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About Bryanbrax

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  • Birthday 05/31/1870

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  1. Ready for 5-MEO
    Ready for 5-MEO
    This summer will mark three DEDICATED years to my self actualization journey and I can safely say I’m ready for 5-MEO. I say I’m ready because I’ve been doing the work. More than enough....

  2. Free Wisdom E-Books
    Free Wisdom E-Books
    This is a study of the From Chapter nine of Chance and choice - interpretations given about the meaning of the regular playing cards which hold a correlation to thr Tarot.

    But for those on a spiritual path, who choose to follow their own dream, not the dream of others, the cards are a powerful tool. They show 13 steps of wisdom applied with 52 basic components. Each of the thirteen steps is fourfold, starting in the sequence, diamonds-matter, clubs-consciousness, heart-energy, spades-self organizations.
    The everyday cards thus provide an archetypal guide for all those on a spiritual path, as soon as you know how to use them. The first step in this knowledge is to comprehend the sequence of the cards. The cards in the order which follows mirrors the path. They show the natural progression of the way of wisdom. Remember, this is not a path for beginners, but for the mature, the Masters. It is a path where the mastery of the King is the beginning point. Its goal is the Ace, the holistic unity where Being connects Self with God.
    KING: The start is to have the right livelihood , to have friends of other walks of life, to accept your instincts and needs , and to know in which field you have real mastery. Thus the path to Wisdom starts from mastery, from a position of health and attainment, and goes to the Ace, the unified field of awareness.
    QUEEN: The mastery and competence should become the status, a profession respected by others. You have to accept your place in society and family and become a personality , visible and desirable to others, being honest, sincere and trustworthy, not hiding any weakness.
    JACK: Due to our brain structure we learn our whole life. The starting point is work. By working to make things better, you evolve, make progress and join a team working to the same end. Out of this group effort your belief system improves and your faith is born. This will lead to fulfillment in your Spiritual Path .
    (10) - In the depth of your Self, the core of your Being, you have the vision of ideals to attain. This vision gives you hope and the courage to strive: Beauty for sensing, Truth for thinking, Goodness for feeling, and impartial Justice for willing. Justice, not in the Roman, but in the Chinese interpretation: finding your right place in the cosmic order and in the golden chain of being.
    (9) - The striving for these infinite ideals enables you to plan and invent your own future projects. You program your own human computer, and carrying out your inventions as scriptwriter, producer and actor. You plan your life software, putting in additional time, linking it up with your dream , and thereby find the link to the muses , the inspiration.
    (8) - You then accept full responsibility for your dream and position. To do this, and act consciously as a leader, you must be able to explain , and to create appropriate methods or rituals for common action. You learn to trust the beyond, your angel , and your inner voice.
    (7) - Knowing your stand you have to fight for your values, even to death. You have to take the initiative. Remain open to questioning and assertions , nobody is ever totally in the right, the devil and evil are an invention of power people. You have to realize that forces of nature help you to find your individuation by way of omens and agreements, getting help from the nature spirits , the elementals.
    (6) - Whoever has real power can communicate , discuss and make statements in dialogue, instead of argument. You thereby establish the right priorities and link your own work with history and the ancestors .
    (5) - Having thus fulfilled your public and social duties, you turn to your own life. You start to have deeper insights into your self and your way, to discern more and more clearly and distinctly. You qualify and fine tune and analyze your statements about reality. Knowing your norm , your competence never transgresses it. In this way you find your true human identity .
    (4) - The real human will be able to take their wishes, their true desires as positive motivations. They will see them in their totality, in mental representations, and balance them in the center. Then you will develop the right strategies to attain them, just like any animal, trusting your communion with their world and attain wisdom in acting.
    (3) - The wishes will lead you again unto the way of knowledge, to study, the pursuit of knowledge of what really interests you. You will then gain a better understanding of others and yourself. As you do you will strive to discover your highest potentiality, your archetype , to evolve, trusting in natural growth like a tree.
    (2) - The tree has flowers, your capacity to create will grow and flower like the mature tree. If your conception is large enough, if you adapt to the prevailing conditions and take the technological world as your field of actualization, then you and others will be able to relate to your creations.
    (1) - Finally, knowing that you are not the creator, but only His tool or transmitter, you will let the force of healing flow to you. You will trust in your overall grasp of the whole in absolute confidence that it will never lead you astray. This will lead to a complete opening to the east, the voice of continuous revelation , the spirit of the times. You will attain the Ace of Spades - the symbol of true wisdom. Your journey to full wisdom will be complete.