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Everything posted by Bryanbrax

  1. Is it a real thing does it exist ? I found this interview very interesting , Dont bother checking the comments or it will make you sad like iam.
  2. This is something I dont really see people talking about in here , going on this journey of self actualization has many benefits . But also alot of pain involved be it sometimes physical , emotional. the one that hurts the most is losing friends and close people because they just dont simply understand you. Looking back at your life with this friends of yours , you find it hard to believe how much influence they had thoughts and beliefs they had on you and how much it shaped your reality. So you basically ditched them now you try to find people same age as you who thinks the same way as you. most people you meet just think you are lunatic or whatever word they can think of , some trying to impose on you their own limiting beliefs. So you just kinda give up making friends , you say to yourself I dont need anyone , years in as you are doing the work , the further apart you grow from others and society resulting in loneliness a thought crosses your mind reminding you on how much fun stuff you did with your friends. You quickly remember why you cant be your friends despite your efforts Browsing online you find this forum , you are surprised by how many like minded people are here , you quickly make friends and find a common place your soul can finally feel at ease . Did @Leo Gura or other spiritual leaders create their own plat forms because deep inside they felt lonely , no one wants to be enlightened in a world full of fools so why not enlightenment for everyone By bryan
  3. We have previously talked about anime and its impact on society , so I was curious on what you guys think about manga . Some mangas can be just as good as books if not better , if anyone is a manga reader tell us its impact on you and some recommendations
  4. Do you think rick sanchez is enlightened , what stage of spiral dynamics would he be.
  5. @ahmad ibdah I just started season 3
  6. @ahmad ibdah dude have you seen the new episode of attack on titan
  7. @Shin Soon he will realize that money and objects won't make him happy
  8. @Paul92 do whatever makes you happy
  9. you know you dont have to talk like that all the time , i know this is a phase you are going through a phase through of trying to sound grandiose and all its hard to ask you a question let alone have a conversation if all you do is copy and paste the same thing
  10. @Leo Gura this feels like a more grounded and visual explanation for a non enlightenlightened person to understand, that's if they are open minded
  11. @kieranperez what is your practical guide that reached where you are right now
  12. @Leo Gura so willpower plays a role in this
  13. So I successfully got @Leo Gura to visit my profile my any means I found possible .
  14. Today Is the day , I will be beginning kundalini yoga and il also try updating this regularly. July 8
  15. @Aakash lol I said I was 16 not 13
  16. @Conrad you are basically saying - sure yours is special but not compared to what I've experienced.