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Schahin replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I don't think there is anything wrong with the tendons commandments, why should one desire someone's else's wife? I had actually a very short encounter with the prophet Mohammed while on San Pedro about that. I was walking in the park behind my house and saw a woman carrying a baby, and looking at me. I had a very stern and authoritative voice while on San Pedro telling me not to look at her and I felt it was the prophet Muhammad. Ever since I know very well that it is against the divine laws to desire another man's wife and it's not even okay to exchange seducable looks when you know she is taken. -
Schahin replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Just spontaneously? -
Schahin replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Amazing, how did you reach that State of consciousness? -
Schahin replied to Santiago Ram's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think Christianity is amazing. Not the radical weapon loving evangelists. But christianity as you can see in the Series of The Chosen. When you read the corinthian letters. And let alone a place where you live together with the kindest angels and archangels that are so pure you have never experienced that on earth. I mean we always say we are god And this is god but I am sure that after death when everything goes smooth for you, you will live with angels and archangels and there is no evil and you will know that you didn't even know the slightws bit while on earth tripping on psychedelics Surely god is so infinite we cannot understand anything of it and Tell ourselves that we know better. -
Hey guys, I have recently discovered some sense of wanting to get to know more about hellenism and the divinities. It fascinates me to know about their mythologies and the diversity in their pantheon and how the divinities have so many human characteristics. I feel drawn to Aphrodite and the fact that she is the divinity of love and beauty and probably much more. Has anybody here had experience with that form of spiritutality, and can tell about the positive discoveries that followed your practice?
I was once inteoduced by a kriya yogan Master into the art of Kriya, but actually I didn't continue it because I had an obstructed breathing and therefore it wasnt emjoyable. The other reason was that constant pushing the tongue against the throat. My question here: Who does kriya yoga here and is that tongue pushing really necessary?
@Yimpa yes it sure did. It's amazing
Homeopathy works and current science cannot figure it out. Aspirin worked for 100 years and nobody knew how and people were sceptical. It works on a subtle matter in the quantum field information level which cannot be understood with the current science of relative physics. This whole forum is about metaphysics and things that science cannot prove. Science can't prove God but still we know it's true mot because of science but because of the direct experience. Homeopathy is the king of medicines and even with cancer I suggest accompanying the conventional treatment with Homeopathy because it gets to the root cause in a subtle way.
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Can you elaborate on that? -
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I Appreciate the complex answers but have the feeling that the conservation got derailed and it wasn't actually answered yet -
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think you guys have not actually understood the topic and derailed from it. If I could I should change the topic name to: Is consciousness (God, Love, Life, me, the absolute, whatever you like to name it) being and imagining through being it all of the billions of galaxies right now in this moment including all of the elements and atoms and whatever else there is. I don't want to be rude, but the question is actually very simple I didn't expect very complex answers -
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Ishanga My intention was not to separate creation and creator, my curiosity was to find out if seriously consciousness is being all of the billions of galaxies and stars and atoms right now in this moment or is it only imagining (being) that immensive unimaginable totality of all the universe and galaxies with all their incredible distances that are just to crazy to think of, when it dreams it up when necessary. I hope that is somehow understandable. For example my consciousness is imagining my life and me and everything that revolves around it because it is s dream it wanted to live through, same goes for all other earthly beings and minerals and under the ocean beinga and planets around the eartyb and atoms and cells and mitochondria and so on anso forth. But for example if there is a far away asteroid in a billions of lightyear away galaxy and that is flying through space, does my consciousness right now imagine itself in that being it and living through ita anorganic minerals with all the elements involved? Or does it only dream that up or imagine it or live therefore be it when it is "necessary" (I don't know with what else word to describe what I mean). I hope that is somehow understandable because language cannot describe that thought story behind this idea. -
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What do you mean with that? -
Schahin replied to Schahin's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Princess Arabia i understand what you mean but what I basically am curious to find out is. if reality is the imagination of God consciousness and that consciousness is infinite. Then does God consciousness imagine all the at least 200 billions galaxies with all their atoms right now in this moment? Probably yes, because consciousness is infinite. I'd just like to know what others think about it -
It's diluted and potentiated by shaking it inumerous times so the information of the original substance flows into the solution, it works with the information of the plants/mineral/poison. You need to try it first hand to become convinced, it's amazing. It's just important to go to a practitioner and not do it by yourself. Best would be to find an experienced one maybe an elder person that has years or decades of experience