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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. It all depends on how toxic or good your partners and spouses are.
  2. I find that the more you talk to different people, the more you know thyself. Because books and tips only get you somewhere. For example, books teach you to speak in a powerful way if you want to portray confidence but if you are talking to people for first time, you just tend to sound weak. Only when you interact more, your voice become stronger.
  3. You must have learnt a lot from your psychedelics experience. Perhaps one of them is realizing none of us here reading this has another 120 years to live....probably not even another 70 years to live.
  4. F self help. What a waste of time! Just go live your life!
  5. Unfortunately, RationalWiki is written by people who are not rational at all. They should at the very least back up every controversial statement with reason(s) and not give useless opinion (without facts to back them up). They might as well called themselves 'AgainsteverythingWiki' or 'F.everythingwiki'.
  6. Stages can be momentarily dynamic. That means you may be at a lower stage now say blue color. But then you decide to donate more money, help out at children's home momentarily and increase their knowledge and happiness. At that period of your generosity, you are exhibiting stage yellow energy.
  7. or the Wim Hof Method https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50403522-the-wim-hof-method?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=EZnMqgLpYd&rank=1
  8. At least you are high on openness. So that means you are open to new experiences and less judgemental. Which means you are likely to be willing to try new activities and new jobs n industries!
  9. Check out the book The Miracle Equation. There are some tools in the book that will help you.
  10. Attraction is emotional, not necessarily logical. You may say you will never find a gf but who knows, maybe in just the next day you manage to find two interested in you. Love is illogical.
  11. So? Anaerobic respiration can only allow you to survive for a few seconds/minutes. You still need air, food water 24/7 minus some split seconds of danger. You still need air, food,water, rest to survive first 99.99% of the time. Without the right temperature and pressure, do you think you can have rest? Why talk about predators if you cannot survive in the first place? You will melt/explode instantly at 2000 degrees Celsius and 2000 atm. oh yeah fight or flight, your brain does not even have time to think!
  12. lol deluded. How can breathing be in second tier? How can you run away from predator if you can't even breathe? How can you have energy to run if you don't have food and water? How can you live if you don't have space to rest? Anyway, Abraham Maslow wrote his hierarchy of needs back around 1943. Not many will care about what you write in 2021. Have fun with your egoic study. Bye.
  13. Haha you conveniently leave out air as a physiological need. Then, have you seen deer or gazelle drinking water from the river despite knowing there are crocodiles lurking. No choice. The need to drink is next in priority after breathing. I will give you a choice: Not drink water or eat food for 10 days straight or fight it out with the crocodiles in the river for food and water for the next 10 days. What you mentioned is just instinctual escape from predator. Sure temporarily for a few seconds and few minutes, you will run away from the predator but if you have not drank water for the past 4 days, your immediate need will still be physiological needs and you will constantly think of water almost 24/7 while only caring about the danger for few seconds/minutes.
  14. You can label the books you have read in http://www.goodreads.com or http://Librarything.com
  15. There should be a points system so we know which forumers give out better content
  16. I agree with Roy. Though Zero sounds harsh, what he say is right.
  17. I just reread some parts of The Power of Now. It does seem quite good and can help you awaken to a higher self.
  18. How self-aware are you actually? If you are still thinking you are better than them, you are very much still operating on the egoic mindset. Read 'Ego is the enemy'.
  19. Your definition of a jerk is not mentioned. But I think you are referring to loud mouth egoistic individuals. 1) Because jerks are loud and they will say big bombastic words to get all the attention. You can choose not to comment on a single Trump's news but do you think the whole us populationcan stop themselves? 2) Because jerks are straight forward with their intentions. Given a choice, would you want to work with a jerk or someone who pretends to be nice but will potentially backstab you later?
  20. Read the power of Now. Focus on the present moment.
  21. https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2017/01/31/where-does-self-awareness-come-from/?sh=31c020ed32b5 Self awareness Not consciousness though.
  22. Muahahaha what about AQ (Awareness quotient)?
  23. You need 1k subscribers and 5k hours of watchtime in the past year to qualify for ads. Skills? Oh you need to be unique!
  24. We obtained half lives of between 1.7 and 2.7 days at 20 °C, reducing to a few hours when temperature was elevated to 40 °C. https://virologyj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12985-020-01418-7 At 20 °C, infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus was still detectable after 28 days post inoculation, for all non-porous surfaces tested (glass, polymer note, stainless steel, vinyl and paper notes). At 40 °C, virus recovery was significantly reduced compared to both 20 °C and 30 °C experiments. Infectious SARS-CoV-2 was not recovered past 24 h for cotton cloth and 48 h for all remaining surfaces tested. Just remember, stay warm is impt. Don't go into cold air-conditioned ward if you get it.