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Everything posted by hyruga

  1. You are at the 'Conscious Incompetent' stage. Remember, our ego will always believe we are better and will tell us that we have already reached the higher stages but in reality, most of us are still in very low stages in most developmental models.
  2. Just go to YouTube and search 'How to raise your frequency'
  3. You must learn to recondition your subconscious beliefs. Remember your subc is based on past stories, beliefs and identities. And to let go of these doubts and worries, you have to recondition yourself to be unafraid of them. Act real until you become the person you want to be. I learnt this from John Assaraf, There are of course other processes such as letting go, visualisation and meditation.
  4. Become non attached to approvals and outcome. Realise you are whole with or without her.
  5. Yeah you can just write. 1:23 Introduction 2:34 Body. 3:45 Conclusion. In the comments.
  6. You can add your own timestamps on the comments.
  7. It's a mix of everything. You cannot just change your mind. For example, if you eat well, sleep well, you will automatically feel better and you will move without much hesitation. You must also have faith.
  8. What is pot? Is it different from weed? Is it Marijuana or Cannabis? Isn't it illegal in many countries?
  9. One way to stop playing games is to ignore and delete the games. Then give them away. Another way to burn through gaming is to play so much of them that you already mastered most types of games and you no longer crave playing them.
  10. I think drinking warm/hot water helps. Go rest under the hot sun but don't overburn yourself. Covid does not survive well in warm climate.
  11. Depends on how you define 'empty space'. For example, you would be crushed to death if you do not have space. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItfFf6Zv4DI Almost every space you dwell in on Earth has magnetic fields, electric field, gravitational field, light rays and electromagnetic waves anyway.
  12. Communicating to others would be better.
  13. Cry, be angry, focus on your desire and be proud are ways to get out of apathy. Don't jump too many stages.
  14. What about your soul and your emotions? Like what someone used to say here: You can have a mindset of winning but deep down if you don't want to be a programmer who cheat people's money or who exploited other people (Eg earning money through selling cigarettes, earn money through selling game points), then you are not going to do very well because your soul's craving is not in alignment with your mindset.
  15. Well documented in scientific researches that the effectiveness of the vaccines only lasts about 6 months. Moderna's effectiveness lasted longer than Pfizer's.
  16. I suck. I self sabotage. I am mediocre. I am lazy. I am fearful. I will never amount to anything. I procrastinate. I live alone. I have no children. I overthink.
  17. Day 1 Go yes Ex yes Call/text yes Medi yes Deto yes Day 2 Go no Ex yes Call/text no Medi yes Deto yes
  18. You are in a state of shame. Now you need to move to the stage of fear and anger. Just move forward. So what do I mean by fear? Focus on the fear of not having a friend in her, the fear of not being able to meet your rents etc. These will propel you to act. Imagine if you stop talking to her and lost her as a friend, it will be much worse. Next focus on the anger! Being angry means you know that your boundaries are triggered. You know that your results have been poor and you must act better. Being angry and voicing them out also heals any stuffed up traumas that could potentially be inside you. Being angry can inspire you to work harder and put in better work.
  19. Bro Fleetinglife, the 7 sins most probably won't kill you. There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so. -in Hamlet For example, being a glutton means you desire more food for yourself. It protects and saves you from dying of hunger. Being angry means you know that your boundaries are triggered and you should act. Being angry and voicing them out also heals any stuffed up traumas that could potentially be inside you. Being angry can inspire you to work harder and put in better work. It's not the sins that's bad or deadly. It's how you control yourself in relation to these 'sins'. For that, you need to have strong mindset and emotional strength among other things.
  20. There's a book called The Productivity Project which will help you to reduce procrastination and become productive.
  21. It also depends on which country and state you are in. If you are in a conservative country, you might even get charged for molesting or insulting modesty of a woman. (Of course this can also an ego trick made by your mind). Do whatever you think or feel is right!
  22. The truth is we are all made of energy. It can be any form: potential energy, kinetic energy, chemical energy, light energy, sound energy etc...of course when you take psychedelics, you are going to experience some forms of waves and particles and that we are all one 'energy'. But it doesn't really matter anyway. Another truth is we will all physically die within the next 150 years...probably within 100 years. Well, at least part of the energy will be converted to other forms when you die.