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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. Is it due to the vaccines?
  2. Take Pfizer if you are afraid. Pfizer is only 0.3 ml while Moderna is 0.5 ml (66.6% more). Both use mRNA strain. Edit: Classic Math mistake.
  3. Ultimately, you need to forgive yourself and be your own best friend. Check out the book: How to be your own best friend.
  4. https://youtu.be/NbMptZ4ahuI
  5. Just go Udemy. Plenty of paid and free courses in there, even university courses.
  6. You can read the book 'The Power of Introverts'!
  7. They have to be authoritarian. To control such large nations, they have to impose strict laws and rules.
  8. Of course you can get 7/10 in terms of look. They just come with other issues. Are most of these approaches very short conversation? How many % are less than 1 min?
  9. A guy who doesn't respond to a date isn't a guy at all. First, he did not initiate the date (no initiative). Next, he left the girl hanging without any response for 3 days (no sense of responsibility). Later, he came up with a lame excuse why he isn't meeting you.
  10. Since he already read pick up stuff, he may be influenced by it already. Does not matter what his mind or mouth say, his emotions may feel different and he will act subconsciously. Just eg I can also say I am a high value guy and I will have 6 packs abs. But my body cannot control and my body will still eat the fried chickens and pizzas. He may say there's no real application but his body can still act out in some ways that will benefit him through pickup.
  11. He sounded like a narcissistic guy who cares only about himself. It seems he wants to dominate over you with his words and make you submissive over him. Stay far away from him and never give him a chance to strike unless he proves his worth again. Even pulling away could be part of his tricks he learnt from pick up artists.
  12. So what do you suggest we do? Burn away all the vaccines and send Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson's CEO and top management to jail long term?
  13. Well, aren't China, Russia, America or Australia these big countries an empire themselves?
  14. Go to GoDaddy or namecheap and create a new domain. It's cheaper.
  15. She knows you are the sexual predator now. As shocking as it sounds, you need to start doing the provider role. Shows that you are interested in her and interested in a long term relationship. Offer to drive her to work (without asking for anything in return) because you want to protect her. Bring her to amusement park/football/basketball stadiums just to have fun and safely bring her home. Talk about career goals, dreams and marriage. But overall, your chance is very slim. Probably time to move on and treat the next girl well.
  16. There should be a thread for people to chit chat so people will stop pm-ing one another so much.
  17. Yeah you need to have clarity on what kind of person/identity you want to become.
  18. Sorry to hear. Did you exercise or lift a lot of weights within 1 or 2 weeks after the 2nd shot?
  19. You can tease with colleagues but be very careful if you want to do anything super sexual. If both of you break up, the lady can report you to the management for harassment and stuff and you will be forced to quit or they will even report you to the police.
  20. For the average person, happiness is found both within and outside. Check out The Happiness Hypothesis. The author Jonathan Haidt talks about that.
  21. Yeah for approach anxiety, if a beautiful girl walks past, I used to go Oh shit Oh shit. You need to reframe them. So now I say Oh yeah. At least I get to make a friend or she gets to meet me etc.
  22. Yeah it makes me happy knowing I won't be easily tricked by Photoshop or whatever gif that shows you can cut and paste over EXACTLY when you actually cannot. There's clearly a 0.1 cm difference in length whether you are viewing on a laptop or tablet. If you are viewing on a phone, then good luck to you.
  23. Yeah you are a 3 year old. You don't even know how to measure with a ruler.
  24. Make sure you know how to measure! And make sure you know where the actual lines are located! lol Why don't you go and measure and tell us your actual results?
  25. Some people are just jacka$$ who wants to dominate eVery conversation. Just let it go.