to omniscience, could it be that reaching this level you have a feeling that the afterlife should be kept well secret and not be revealed or else it would destroy the game ? I have a feeling some answer must be the right one but its weird that nobody agrees on one thing.
  13. Yes the you would be god, Krishna, infinite Consciousness. But can you while in human Form be conscious of how you as god take decisions? It might be you taking the decisions as you are god but can you be always conscious of how it works? How does God are you even take decisions moment to moment according to what factors?
  14. But is it really true though? Ultimately you are god, so aren't you taking decisions and doing things? God is nothing separate from you, so don't you as god do have control? Or how do these happenings all occur?
  15. The question is, if it is the mind that thinks it is individual and separate and there is no body. Can it be that even when the body dies and the mind has not awoken up yet, can it keep identifying as an individual after death linger around in other virtual realities? I am asking as I hear these stories that people die either in a sudden accident or even otherwise and cannot let go and dont know that they died. Is it the mind that has not awoken and keeps an identity? Or else if you do not let go while on a 5 Meo Dmt trip what are the effects, other than keeping your identity? Cab it be that not letting go in a psychedelic awakening experience is similar to the mind not letting go while actuallly dying? Are our lives here a result of our mind not having let go of a previous identity?
  16. I hear from several sources that Salvia Divinorum will be mostly abused as an extracted substance to smoke and panicks alot of users through the experience. This though is not the way it was intended to be experienced. The traditional way is chewing the leafs, and it is supposed to be a new plant, new means it has no ancestral history and was discovered out of nowhere, please correct me if wrong. Also it is said that it is the strongest entheogen nmthat occurs in a natural form, besides from the bufo toad, but here natural would mean through plants. Id be curious to know somebody's experience on this
  17. I am curious to know this, i had one experience with 5 Meo Dmt but it was very frightening even if it in the longterm definitely stilled my mind. Buy I am eager to finish this but in a much more gentle way. Just wanted to know if peyote and ayahuasca lead to the same realization of oneness and nothingness or if they lead to more illusions, maybe in combination with food fasting and meditation. What I an concerned of is people say after a 5 Meo experience every other tool or medicine will lead you to that same experience. So me having had the experience of losing my mind, could another psychedelic just lead me to that Bardo state again or will it be alright
  18. Liberation is such a weird termn, its better realization. Amazing plant
  19. So you mean with your later Ayahuasca trips you did not get back to the ultimate state you had with Bufo alvarius?
  20. Being god and the only one would mean taking 100% responsibility for literally everything, is that correct or are there other opinions on this? Here some examples: You study from a mental illness, which brings brings you severe panick and anxiety and paranoia. Is it your own fault from the perspective of the ill human? How can you even take responsibility in such a situation and do something about it? Manye severe cases are totally dependant on caretakers. Or does being god not mena that yiu are responsible for things that happen to your life and to the world ans therefore a message to lay back and let the universe happen, which woulld imply that you have no control over anything
  21. I think the absolute just makes normal logic understanding of life so extremely complex to understand if all you know is the relative. Like it seems there cant be straight explanations anymore. reports of people who experienced the absolute I hear differing accounts on this free will issue. Before it was so easy, you have free will and decide and have responsibility, it gives you freedom of your life but you can also heavily lament decisions taken in the past, and experience even non-acceptance of your life and the responsibility you have with it. Then you have mystical experiences, and suddenly you only have questions but at the same time you get healed being reassured in your life. Then you meet the absolute, and people that have not experienced it cannot truely understand you anymore. They say things like, free will and no free will are dual concepts that do not exist and collapse in the absolute, you are god and you determine the future and at the same time you are nothingsness and what you thought you are is an illusion and therefore you do not exist and there is nothing to determine and nothing to do as there is no-doer and no-chooser(?). Confusing, confusing. At the End if there is only awareness being aware of itself and there is nobody to decide or take responsibility, how does life unfold then, who takes the decisions every moment for the whole universe? If it is God and therefore you, how can the average person not being aware of being the whole universe partake in that decision taking consciously? Can he freely as god take decisions, or is he not even in control as he is the dream not being aware of that he is the dreamer too. Is awakening the key to obtaining free will and real responsibility? There must be an answer^^ It cannot be a paradox. If I have the choice between coffee and tea, and decide for the tea, could I have decided in any way other than the tea? I say to myself yes I am god I easily could have decided for the coffe, but wasnt it through my subconscious and the decision was made with utmost certainty whereas I as a human did have uncertainty in choosing between coffee and tea, but my subconscious was absolutely certain. If there is only now and every decision is made now, it needs to be made instantly with total certainty, god wont have a nanosecond to be uncertain and indecisive. therefore god taking all the decisions all the time with all the certainty through our subconscious would say we humans dont have a responsibility, and just let the dream happen (but maybe I follow too much the relative perspective and the absolute cannot be described this way) and following the chain of decision taking with certainty should even lead to some predictable point in the future.
  22. Wow, what you say sounds unreal, doesnt this imply a plan or a determined unfolding?
  23. They say, there is no I, no doer, no chooser only awareness being aware of itself. If awareness is only aware of itself, who does the creating the choosing the coming into a particular life, particular nationality, particular family. So awareness must be more than only being aware but also choosing and doing and talking, laughing, creating the perfection of nature, flowers, bees, insects, flowers, cells, atoms, does awarenees create this all simultaneously in harmony or does it subdivide itself in autonomous awarenesses that create and unfold a unique story? If we awaken as god, can we then create the story? If we can never create it as there is no chooser, no person ever, only awareness, how is there no divine plan then, a determined unfolding of the one awareness? @Serotoninluv If you have awoken already and you found out there is no-doer only awareness. Do you mind to tell me what you have realized how decisions and actions are actually taken?
  24. I have two experiences with ayahuasca, indeed it gives you terror, it is not calm it is quite harsh, you need to gain control over the experience by your breath. I do not know if it is for everyone similar, but the first time I just let the visions take control over me and I was in total confusion, the second time I knew I had to solely meditate concentrate on my breath and let go of the fear. Did you do it this way? Enjoy the experience, when it gets too much concentrate on breathingfor a bit, do meditation and let go