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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Most people are not arrogant. Or at least not in an obvious way. So your question is fundamentally flawed.
  2. My account also appears to be very erratic after I change my password last week. One moment I am signed in, next moment when I clicked 'home', it appears I am signed out. And if I login to another device, the old device's login will sign out automatically.
  3. Is he implying that self-confidence will give you courage?
  4. Yeah having trouble loading on Sunday Nov 7.
  5. How to burn through watching youtube or Facebook videos?
  6. Learning tactics is not enough. You need to restore the energy you want.
  7. Here's one thing I learn: Masculinity and Femininity are not polar opposites. That means you can be strong, yet at the same time, you can show warmth, affection, love and all the terms associated with femininity (this word is hard to spell).
  8. At the start of the video, he said biggest fear that students have is they won't study. No. Some students won't study and they simply don't care! Their biggest fear is more of failing exams and letting down their parents! If you tell the students all will pass the exams, at least half won't bother to study anything! His fear is not equal to other students' fear. Later on in the video, he talked about consequences and going all-in. He's preaching that you need to go all-in on one idea and ditch all other ideas. While it may work, it also simply means if you have a job right now, you need to totally quit your job right now in order to pursue another career. Throwing away the rope is like throwing away your current job so that you either die or move on to another idea for sure. Very dangerous advice. What happened to building a safety net for yourself or building multiple sources of income? Mixing it up with 'doing it later' just confuses your cognitive mind even more. "If i don't study at 7 am, I lose the right to study later." Good luck! Try wasting your whole day if you miss the 7 am study session cos you aren't allowed! You will just end up punishing yourself for the next 24 hours. End result is you still have to deal with your ego.
  9. The videomaker, John, basically took the 2 ugliest PUAs as example. Of course, they look creepy if you just look at their face alone. But these two guys have game.
  10. Here are some good techniques. https://youtu.be/hML-7FUdKJQ You need to have a system: https://youtu.be/F-_qOh5tKrI
  11. PUAs are not more creepy than the average guy who wanted sex badly. The reason why guys who wanted sex are creepy is because they have an agenda and it is seen through by women.
  12. It's both. Unless you are very lucky and can just focus on your strengths. For eg, if you are a programmer and your job is to keep improving the system. Someone else will do the communication for you. You might get lucky and eventually sell the company for millions and millions of dollars. For the majority however, we have to fend for ourselves. You are only as good as your weakest link. We have to get good at both the hard and soft skills. Little point dreaming about working in a top company when you can't even pass an interview or a technical test.
  13. You need to have a compelling vision of the future. The future is so wonderful and you are so wealthy and it compels you to work harder to achieve your dreams.
  14. Who cares? You still have to deal with your ego and your health. Because if kissing everything is kissing yourself, why don't you kiss the elephant's butt and the toilet bowl?
  15. Just tell them you will always be there for them. And they can text or call you anytime if they need someone to talk to.
  16. Yes work on your life purpose first. You should earn a decent amount of money first before you should start dating. Once you have earned few hundred k to millions of dollars, you can do all the pickups you want. I find daygame pickup harder than night game. But I am Chinese and Chinese girls are not so easy to approach or open up. Or it is my own limiting belief. Anyway, I approach less than 50 times. FML.
  17. You will need to approach a lot of women and it will take massive amount of work. It will even make you old and tired. But you will eventually get you rewards.
  18. Quite similar to David Hawkins's Map of Consciousness or Abraham Hicks's emotional guidance scale.
  19. Only if it yields positive results. If you act as a douche and the girl actually chase you (positive result), then this will reinforce you acting as a douche. But If you act as a douche and the girl flakes on you, the more you don't want to act as a douche anymore.
  20. You will die in 150 years time whether there is Covid or not. It doesn't matter how smart or how healthy you are. So the easiest way is to let go of your ego. Look to God for strength.
  21. A great way is to blog about it. When you blog, you can set labels 'Discipline' (Something like hashtag) and it allows you to view all the posts with the same labels.
  22. Because you are actively pursuing self improvement and by doing so, you are telling your core that you are not enough and you need to learn more things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70kQO60XlHk
  23. All these are just words. You need an identity or some forms of philosophy that will trigger you to act as your higher self. For example, when you are in a stressful situation, you can remember You are the Special One, then you will behave in a stronger manner. https://d3vlf99qeg6bpx.cloudfront.net/content/uploads/2021/09/21124053/roma-manager-jose-mourinho-2021.jpg Or in the event you are a Christian, you can remember that God will strengthen you. Other way is to simply be aware and be your higher self.
  24. https://youtu.be/so2nCu2Jkbc They used mass to predict the existence of the Gods particle.
  25. Being responsible. Being proactive. Being confident. Being kind. Being disciplined. Being loving. Offer a listening ear.