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Everything posted by Bryanbrax

  1. @Mezanti do you consider yourself an incel
  2. in your list of important exercises to implement in life , you listed astral projection. how can one use astral projection to help them on their spiritual journey ? is it effective like for example kriya yoga and meditation ? is it worth investing time or is it a distraction ?
  3. @Leo Gura why did you stop updating your Twitter
  4. @Bill W he had snapchat?
  5. imagine if @leogura had a long ass intro like that oh wait he does ?
  6. yo , im just a 16 year old actualizer i was wondering if taking reiki classes is something thats worth my time. what do you guys think
  7. Basically i made out with this girl and did all sorts of things you can imagine, im still a virgin tho. But as i was doing those things to her i realized that i was not enjoying it one bit was it because she was 3 years older than me, she later told me that she loves me but i dont really feel the same way. To me this this was mor3 of a hook up than anything. This whole time ive been lusting for women but i think am satisfied n9w , it might not have been as i exp3ct3d but it was som3thing . The epmiteness in my heart has been filled half
  8. so i came across this website a while ago and it has some really interesting things , the man who owns this site is called rick Richards . on his blog he talks about the human chakra system , the astral world , aliens etc instead of explaining id rather you see it for yourself and say what you think about it .
  9. Is it possible to connect and talk with out ancient ancestors through spiritual means
  10. Is anyone here from foreign countries. If you are state your name and say which country you are from.